Molassia? I just found their website after watching some Nostalgia Critic. I can't believe it. It's actually a country that (technically) exists in the U.S. It's not recognized by the U.S., if you go there, you need your passport stamped and prior arrangements made. If you don't believe me, check out their official website via google. They have their own currency and national anthem too. And it's only 3.6 square acres. With this... I have officially seen it all.
Welcome to the party, everyone else left and all the food is out of date, but we still have Coffee Mate since it never expires.
There are some countries that recognize it. Lichenstein I think is one. The U.S. is one that doesn't. Now I want to check this out.
Reminds me of the time my friends and I made up our own country. It was called Shinra, it was in the middle of Utah, and the anthem was 'SHINRA! F*CK YEA!'
I do too. Are the people of Shinra called Shinrains?? Or are they called the Shinranese?? Who bans plastic shopping bags, things from Texas, and walruses?? That's a weird Republic...
No, it currently does not have anyone hailing from Turkey. Btw, your avatar is glorious. They are called The Shinra.