Here is a list of couples that I would've liked to see in the Harry Potterseries. Draco Malfoy + Hermione Granger Percy Weasly + Cho Chang Neville Longbottom + Ginny Weasly Lee Jordan + Angelina Johnson Dennis Creavy + Gabrielle Delacour Oliver Wood + Alicia Spinnet Dean Thomas + Luna Lovegood This list probably doesn’t make sense to anyone who hasn't read the books.
Hey! jojojojo97's back! KHV, this is my little sister. Treat her nice, or face the wrath of Ninjarushi! Welcome back, jojojojo97.
Hello Marushi's-little-sister-jojojojo! Come join our pirate crew! Not a bad list. It bugged me how in the last movie Spoiler they had Luna and Neville fall in love. That never happened. Your couples make more sense to me somehow.
Loxare: I agree with you. They changed way to much in the movie, and the Neville/Luna relationship was just stupid. According to J.K. Rowing, Neville ended up with Hannah Abbot and they bought the leaky cauldron. I think my version makes more sense though. And I shall think about joining your pirate crew, Marushi has told me many a tale of you scallywags :P Feenie: Ha ha. That hug was so awkward for everyone, I was watching the movie and I was like 'really Voldemort'. Muff Monkey and Old Sage: I left out Ron ad Harry because I didn't quite know who to put them with. I think Ron married a muggle and Harry met someone online. So either of them could've been with you Muff Monkey :D