That when you watch animes, you seem to find a anime character that acts just like you and you didn't even relise? I've only just noticed that I act alot like Konata from Lucky Star without trying. I lazy around, have friends in other classes, play games and watch/read anime/manga alot too. I also happen to have friends like the others too. Tsuaka would be Xyam> here, Kagami would be my sister and Miyuki would be.... well, I haven't thought of an Miyuki yet. What anime/manga charas have you notice act like you?
Now that i think about it, Sokka from Avatar is pretty much me. We're both intelligent and humorous, get angry at the same things, and now im even his age o.e
I have noticed that Kyo (Fruits Basket) and I have very much in common. We both get incredibly angry over silly things, and most of the time I can't control it.
Avatar isn't anime, but it's still an awesome show. ^^ I'm a mix of a lot of anime characters, because my personality tends to change. Like I feel like I'm Saya off of Black Cat or Mai off of Ghost Hunt. It changes once in a while.
I've noticed that Hinata from "Naruto" I seem to resemble her in alot of ways. From "Bleach" I seem to act just like Con in some ways. :lol:
Have to agree with the angry part for me but I'm more like Tohru, except for the good advice part. I always do things for others more than myself and never gives my opinions if it hurts someone... it does get annoying sometimes.
I act like Edward Elric alot too. I can't stand milk and hate being called anything to do with me being called short. But mostly Konata from Lucky Star
Okay, according to my anime freak friend I'm a mix between Tamaki Suoh (OHSHC), Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya), Hikaru Hitachiin (OHSHC), Joey Wheeler/ Jounouchi Katsuya (Yu-Gi-Oh!) and Hinata from Naruto. I agree with the Haruhi and Joey thing. I really have no idea where Hikaru came from. Tamaki's okay, but I don't really see it...apparently it has something to do with me getting in a mood. And I have never watched Naruto in my life.