Kairi ran her hand through her thin red hair and looked up at the point where the the pink diming sky meets the calm "ripple-less" ocean. The breeze soothed her as she took a deep breath.It was time. She got up rubbed the sand off her clothes and closed her blue eyes.Why her?Why did this feeling control her every move..The every step she took and every risk she took...?That's what she wanted to find out. Sora looked down at her from an upper ledge.He smiled.The feeling made her blush as she slightly smiled back.' He's so hot!' She though fighting back the urge to scream it out loud. She had a crush... Later Kairi un-set her bed. She looked at the crease and sighed. She literally jumped under her covers because she knew the sooner she went to bed, the sooner she would wake up the next day and see Sora again. 'With his spiky brown hair..and his big blue eyes...You could just fall asleep inside them..They floating on the ocean staring up at the sky .. All the fluffy white clouds..' DING DING DING! The alarm clock scared her." Damn ." She muttered. That was all she needed...What other emotions would she feel today? Besides love...She hoped that it wasn't embarassment. ~TO BE CONTINUED~
Hardly A Secret -Chapter 1- Kairi ran a across to the dock and stared at Destiny Islands as the sun rose.She was a bit early. She hurried to her boat and flew across the water as if it were pixie dust and she was on Captain Hook's ship ( Floats at the end of Peter Pan). As soon as she tied her boat to the other dock her eyes traveled to Sora. He was sleeping in the sand , his hair stuck flat against his face as if he was sweating... As if he was having a nightmare. She tied her frizzy hair into a pony tail and ran over to where he lay. He rolled over and onto her feet. She couldn't move without waking him up.Not even sit down.So all she could do was stand there and one thought came suddenly into her head.He went to Twilight Town in the gummi ship last night to see Pence,Olette and Hayner...HE WAS GOING TO BE TIRED! She was stuck standing there for at least 2 hours until Sora started to wake up. He looked up at her. " What.Are.You.Doing.Here." His voice sounded like the person who says ' You got mail.' It was low and robotic. ' Oh no!Now he's mad...' Kairi thought of how angry he could get...But she wasn't Xemnas so he wasn't going to go ' beserk' on her.He closed and opened his eyes four times before standing. To Be continued
for those that said it was a bit short it was because i had to go somewhere and i was going to wwrite more but my dad rushed me and i just typed " to be continued"
Hardly A Secret -Chapter 2- ( Sorry for spelling errors and grammar mistakes) Sora- Sora stood at the form of Kairi and they locked eyes.She felt aympathy and sympathy for him and she had no idea why.He shook the hair out of his face and sat as the sun rose to a new day ' full of begininngs'. It was just as he planned. She came to him , now they were alone. Only 10 minutes until Naminé would come but that was enough time to make the first move. Kairi- Her head in a whirl,tried to figure out the emotion of Sora's look and the words in his head that were responding to her actions.With one wrong move ... She could cross the line... " You were kinda , sleeping on my - uh feet ..."She blushed. " Sorry, Kai - I am - Like uh..A heavy- uh..sleeper-"He stuttered. Was it time to reveal how she really felt at last?Or would it ruin the friendship? Naminé ran to the blushing dueo and was smiling big.She wasn't wearing her white dress...She was wearing a quarter-sleeve, A&F tee, with a mini skirt and leggings, and furry white boots to complete the look.They examined her with a jealous eye. " So what do you think?" She asked " Makes me look sexy?There's clearly no cleavage but still-" " You look-"Kairi tried to say. Obviously the people in kingdom hearts don't dress like ( I) we do today. Naminé takes secret trips to Earth from their homeland and get awesome stuff! Sora was shocked. Naminé squeeled . " It's perfect!" Kairi looked at the symbol below her breatline.A&F? " What's that stand for Nam?" " Abercrombie and Fitch Kai." " Huh?" " I got it from---" " Where?" " Another world I'll get you some, only reachable by teleportation..No gummies." " Kay..-" Just a little queer for a second.. The day pasted and Roxas and Riku never came to the island. " Did the guys mention something?"Sora questioned the with a hint of suspision in his voice. " Nope-y-Dokey-y."Naminé sighed.Her "pep meter was running low and,it was running fast , on a marathon!Anyway- " Wonder if something happened?"Kairi asked " Hope not."Sora and Kairi both added. " Weird."Naminé said. TO BE CONTINUED
Ditto on Christhor. . . http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=14019 Read plz. Thank ye. Other than that, its great so far! Can't wait for the next chapter.