So, living in Holland is great and such, I'ts just the fact that it's boring, expensive, not in the game for new things and really bad with people. And people get the frigin wrong idea all the time. Don't know if anyone heard about the guy in our goverment (G.Wilders) but he's a jerk. Then they decided to make everything more expensive, even cultural things, which already were expensive. They don't like thing they don't know to much about. Anime will never do good becuase it is meant for kids, or so they say. And everybody gets an ego if they can make profit out of something. No one stand up for an old lady in a full bus. And if you go buy something you always get stared at as if your stealing something... I don't say it's like that everywhere, it's just that the vilage that I live in is crappy and boring...
Thank you all for repy-ing. This was a joke I hade to do because of an project I was working on, to see if I could get reactions I coud work with for the project. (that's why its within spam-zone) Thank you very much! I have to say that some of the things written are treu. Anyways, I hope your not to mad at me Pumpkin... Your still my fellow Dutchmen >3<...