Has Twilight ruined any future hope for vampires and werewolves?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 13, 2011.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    To me it seems like Twilight has changed everyone's minds about vampires and made them obsolete. Its rather sad that it's become this way. As an avid lover of vampires and mythical creatures, I've come to find more and more people unwilling to hear a different story. Thinking it's not fair to the old legends that their reputation should be tarnished by a silly movie written by some woman that can be written off easily as a dream that went wrong. Opinions of Twilight shouldn't have an effect on the view of vampires or werewolves.

    In my personal opinion, I don't see what the problem is. If people are judging based on a movie they saw and think all of them are like that, they're very narrow minded. It's the open minded people that are willing to look at it and say "Yeah, that's a different way of looking at it, but it gets a bit silly for me, so I'll stick to the original."

    Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it does seem like now the more avid adventurers are turned off by the idea of vampires and werewolves in the same story because of Twilight. Some might say that it's helped the myths in popularity and it's been drawing much more attention to them from younger readers.
  2. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I don't know about anyone else, but anytime I finish seeing a Twilight movie, I just completely through those version of Vampires and Werewolves out of my mind. I think the writers probably wanted a movie where they could have Vampires out in the open just for the heck of it, but needed some excuse so they couldn't go out in broad daylight. Although, that whole not being able to eat anything is really dumb. I mean, of course vampires can eat, and yet they decide to make a movie where vampires don't need to eat.....wouldn't they starve if they didn't have anything long enough? Even vampires need something to keep them going.
    And the werewolf idea is just dumb. I mean, turning into a full wolf, sure go ahead. Turning into a wolf that's the size of a fricken' car.....whatever, I'll go with it. Being able to turn into a wolf in the middle of the day without any sort of time inbetween, unlike any other sort of movie or show? Yeah, I don't think so. There's no way that's going to keep going. Otherwise we'll end up with a movie that has monsters out in the open with people turning into wolves robbing a bank, for crying out loud.
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I have to agree with you when you say people are narrow minded. I read through all the books before and thought "That's one way of going about things". I'm not turned off by the idea of sparkling vampires; it's called creative licensing and she has every right to do it. What I am turned off about is the bad writing, plain characters, and how unnecessary "Breaking Dawn" was to the story line.

    I do think that Twilight has crippled writers who do like to write fantasy and stuff on werewolves and vampires. I hear it all the time when people are coming out with tv shows or new fantasy novels coming out. "They're just riding on Twiight's coat tails. It's just another Twilight rip-off." Sometimes, they may be right, but a lot of the times, they are original stories. A lot of people don't want to be associated with that piece of work, so they decide to just not even try.

    For future writers, I say keep writing what you want to write. This whole Twilight fad will blow over a few years after the final movie is released. Vampires, werewolves, and other mythological stuff will never die though.
  4. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    I never really liked the idea of Vampires being in daylight and not, y'know, dying. It's kinda their thing.

    As for the Werewolf thing, I know nothing about them so my opinion is null and void.

    I don't automatically think badly on the idea of Vampires/Werewolves when I see Twilight related things, but I don't like how they changed some important things about them.

    My opinion is kinda short, but it's a simple one.
  5. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    I say that it's not to late to salvage vampires and Werewolfs due to shows like True Blood and such.

    I don't like Twilight. I might have liked it had Bella been a likeable character and not a blank slate.

    This video sums up how I feel:

  6. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    I have to agree with you. Every time I watch a Twilight movie with someone the first thing out of there mouths within the first five minutes is how gay this movie is.
    I also have to agree with tummer, he pretty much sumed up what I was gunna say. I read the books when all they all came out before they were famous and money making and on every little bit of wall space in this world. it wasn't till Breaking Dawn came out that I thought otherwise of what I was "enjoying". I mind a lot of things she did, like her definition of vampires. I don't understand her way of "creativity" one bit. I'm very opened minded but then again I'm not. She did a horrible job in my opinion and every fan girl out there are kids.
  7. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Yeah, Doug Walker pretty much hit the nail on the head with that review. I mean come on, throughout all the movies we're basically building up to some marriage that takes 5 minutes? And then the rest of the time is either montages or them trying to....well you know. For crying out loud, I thought this was a fricken vampire and werewolf movie, not some movie where we're going to watch montages and them trying to.....you know
  8. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    Not to mention Jacob imprints on the baby when it's what? An hour old?
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    This video makes a good point, if developed in the right way, Bella could have been a fantastic dynamic character of modern literature, with all the mental tumbles she goes through. But in the end, casting such a mad, unresponsive, selfish and whiny caharaster as the Protagonist simply means she is grade A bullshit.

    The thing is, I don't really see the Vampires and Werewolves of these films/books as Vamps and Lycans. Hell, I hear about this book and all I can think about is messed up characters with stupid relationship problems. I don't even think about the fantasy elements because apart from when the scenes or talks are forced, the characters remind me nothing of fantasy caharacters. You could put these characters in any situation, sci-fi, reality, fantasy and you'd get the same storyline with barely any difference.

    THe mythos of fantasy characters won't die.

    Vamps and Lycans have been included in a great amount of books, films, games in the last decade, and they execute it much better than this ****. The films Underworld, show the feral form of Lycans and the cold, sexiness of Vamps in a modern way. And still today writers are using the inspirations of the source material of Vlad the Impaler as well as Dracula for inspiring new types of Vamps.

    Do not worry, time will change the idea of vampires and werewolves.
  10. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Twilight isn't ruining the future, just the present.
    Right now, everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, realizing just how much money they can make off it.
    In the end it's still a trend, and will fade over time. (Most likely about a year or 2 after the last twilight film)
  11. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Mythical creatures don't exist, so our opinions of them can not be shaped outside their depictions in literature and movies. There will be both good and bad portrayals of them, and if people are only exposed to the bad, those people will eventually grow up and realize there's a much bigger world for mythical creatures.
  12. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Twilight is for 16-yro girls with no brains...and maybe their to-be-pitied boyfriends. I've never seen a twilight film and never will see one either. It hasn't, in my humble opinion, ruined the good reputation of vampires and werewolves. just go check out Vampire hunter D or Touhou Project's Scarlet Devil Mansion and my point is proven. As for the Lycanthropes, WoW's Gothic, British accented worgen and their backstory is rather interesting. I don't think Twilight has hurt them, its just that...VAMPIRES SHOULDN'T SPARKLE!!!!!
  13. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    I like Twilight, but Im not one of those OMG HOW DARE YOU DISS TWILIGHT *throws book at your face* type of fan(look around on YouTube, they exist). Im more of a "Meh, its alright" type of fan. I've read the first one before (not that bad) and watched the movie (could have been better). And no my girlfriend didn't drag me to see it (What girlfriend? I watch them on my own free will).
    Anyway, I got all that cleared up time for the real stuff. First thing, I dont think it has changed peoples mind about them. Hell even in Japan there was a day-walking-vampire in Karin/Chibi Vampire who doesn't suck blood but she gives blood or suffers a huge nosebleed once a month that will look like a massacre just happen because she produces blood(she is the only vampire in the series to do this while her family and other vampires are night-vampires). We did had the remake of Fright Night didn't we? Did they sparkle? No, I dont think so.
    From what I can remember, the vampires in Twilight do suck human blood but the Cullen family choose to drink animal blood. Yes they do sparkle because it is a new way of introducing a new form of vampires.
    I know there is one more thing I would like to say but I cant think of it right now. Twilight isn't ruining the future of vampires nor it is for werewolves.

    Now I remember! For some reason Twilight is more enjoyable in Japanese and no its not because the Japanese voice of Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) does the Japanese voice for Edward. It's because the actors (Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner) for the movie are horrible =__=
  14. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    People these days are very narrow minded,If another vampire movie comes ouut people will probably be like "Its probably like twilight and twilight sucks,MER~"
    I personally haven't seen twilight,or read the books,But alot of my friend's (Their mostly girls) like it.
    I'll read it and post again if this thread is still alive by that time~
  15. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    I am not a fan of twilight but it hasn't ruined anything. To be honest its just another excuse for people to bash the series. If you don't like it then don't watch or read it. Plain and simple.
  16. Cloud4012 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 19, 2011
    I don't think so, have you read Cirque Du Freak by Darren Shan that's a pretty good vampire series
  17. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    Considering I have seen all the movies up to this point and read all the novels, I'll bite

    Twilight is...fairly interesting. It's both a good and bad catalyst in a way, and here's a few reasons why.

    1. Twilight actually has re-introduced our generation and some of the new generation into the Vampire and Werewolf lexicon. Even if you can (and most people say) that the novels are poorly written, it has introduced good novels that deal with both Vampires (Anne Rice, for example) and Werewolves (Blood and Chocolate is one, I'm sure there are many others)

    2. The Twilight series has made kids read. A lot of kids didn't read until this novel came out, and suddenly a lot of teenagers picked up this series and started to like reading. It may be not the best choice, but why is it so bad to read something that may be interesting to you, and eventually find something that strikes your interest? I remember when Harry Potter came out, a lot of my friends wanted more novels like it. Same with Twilight, they are going to try and find a similar vampire romance or werewolf romance novel. Or hell, maybe something just about Vampires!

    Now, the bad...

    1. Bella isn't the best role model, or Edward...or anyone in the novels that matter. Like I stated before, a lot of younger kids/teens read this series, even adults. Bella isn't the ideal role model for a young girl....

    What she ends up doing in both the movies and novel is showing girls this, even if they might not catch on:

    "I'm Bella, an awkward young girl who has nothing going for her in this small town until this boy rolls in and steals my heart! I can't live without him and I break down for about 3 months when he announces he's leaving! I'm not a function, independent girl without Edward!"

    Now, you can argue that there are many many girls like this within novels, of course there are. But usually, they are older, and considered "classics". It was expected at the time, but now girls can and (should, in my opinion) be independent. You can be independent and have a healthy romantic relationship with another person.

    Edward, hands down, has an unhealthy obsession with Bella, even states that she is "his own brand of cocaine". He compared her to a drug. He watches her while she sleeps "for protection" which isn't normal...and doesn't let Bella become her own functioning person, he does everything for her. Robert Patterson even stated he hates Edward, he hates playing his role and says that this has to be the authors own wet dream. Edward's description is totally fabricated! He's perfect in every single way. He's rich, he has the eye of almost every girl in Forks, his body is described as the most perfect statue. He's a walking god basically.

    This can lead very, very confusing expectations for girls in guys, and even effect guys in a way. Twilight is called the "Modern Love Story". This shouldn't be the expectations in a relationship, at all.

    I hope that people who read the novels and watch the movies have enough sense that this shouldn't and the expectations in a guy or girl like Edward (or even Bella in her Vampire form) should be a basis for a relationship

    Also, I guess this is my own personal pet peeve about the series:

    I love how everyone swears series such as True Blood, Vampire Diaries and the like were started after Twilight came out.

    The Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries series was started in (I believe) 2001

    Vampire Diaries was re-published recently but started in 1998
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It honestly didn't ruin Vampires and Werewolves for me.

    But I would be absolutely lying is I said that picking up a teen novel and reading something like, "mysterious boy, interested 'average' girl, boy has a secret, romance and 'adventure' ensues." on the back doesn't make me put the book down and think about Twilight.

    It's awful and I'm not sure why it happened, but after Breaking Dawn, I actually stopped reading all together for months. I used to be a total bookworm. This was before the movies even came out, or Twilight was 'popular'. As soon as I read Breaking Dawn and got the the point where
    Jacob imprinted on Renesmee
    , I just lost faith and stopped reading.

    I actually don't read as much as I used to in general now and it's really sad. I still read, but I miss the days I could pick up a generic teen novel and enjoy it. After the Twilight craze (I actually enjoyed the books up until Breaking Dawn before the hype and the movies), I just unintentionally pick everything apart. I don't know how to explain it properly. It's like enjoying the show Adventure Time because no everything has to be deep and meaningful to be enjoyed, but I can't apply the same thought process to teen literature anymore. I enjoy the selection because it's written simpler than adult novels/fantasy novels, but there's only so many times you can use a certain plot (not themes) because it's just redundant, and somehow the Twilight series was my breaking point in the girl-meets-mysterious-boy-romance department.

  19. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I quite enjoy Twilight, though my love of it has calmed down a bit in the year between Eclipse and the first part of Breaking Dawn.

    For the people that say it's gay based solely on the actors in the movies, I suppose it could tarnish the reputation of these mythical creatures. Personally, I don't think of vampires and werewolves in general any differently than I did before. The only real difference is that now I'm more open to movies with that premise.

    Still, to judge an entire genre of literature, film, and culture based solely on one franchise is childish (and that's putting it lightly). If you can't see past the fact that Twilight is one franchise in a whole genre with tons of material to pull from, then you need a reality check.
  20. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    This so much.

    Twilight is an interpretation of vampires and werewolves. No one has ruined anything. If memory serves me right, in Japan (or another Asian country, I think it's Japan, though), vampires jump.

    It doesn't matter if The Twilight Saga is not good in literary terms, it's an entertaining series of books. I've read the books and seen the three first movies, and they entertain. It's like that with all pop music. Pop music is low quality, but people listen to it because it entertains.

    The youngest of the population has grown up with this as a depiction of what Vampires and Werewolves are, thus making it popular "knowledge." Nothing wrong with it. It's, once again, like music today. What is popular and considered music today is often frowned upon by the older people.
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