♔☆☆OKAY YES HELLO I AM FINALLY HERE. oh my god ok first COLLEEN THANK YOU even though i already said it in the skype chat thing BUT THESE PICS ARE THE CUTEST OF PICS. and also hyuge thank u i will always cherish this gif even tho u use it for everyone's bday thread ♥ kerru my love thank u <44444 and also to (tail is that u) and burrito-kun and LARIA HELLO MY CHILD thank you also uwu but also @drew i will always love u more than kpop too our love is undying and STRONGER THAN EVER we can conquer anything together thank you bb ilu so much ♥♥♥♥ @Jayn gosh you're just SO GAY and i'm cry i love you so much thank u if i could do the gay thing in this thread without being gross i would @SynK B R U H never4get weebslang thank u to everyone who wished me happy birthday //gunhands i love all of u and i will make an effort to be less dead perhaps ♥♥ T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER