Have you ever wanted to suicide?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Deathsight44, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Alrite, I'm lookens for people who have wanted to commit suicide

    See, I gots a friend who apparently wants to do said action. Now, I've never wanted to do this so I honostly cant give any advise. What I want to know from people who have ever wanted to do this is what were you told, or what happend that convinced you not to do this?
  2. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    My friend wanted to commit suicide.

    Do NOT act like their therapist. You dont know what they are going through, and it could possily make things worse. What I did, is I went to the school counciler (I actually went to the school health teacher because I liked her better, who then told the counciler for me). They are bound by confidenciality to not disclose who said what. They can get them professional help, inform the parents, etc, etc. She was taken to a mental hospital, but it made all the difference, and fortunatley her life was saved.

    Bottom line: Tell someone. Suicide is not something to be taken lightly
  3. *Sora* Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 25, 2006
    Attack Helicopter
    Suicide is cowardly attempt to solve immediate problems. If you're one of the only people who know about this, and you care about this person, you -need- to talk to him/her about this. Help them with whatever you possibly can. Get them to tell you what's going on but don't think that what you say is going to get them over it right now. You -don't- know what they're going through. Listen to them, but let them know that whatever is going on in their life, it can be dealt and it will always get better with time. Be there for them and whatever they need and be sure you let a guardian of some sort know. A guidance counselor at school, their parents, your parents.
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    You'll have to excuse my bad spellings.
    I sugest comforting your friend, do not try to forcibly persuade them to not commit suicide. It would be best if you tried to remind your friend of the things to look forward to in life but don't tell them directly you must do it discretely. I have been friends with alot of people in the situation your friend is in and thats essentialy what I did.
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    OK, these things are EXTREMELY obvious. But that is why I was asking for people who have actually experienced it. That way ik the kinds of things that were really able to convince them not to do it.

    Trust me, I talk to people like this all the time. The issue is just getting some extra help. The sooner she decides not to do it the better, right?
  6. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Uh, I tried and ended up in the hospital... >.>
    The second time I just walked away and the third time this forum kept me alive because I know a lot of people here. I didn't want my therapist to feel guilty or anything either. Nothing. Else.

    If I were to do it today-I would probably just do it.
    Be a better friend? xD Hang out with them more often maybe a sleepover, they'll start to feel more confident with themselves.
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    I can't say that I ever tried to suicide myself, but I had thoughts of it many times and seriously considered it, but I never carried out with it. When I was in this state of mind, I was thinking that I already messed up my life and it would be best if I wasn't around and continuing to bring down the people who I really cared for and didn't want to hurt. So then I started reasoning myself; what would really happen if I was gone, out of everyone's exsistance on earth? And what if I actually committed suicide?

    So here's what I came up with. For one thing, it would cause bigger problems for others. It doesn't actually solve anything, and your problem will still linger if you know what I mean. People around you might also feel guilty and sad that they couldn't help you and I bet they would've tried everything to get you out of the mess; letting you know they're there for you. And something else I learned, is that the bigger problems you have in life, the stronger you can get. I mean, all human beings have weaknesses to make them stronger, even though they don't see it right away. And if you think your causing problems for others, then try to help them with acts of service so you can forget yourself while doing the good deed.

    Well... there's my advice... hope that helps.
  8. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Tell that person... that a temporary problem, doesn't deserve a permanent solution....

    make sure your friend knows that there is more to life and much more stuff to experience, and not to take stuff to heart.... everyone has problems, and that your friend is not alone.. try spending more time with your friend, and make them happier (:
  9. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    for real...i havnt ever wanted to do suicide...well, out of depression anyways...i mostly want to murder then suicide...for real...
  10. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants

    Mmmh.... I gave it a few thougths, but I will never commit any suicide at all. Like there was said a few posts above, suicide is a cowardly way to solve problems. And, I just don't want to make people sad... I did thougth about it many times, like 'should I just hurl myself off of that apartement there?' I never did, and I never will.

    There, I said what I wanted to say :)
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Well,I've only wanted to commit suicide once.When I thought everything in my life was going wrong.This was a year ago.Scool was hell,people didn't like me.ANd my family were a bunch of a**holes.But,now.Things are great.And I would never kill myself.
  12. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I have; maybe two or three times, most recently around Christmas/New Year, I think.
    Everything I knew pretty much changed to ****, and I started failing a class or two in school. People were calling me pretty insulting names, my parents gave up on me, and my boyfriend broke up with me on the first day of school, so after a wile all of it built up, and I thought maybe dying would be an escape.

    However, I found that talking to someone, and I mean someone that really understood what I was going through, helped me more than I ever could have imagined. Actually, there are two people in particular on KHV that I more or less owe my life to, since they talked to me when I had nowhere to turn.
    So maybe your friend needs someone to talk to, a shoulder to lean on, y'know? It helped me, and yeah, I may still be a little depressed but it's an incredible improvement to how I was a few months ago. Sit down and talk to her, make sure she knows that she WILL be missed by people if she kills herself, and most importantly give her hope. Another thing that stopped me was that one of my friends had committed suicide, and I'll never forget how that affected my group of friends; another friend of mine tried during school, and words can't describe how pissed I was.

    Also, be patient. Don't push her to talk if she doesn't want to talk much, and if all else fails, go to your school's councilor/nurse/health person and talk with them first. People are different and react to things in different ways, and professionals may know how to handle that better than a teen.
    Keep an eye on her, and good luck, dude.
  13. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    Well, I've been wanting to commit suicide since I was 11, but then something happened. I thought about those who would be sad if I were gone. I guess imaging my friends and family crying at my funeral is what made think twice. I'll admit I still have those thoughts every now and then, but then that picture comes in my head and I cry it out or write about it instead.

    Surround your friend with people who care about him/her and just be there for him/her. You know what I mean? instead of trying to tell them what to do, listen to what they have to say and just be a good friend to him/her.
  14. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    deathsight you need to remind the person how much they have to live for.I narrowly pulled out of depression on my own.He has you as a friend to help him so i'd say he'll do OK.
  15. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    I tried to commit suicide several times last year. Think about how selfish that is, what about all the people you would hurt. >: (
  16. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    There was one point, a little bit ago. Bad things happened, and I felt so numb. It kinda scared me, because then I thought I wouldn't feel anything anymore. The thing that got me through it was my boyfriend, my sister, and some seriously depressing music. I don't really talk about it, it makes it worse for me to deal with. Tell a school counsler though. They can help, or at least get things under control.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    When I was 13 I pondered it because I was in a very abusive situation and rather than being in it, I wanted anyway out of it as I felt very cornered and running away didn't seem an option. I knew the reality of doing such an act at the time was rather stupid, and felt like some caged animal to it.

    However, I got over it with time because there is more to life than suffering and I knew if I hung around, I would not always be in the same situation so I geared myself for a future that would not have the elements that were making me so desperate to ponder such a thing. I planned things out, determined to not be abusive myself, to make good friends and to look at what was better instead of always seeing the crappy side of my life. I could see the crap anytime because it was always there. However, I tended to overlook what other things were present such as some good friends and what could I do to make things better for others and just trying to enjoy the simple things of life to their fullest. I accepted the bad for the time it was there and when I could act on it, I did, so that I could move on.

    In the end, the biggest thing I realized is that we all are going to die someday and that's just by nature. So, why hurry it up? We're here for the reason that we have this life to live to the fullest and the bad things don't have to bring us down. We can actually learn from them and become stronger, seeing why they are bad, what causes them, and see that we just don't have to become what others are that hurt us. We can break the chains of patterns and become true to ourselves instead and for the time we have life, do things differently instead. I am not afraid of death since I've had to confront being at its doorstep a few times, but I am also not afraid to live. Tell your friend that he should not be afraid to live either and that there is a lot of things still left to see and if he fights to live instead of fighting to end it all, he'll get things to enjoy more as time goes on.

    Suicide is, as said above, a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Problems go away as life moves on if you learn to let go of them and don't dwell on them. Learning to let go of things and accepting new things is very important so that you don't obsess and get anxiety. Our lives move forward and we too must do that to get the full benefit of them. Letting go of life itself is not the way out. It just leaves others to have to deal with the burdens you yourself won't let go of. That's not very fair either, even if at times a person may ponder that others may just deserve to deal with it. Think of all the things you miss out on because you weren't there to see them and get passed all the crap. There really is so much out there if we let go of the negativity and strife and just know it's there and move on to get through it.

    I hope your friend feels better about himself and sees it really is a door he should stay away from. There are always better options than suicide. Also, tell him you are his friend and that you would miss him and others would too and well, he's going to miss out on his chances too. If he seems to be persistent on this stuff, you may have to make the choice of getting a school counselor or someone else to talk to him, but hopefully he'll get over it. Good luck with this situation.
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    No way. The way I see it, we only have a bit of time alive. Consider it a bonus, not a burden. You'll get out of it eventually, so just treat everything as bonus time. Life crap? Failing school? boyfriend/girlfriend dumped you? Set a challenge. See what you can do with your life. After all, if you've decided that you don't value your life, you literally have nothing to loose. So why not have fun with your remaining time?
  19. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    It crossed my mind a couple of times... Attempted it ONCE, but when you think about it. Giving up your life. It's useless. Totally useless. What's that going to accomplish? That'll just ruin your whole future. Ending all those dreams you had. You have to think past whatever that problem of yours and think, if it's that problem I'm going to loose. If that's all you're thinking, that's wrong what else will be lost? EVERYTHING. It's not only you who's affected, every single person you met is. Even those people whom you've only gave a little "hi" to, or even a slight smile. It's not you who is only going to loose something, others will too.
    Suicide does not help anyone or anything. Get that into your head.
  20. Lonely Breeze Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    On a planet you call Earth.
    Actually I have several times. You see, mother and father died a year ago and now I'm stuck with my aunt. My suggestion is that you tell them to keep moving forward despite they're problems in life, don't forget to be there for them as well.