If I had a choice between you and my life I would choose you If you needed a heart I'd gladly give my heart If you said you were dying I would die just the same If you needed some caring I would give you such caring If you ever felt alone I would feel alone without you And if you ever canceled me out I would just come back in a heartbeat I like it...don't you?
Its simple, and perfect like that! ^^ I like the topic, very dedicated to someone you love, like alot more people should be! XD
Thanks I was wondering if it was too simple or made no since ^^; That was a great positive feedback though
The opening two stanzas alone make the poem and express your love for the other person. It is short, but sometimes the best things come in small packages. Great poem. My only comments are that the first two stanzas have multiple sentences ending with the same word, If you had done the same thing for all the stanzas it would have fit for me, but just a small thing.