Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Amaury, Feb 2, 2013.
Little late making it on this forum, but who cares!? Happy birthday, bro!
Happy birthday, Sean! :D idk who you are but happy b-day
The owner of KH-MediaFlare.
Is he a member here? Cause a username would be nice.
See the KH-MediaFlare tab in my signature.
You actually invested the time to have all these links in your signature? ......Why?
You actually invested the time to ask him that question? ......Why?
Good point.
YOU DON'T CONTROL ME! But Happy Birthday, Sean!
why are we celebrating the birthday of a person we don't know who is not on this forum?
Except he is on this forum.
*sighs* Go to my KH-MediaFlare tab and under the Owner column is a link to Sean's profile on HERE.
His signature says Hex in the MF link. Or also known as supernova/nova.
Aye, he's been here for a few years. I didn't recognise his new name, though.
He's a premium member here, he goes by the name of Hex