Has the world become sterotyped obsessed?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by xekushi, May 17, 2007.

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  1. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    All peoples views of eachother theres days is sterotyped based and it drives me crazy. As much as I hate it, its going way too far and even i used streotypes and i hate it.
  2. Crispers Beep Boop

    Mar 29, 2007
    omg i know wat u mean i hate it too >_<
    at school ppl think im emo
    only cuz i like rock music
    and the ppl at my school mostly like rap....
  3. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    I' must agree, even though i don't like it i use stereotypes. And so dose every single person(don't try to say you don't). we might not say it but still we think it and thats not very good:(
  4. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    I love rock and have the same problem as you. But its not just me, about 1/10 of my school love rock as opposed to rap and are abused for it. Personally I don't like rap and its mindless lyrics.
  5. Crispers Beep Boop

    Mar 29, 2007
    lol same i hate it >_<
    anyways i use sterotypes but i i hate it when i do
    but they usally slip out....
  6. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    I think everyone uses stereotypes, so it's not something to be ashamed of. It's human nature to categorise.

    It's when stereotypes influence discriminative behaviour that it's a problem.. for example, if an employer assumes a woman couldn't do a job because it's too 'manly'. As long as things like that aren't happening, stereotyping is mostly harmless, imo.
  7. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    There's NOTHING wrong with sterotypes unless it's causing an unfairness or a true problem. So what if you get made fun of or accused of things? Guess what...everyone does. Get over it and let it happen. It's natural for humans to catagorize people, because their are just so many people. In order to see another group of people, you can't know EVERYONE'S story, so you must generalize them as a whole. Wether this generalization is discrimitive or not, it's uauly not something you can control, you see it and notice it and then it sticks out in your mind. It's people like you who complain about this stuff that pisses ME off. I mean, here you are complaining about stereotypes that only concern white people and how you're being generalized, yet you turn around and say "Rap has mindless lyrics", I'm not black, and I'm not a huge fan of rap, but come on, that statement was a sterotype and a generalization in itself. Sterotypes are going to happen, and no, we're not obbsessed, this is the way it's always been. Wether it be a sterotype about a group of people or just one about you inpeticular, don't take it as an offense, take it as a label and a way for people to look at you and know who you are. You don't want to be the kid who sits int he back of the class, and half the studants have no idea what your name is. A label can be bad sometimes, but at least it gives you an identity. Do what I do and take stereotypes to a friendly level, joke about it and laugh after. If someone catagorizes you, play along. Jeez guys, everyone is always so uptight about everything. We all need to calm down and let people be people.
  8. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I don't classify people by stereotypes or am racist in anyway because I think all white people are created equal.

    Ok, seriously, I agree with Cin 100%. It is human nature to categorize and organize just ot make thing simpler, whether this results in a bad stereotype or a good stereotype does not matter...
  9. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i don't really mind stereotypes. it's just annoying when ppl at school are like "i scored better than the asian"
  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Personally, I think it's dumb to complain about stereotypes. Ever call someone a prep? Or maybe not make friends with someone because of their group of friends? Maybe it's unintentional, but that's stereotyping.

    Everyone does it, but people take it/use it as an insult.
  11. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Ok. People honestly, we may hate sterotypes but really get over that they will always exist. We can not escape from them, they call you a punk or emo, you call them a prep, its a two way street everyone uses them. And really, they are not bad unless it is affecting someone, i.e. discrimination. And for who ever said rap is "mindless lyrics", try listening deeper, not to the popular stuff. To underground stuff, I feel you stereotyped it for saying it is mindless lyrics, cause not all rap is like that, ever heard of sweatshop union, or jurassic 5, or atmopshere. Really socio involved music, talking about current things. Stereotyping is an excuse for saying I am to lazy to find out what that person is like so, since they are *blank* I will categorize them as such. Its an excuse that is it.
  12. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    There you go Cin [yet you turn around and say "Rap has mindless lyrics", ]. I sterotyped and i hate it. I know is done everywhere by everyone and I did say i did it in the first post, but im saying I hate it so much.
    And alot of it appears to be discrimination as far as i see. Such as someone being asian so automaticly they eat rice and noodles, wemon can't do the same jobs as men and wogs a revheads. Its so stupid to generalize people in such stupid ways.
    And again, I know I sterotype. Eveyone does, anyoone who says otherwise is lying.
  13. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    I personally don't mind sterotypes. Sure people sterotype me as emo, and I don't really like it, but now I just don't care and really it's the person's stupidity of assuming that I am in the first place without knowing me. It's something we can't afford or worry about. So what if some insignificant person in your life says something you don't like, big deal, you have friends and family they don't think that.

    I perfectly understand why, it's not more the fact that sterotypes are being obsessed with but rather than are being dramatized and used in nasty ways, used as a form of insult. Like how people use calling someone who is not a chav a chav. Or how a chav calls someone who like rock music an emo. That sort of thing gets on my nerves, but hey so what I get annoyed if someone swore at me and insulted people I care for.
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    i stereotype all the time, and i dont like the way i do but i do and im not ashamed to admit it. but i wont hate someone just because they have a stereotypical label on them. i believe in getting to know someone before making a judgement on them.

    the problem is, in a lot of cases stereotypes tend to generally be correct so people feel justified in using them. it could be because the people who are being stereotyped try to 'follow' the stereotype and be more like it. but i think that stereotypes used negatively are wrong.
  15. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    there's nothing wrong with stereotypes. just dont' let it actually affect what u think and do. and dont' voice them to other ppl! there's nothing we can do about stereotypes, but dont' let it turn into racism. that's when ur over generalizing
  16. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    Okay, from what most of you are saying, i guess that none of you have had a point made out to you through physical abuse.
  17. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    ummm......nope....that just soudned kinda creepy....care to elaborate?
  18. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    Well sterotypes go really really too far, thats all I'd care to say.
  19. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Of course they do, and the people that take them to far are IDIOTS. There's nothing wrong with steroeotypes when they are used in a friendly way. Or you can have them, just don't announce them to the world. There are people out there whoa re just stupid enough to say ****** to a black person, or constantly ask fat spanish women when the baby's due. That's there problem, and sooner or later those people will be rooted out and abolished. Racism still exists because of...well...white idiots. And then people turn around and think all whites are racist. Or sexist, or whatever you want to say. Either way, the root of racism will be destroyed eventually. After many generations the hatred that people share for one another based on stereotypes will in the end, disappear. The world is not obbsessed with sterotypes, if anything we are better then we were less then 50 years ago. I usually preach to look att the here and now, never look back or forward and live int eh present. But for right now I want everyone to take a step back and look at the big picture. In america, less then 50 years ago, all white people were completely racist. All black people were being oppressed. All spanish people...well they stayed the **** out of the country for fear of being oppressed as well. Everyone in there respective races were the same. They all shared the same views because that's what they were taught. Now look at today, everyone has equal rights, even children. Children have more freedom today then ever. This allows us to create our own views on life, and therefore there are many different types of white people, black people, and anyone else. Now we are making stereotypes for all the smaller groups. Now look to the future, within the next 50 years or so, there will probably be even smaller groups of stereotypes. And therefore it will be a lot harder to classify these people as anything. There will also be a great mixing of races as people grow more accustomed to the fact that we are all the same. Look even furthor in the future: One race...a combination of black, white, asian, latin, native american. There's no such thing as racism anymore. Everyone lives and thinks for themselves, so much so that they are each their own group f people, their own stereotype, their own person.

    If you look at the world in this light you will understand that stereotypes and acts of racism and sexism are decreasing exponentially. The word, if anything, is being cleansed of hatred and violence....if only we could get rid of religion and government...


    Fun fact of the day: In less then 100 years there will be no blond people, the gene to create blond hair is a reccessive trait and therefore is dying out.
  20. Xejicka Twilight Town Denizen

    May 16, 2007
    In my room
    Stereotypes always have been and always will be. They're confusing when they're made an issue. A lot of people get offended too easily. I don't mind them if peole don't use them in a mean way.
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