Legend of the Cryptids It is actually a good game. Erm, I can't describe it, but erm, it is basically a card game, battle people with cards. I would not say it is like Yugio (or however you spell it -.- ) I was never good with spelling that. Anywho, I got the app for my iPod just recently and I have grown on the game, I actually like playing it and what not. So basically, I was originally asking, has anyone else heard of this?
I think i've seen it and that it's linked to your current avatar in some way. I believe that character there can evolve and stuff like a pokemon, with fire abilities or something. So yes i've heard of it.
What do you actually do in that game? Cause I downloaded Rage of Bahamut, and had no clue how to play it, since the battles seemed to devolve into just clicking the opponent or something...