I was listening to some hard rock music at school [Without the headphones so other people can hear its awesomeness] and a random girl went up to me and asked me, "You really like that?" I was pretty shocked that not a lot of people liked hard rock at my school--except me that is. Is it really true that not a whole lot of teens like hard rock these days?
depends on where you are. You can't really generalize all teens like that, but it's no secret that rock in general is not as popular as mainstream music, hence "mainstream." also, playing your music out loud like that is rude, and won't win any fans.
Of course, it's all about hip hop and pop for the hipsters and their SWAG. Don't ask me why lol. I was Chillin with a friend of mine during lunch, and one of his friends played the song "In bloom" on really loud speakers Inside the school so were like walking down the hallway with loudass rock music and the people we pass by just look at us like we're freaks for playing a rock song
**** that. >:| People don't have any taste in music these days. All they [probably] listen to is Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj who both sound terrible.
People like the music that they like. I like all types (except rap. Can't stand rap. Maybe certain rap, but not the majority.) and some people only like one type. But you definitely should keep your headphones plugged in. Not only is it rude, you're probably disturbing the people who are trying to do homework or read or listen to their own music. Don't generalize your whole school based on the opinion of one outspoken girl though. There could be many people in your school who adore hard rock and she's just the one who doesn't.
"Hard Rock" is such a broad term nowadays. also it is very rude to blast your own music in a public place without consent. Music is all about opinion and if some people listen to Justin Bieber, let them! Most people just call the music I listen to as, "Scary."