
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Technic☆Kitty, Aug 11, 2011.


Do you think we need drugs to survive? (as a people)

  1. Yes, I do think we need drugs to survive.

    6 vote(s)
  2. No, I don't think we need drugs to survive.

    9 vote(s)
  3. A few drugs are acceptable, but only a few.

    22 vote(s)
  4. Drugs, give me drugs!!!

    2 vote(s)
  1. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Why are there so many drugs coming out for things that are better left alone?

    Most of the side-effects are equal/greater than the one (1) it is fixing.

    People think that taking drugs will make them better, well back when they didn't have drugs people seemed to do fine (we are still here after all). Taking drugs only leads to more drugs for keeping that one in check then drugs for keeping those from killing you. Has anyone ever read the label on pain-relievers "Can cause bleeding in the stomach" I won't say which one but trust me it's there. I would rather have a head-ache then bleed from my stomach.

    So I guess it comes down to this . . .

    Do you think we need drugs to survive?
    (You can vote or post what you think, or both.)
  2. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i think drugs are fine as long as people don't use it other than what they need it for. i don't know how harmful drugs are but they don't seem that bad as long as you use them only as necessary.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Drugs are generally good. You can't blame them for doing harm to people when it's the people who often use them incorrectly, don't store them in the right place, or just let them expire then whine about it when they don't work. Of course I'm not going to lie and say there aren't any exceptions. >> In any case, like many commercials say, it's best to speak to a doctor before taking any medication. After all, they know more about those things than we do.
  4. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    If i am to make a generalization i would have to say drugs are always a good thing and have great side effects but now i shall break it down. The reason they aren't perceived as good is due to the culture of mankind. If you look at a developed nation like America, alot of drugs are outlawed, you will see a glamorization of drugs and their intake. It spreads disinformation and a certain taboo about drugs. It makes the chances of bad accidents and overdoses more likely. Now look at a less developed area like places in Bangladesh. Drugs may be outlawed but these laws are ignored for the most part, and while their are O.D's and deaths, they are far less frequent due to adequate information as to what they are doing and how to do it. Its much like Alcohol in developed cultures. Its dangerous due to developed culture but other than that its like anything else, everything in moderation.
  5. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    I'm assuming you mean pharmaceutical drugs, or over the counter drugs...

    I think some are useful, some are helpful for pain, relief, immunity, but i think as we advance in our discoveries, we need to "clean the back shelf".

    In other words; If you made a working drug that takes care of nasal, chest, and allergies all in one, then get rid of the drugs that only have one of those... but it guess it depends if you need all of those. I think it would be more appropriate for more serious diagnosis's.
  6. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Why would we need drugs to survive?

    Aside from prescription drugs, there are drugs, such as cocaine, marijuana, weed, etc., that can kill people. Even prescribed drugs can still a person if overdosed on.

    When I was in elementary, I was apparently diagnosed with ADHD, which I don't have, and I had to take ridleline (SP?), and the school kept pressuring my mom about me, which made her pressure me about it.

    Well, one night, from all of the pressure, I took 6 of them because I wanted to behave. We later went to Super-One to get something, and my mom noticed that I was acting weird, but wasn't too worried, because I had a busy day that day, playing with a friend of mine, so she thought I was just tired.

    Luckily, I made it through the night and confessed to her in the morning. She wasn't mad and didn't make me go to school that day.
  7. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Only some drugs are acceptable to me.
    Prescription drugs or cough medicine is fine.(Unless you over-dose of course)
    Illegal drugs are anything like that are pretty much the reason i out only some.
    Although I have heard good arguments as to why Marijuana should be legalized but I'm not going in to that.

    I also Agree with the "Its more trouble than its worth"
    "During lab test 7 people died,although scientist aren't sure it it was because of ______ "
  8. Key master Sora Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2009
    In everyone's hearts as the connection....
    you have to admit, life spans have grown since the release of some drugs... XD

    Like, i have life threatening allergies so allergy meds are really good! I believe if it is a drug that will save/ help your life then it is fine... drugs like advil and things like that you don't nessecarily need cause it's all in your mind really... if you keep a positive mental state while trying to recover then you will do fine without drugs... you can also find natural remodies to help like herbs and teas.

    Stuff like marijuana and other things i am strictly against even if people argue "its for medical reasons". the really bad drugs that can screw you or your children up are very bad and i don't accept those drugs in society...
  9. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    To address the side-effects argument. Those are possible side effects, not guarantees. Often-times there are many on there that aren't proven to be linked with the drug and could have coincidence rates of fractions of a percent.

    Here is my problem with drugs, more specifically anti-viral and anti-bacterial drugs. Viruses and bacteria evolve at alarming rates. When you take drugs to kill them off, if they don't completely die off the ones that survived will continue to reproduce. These reproductions then have resistance or even immunity to the drug. So what do we do? We use other drugs. Now each time a new drug is tried the odds are good of eradicating it, but with us using antibiotics everywhere there is a very real danger of creating an infection that we simply can't kill. And in the case of antibiotics you run the risk of destroying the good bacteria in your body.

    Then, especially in psychiatric medication, you get into a whole new issue. Chemical Balancing. Your body is a complex system and when you start messing with one thing you may see results somewhere else. Brain chemistry especially you need to be closely watched as you use them to make sure that the results you get are the ones you need. Using the wrong medication or wrong dosage could even cause the patient to become suicidal.

    Now all of this is NOT to say that drugs are evil. I consider them to be a blessing and they have greatly helped the human race. But I'm seeing more and more of this "There's a drug for that" mindset, and that is a very dangerous place to be going.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    That's actually mostly people's fault. A lot of people don't pay attention to their doctor when prescribed with medication. As soon as they start to "feel better" they stop taking the meds when they're supposed to take it for another few days or so. Just because you feel better doesn't mean you aren't sick. I've heard so much about that from a Biology professor. >> In general, we can't blame drugs for making things worse when people can't even use them correctly. And I repeat, in general.

    As for everything else you've said, I agree. People are too reliant on drugs sometimes and it's unhealthy. Also, (again as you said) for the psychiatric medicine...sometimes that stuff helps and sometimes it does what I like to call, "Screws shit up". Still, I don't know enough to talk about those kinds of meds objectively. Anyways, my previous opinion still stands. Drugs for medicinal use are good if used properly and in moderation.
  11. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Wow, that is a lot of feedback ^_^ you all make acceptable points and like any discussion they are opinions. I am really glad so many people picked the third option, there are medications that people need to live but not that many.

    Oh and Key master Sora I can understand where you are coming from about weed but it is used by some people (cancer patients) for medical purposes. It helps them eat. Also I can't really say weed would be a big first on my list of drugs that could ruin my kids life :sweat:

    Anyhow I am glad to see so many of you taking an interest and hope to see more opinions ^_^
  12. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I believe that many drugs are necessary for our survival as a species, and some are necessary for the survival of individuals. I take a philosophical approach to many hallucinogenic products and other mind altering drugs such that I believe they are important to therapy and the production of culture and society. Timothy Leary had similar ideas and I respect him greatly.
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I don't like taking medical drugs. At all. Altering body chemistry is something I don't like the idea of. I want to be strong enough to stand on my own two feet without a crutch to hold me up during a stormy period.

    Saying that, in rare cases, I will simply give in and take the drugs. But this mainly occurs when something important in my life is approaching and I need to be at my best as quick as possible, such as when I was suffering from Hay Fever and I had an exam in a few days I needed to relieve the symptoms in order to think straight. But in general if I suffer a cold, a headache or stomach ache, i'll just wait it out and let my body heal itself.

    If we're talking psychadelic drugs that alter the mind's perception, i'm really not into that type of thing. My mind is like that for long enough in a normal day I don't need to **** up my thoughts further. My first time, from just inhaling second hand smoke from marijuana, made my mind go off the rails and I began to talk rapidly about nonexistent nonsense, see pictures in my head of a 50 mile journey I had taken the previous day in a rapid fast forward and after that just kept laughing uncontrolled. The experience was frightening, since it was chaotic and uncontrolled, both things I do not desire my brain to be like. It needs to be in disciplined order for me.

    However for some it seems to open up their creativity and idea process more, and can actually open up a philosophical thought process, whether you're in that state or afterwards. I know someone who after smoking marijuana and is in that intoxicated state writes or draws in a book about what's on her mind. She's actually come up with some very inspiring ideas and pictures. So maybe there is some use to it.

    One way or the other, in life i'm pro independent choice, so I won't complain if anyone takes drugs medical or psychadelic. It's their choice at the end of the day. But for me, my choice is avoidance when possible.
  14. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    There are indeed some drugs that we need. For example, I have an ear infection and I need to take a pill a day. I'm not saying we couldn't survive without them, I'm just saying there are some drugs out there that we probably don't need.
  15. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I actually feel that the drug industry has the right idea. The fact is our lives are better now than they were some 100 years ago, especially in terms of health. Maybe not all of us, but some of us.

    I do agree that sometimes certain medications have more drawbacks than not, but that's why there's always multiple kinds of drugs for a specific problem. That way the person has a higher chance of finding one that won't **** them up even more. I've dealt with this before and it isn't fun jumping between medication; but once you find a good one, you're set.
  16. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    There is no drug that doesn't have a negative side effect, they have to put those on the label so people can't sue or complain if it does happen however it's extremely unlikely otherwise they couldn't release it as an antibiotic. We need drugs to survive as they stop illness or at least help to live life in minimum pain.

    If you are referring to drugs in the form of illegal drugs then they aren't good, well they can still be used to treat some illnesses but to be used for the purpose of a high is terrible and horribly damaging to your health but people do them for some reason- maybe peer pressure and then they became addicted or to help them cope with personal issues.
  17. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Don't knock it until you have tried it. Think about it in objective terms, especially with some of the more psychedelic drugs. How is using an illegal drug to cope with personal problems any different from using antidepressants or the like? The only difference is in the writing. And often illegal drugs can be a lot more helpful. The drugs with the worst side effects are the processed ones, illegal or not. The number of banned drugs alone makes your argument invalid.

    Define a negative side effect, and explain how one might have one from something like taking vaporized cannabis. Addiction would be psychological, cancer would not be caused by it because of the lack of smoke, and it may help you with any number of ailments, including holding back Alzheimer's or curing multiple sclerosis. I cannot think of a downside to taking it other than being arrested for it.
  18. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    There is a reason some things shouldn't be tried, they have been proven to not been beneficial, and more often then not be detrimental. But that really depends on the drug, some are not so bad, others can be hazardous.

    And it is the side effects of some of the illegal drugs, psychedelic or not, that can cause them to be hazardous to our health. Marijuana, for instance, has known be able to cause certain psychosis to develop such as scizophrenia, coming from the hallucinations experienced during the taking of the drug.

    You mention that a lot of illegal drugs can be beneficial. Please specify exactly what benefits you know from certainillegal drugs.
  19. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I am no pharmacist, but I did mention at least two very beneficial uses for cannabis. It is known to enhance brain cell growth and improve long term memory over a lifetime when not mixed with other drugs such as alcohol, and it has been used in several cases to calm down victims of multiple scleroses. It works to combat many things, and is a very cheap and easily producible sedative (without prohibition) if all else fails. It is regarded as a miracle drug by people who would rather pay attention to results than to the law. As far as I have learned, the main reason why it is not used is because there is no way to make it more effective through processing, and patenting a plant has been made illegal. I have never heard of a case like you are speaking of. Marijuana is not a hallucinogenic drug. Perhaps you are mixing drugs up?

    LSD is a bit different, and perhaps you meant that instead. One use that I have heard and seen some evidence of is as a relief from cluster headaches. The law would not stop me from trying it if I had them. On a more spiritual level, shall we say, I feel that it holds value to society's progress. Back when it was first created, many experiments were done such as having scholars and professionals in many fields take the drug after focusing on problems that they had previously been unable to solve. It was considered an aid to creativity that showed great promise, but it was made illegal when the government ruled that it had no medical value and prohibited experimenting with it. Many believe that man is most healthy without tampering, but I disagree. He may be made better, and perhaps expanding definitions of reality is a way to do that. The risks are minimal in comparison to the gains, and I am not trying to make anyone take it. Stopping me from taking it, however, is something that I will not tolerate.
  20. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Uh..the illegal drugs? No, no need for them in my opinion. However, medicinal drugs are needed for survival.