Ummm...Yeah...i really wanna play it...has anyone played it? Any Game? I Wanna know how they handle! ^^
yea i own both of them.There fun,not alot of combos though.Prob the best part of the game are the weapons you can get since they have diff effects on enemies.some are slower and some faster.The voice cast is good.And it has anime scenes in it which is awesome since i like the anime alot.I suggest you rent if first,and if you like it buy it.ITs a good game though.
I haven't played any of them either...but my friend says they're pretty good. I really ought to try them out, though... Definately follow Eclipses' advice, then buy if you like it enough...
I own both the PS2 games and the DS game lol! Theyre pretty good, I suggest getting them if you can get them cheap, theyre not really good enough to want to spend 50 dollars on though. The games are meant to take place between episodes and are meant to sort of bridge a small gap. all in all, decent games. It's nice to have an anime-based game that isnt a fighting game for a change.
Which FMA games are you talking about? There's the ones on PS2, the one on DS and the fan-made PC FMA game. I've only tried out the DS game and it's alright. The only thing I found satisfying was beating the crud out of Envy.
Wooo! Thanks people! but where i live they dont have stuff like Fma to rent T_T Im just gonna hafta order...Thanks guys! XD:D
i wanna play it TToTT it looks awsome so how is it the ppl who played it? i have never played a fma game in my whole entire life lol only watched the anime and read the manga u get to beat envy?! where the hell did u get the ds one?! theyre taking about the ps2 one the pc fan-made is only in china or hong kong i wish i was back there so i can buy it i believe theres only 100 copies and i think they're all sold out however u can buy it on ebay but its rarely shows there
I'm pretty sure you can get it at your local video game store or Ebay/Amazon (DS) As for the fan-made PC game, you can always try other methods...try Ebay though. Odds are someone has it and is willing to part with it for a price.