It's 12:13 AM and officially Halloween! Wish I could go trick-or-treating, but I can't for two reasons: Need to focus on studying for my math GED test. I'm too old to trick-or-treat.
Last year I went trick or treating with a 25 year old dressed as Sheik. You're never too old to be light-hearted.
Just went Trick or treating. Even though I don't have a costume. I'd rather have a horror game marathon. From Amnesia, to Silent Hill, to Outlast.
I went Trick-Or-Treating last year. You're never too old to be a kid in a costume. Unless you're my aunt. She thinks 10 is too old to be trick-or-treating. That is bullshit, so don't listen to my aunt.
I'm probably not going to trick 'r treat this year. My town is doing a cool festival kind of thing; three haunted houses, two scare zones, and live music sounds pretty fun for me this year. Although, I would have fun terrifying children.
I must be one of the few who doesn't care about Halloween. Like at all. I have zero ****s to give for it, and I don't understand why anyone else does. Candy is cool and all but save yourself the time and go buy it. And what's the point of it anyway? I'm sure it had reason when it originated, but now, it's pointless. At least that's how I see it. Not to be a downer or anything.
As an actor, I never consider myself too old to at least dress-up in a costume. As a college student, I can potentially get away with trick-or-treating; when I actually did reach the age where I was getting too old, then my little sister was born. Over the course of my life, I really have yet to outgrow the concept whether you're talking about my affinity for characters or the Candybeard I had for the past seven years; or my actual childhood as well. xD Happy Halloween
So traffic is bad tonight. Just about hit an idiot woman that just stepped out while I was still moving -- luckily slowly. I'm a nice guy and don't mind letting jaywalkers cross, but whether you're jaywalking or not, you have to make sure the vehicle stops for you and lets you go, not just step out. I also had a car almost pull out in front of me from the Safeway exit because this truck in the oncoming lane was letting them go. Newsflash: That doesn't mean you just go, you creep out. Then finally I got behind this idiot going, like, 15 or 20 in a 25. Oh, and they also have these army people stopping traffic and helping people cross and keeping the trick-or-treating kids safe because apparently the parents can't keep their kids safe. In fact, I had to wait for this one army guy when waiting to make a left turn to get out of our way because he was still in the road when the light turned green, which was wrong of him to do.
Translation: People are dumb ***wholes and I'd really like to just run them over sometimes. Learn to drive you dumb motha****ers! Parents, watch your ****ing kids, man! Army dude guy, while we appreciate your services to this country you can't break traffic laws. I agree with everything except the last thing. Dumb **** citizens do it, so I ain't gonna say **** when it's an army dude. Especially not when he's taking time to help the trick or treater's on Halloween. But yeah, most people don't know how to drive. A lot of people don't pay attention. It's life. You're just now noticing this?
I went trick-or-treating last year too, so I fully endorse this message. Even if people handing out candy think you're weird, eff 'em. They'll always be an old couple behind one of those doors who think you're adorable and want to treat you like their kin via loads of free sugary treats.