fyi: that's desperate and pathetic. don't look for it, just let it happen. **** yeah new years. i got WASTED. six pack of beer, tequila and lime shot, half a bottle of passion pop, a vodka redbull and many many vodka lemon lime & bitters. went to the Met. gave my girlfriend a pash on the countdown. had fat chats with randoms about **** i don't remember. hugged and kissed a random girl because it was her birthday and she couldn't find her friends. had a kebab (it was awesome). went to Birdie's. drank some more. said hello to my friend who was working, don't know what i really said though. had a fat chat with this guy who was hooking in my girlfriend's friend. don't remember much after 1AM. don't even remember walking back to my girlfriend's house. just woke up naked, and then i had sex. FANTASTIC new years, all in all. considering my bros bailed on me.
Happy Year 2032 to all of you, KH-Vids. I would post the champagne glasses here but I do not believe this thread is active enough.
ehh, believe what you want. i couldn't give a ****. no skin off my back. but so you know - not everyone on khv is a socially ******ed loser.