I hope you have an incredible (dick-filled :p) birthday and get everything you wanted. 8DD Spoiler Look who got you a cake!!
Happy Birthday, Din-nee! I didn't prepare anything because I didn't know until right now that it was your birthday, so here's a kitten hugging a snowman.
WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT I WAS GONNA START THIS THREAD BUT I FELL ASLEEP DARN IT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. And I was just 20 minutes away when I did. T___________T *Jumps in a septic tank and dies of shame* Anyway have this awkward video I made 7 hours ago. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 10!! Spoiler: Razzy's birthday message Lol the vid's unlisted don't worry I just didn't know how else to post videos D:
A very happy celebration of continued existence to your very own self, Dinny! I hope that you enjoy the Dick that Midnight has given you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DINNY! I hope you are having a lovely day... I won't question the "Dick" that you'll be getting but yay!
If this was a competition, I'd win. I have the best present. Composed this weeks ago(Feb. 9) for Dinny. So everyone can SUCK IT. Except her of course.
AHHHHH OH MY GLOBRazzy texted me real early to check out KHV and greet me but I wastoo busy to check since school work lolzors but oh my freakin glob ahhh YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST ; u ; OH MY GLOB MIDNY JUST SO MUCH LOVE RIGHT NOW OH MYYYYYYYYYY ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ This is an absolutely fabulous present. I am using this for my phone ahhhhhhh Pikachu + cake hooray!! Aw, HoT, you sweetie, thank you so so much!! Thank thank thank thank youuuu my dear Dark ❤ I miss you so!! Thank so much you cutie hedgehog you! c: <3 AHHHH WHAT THE WHAT LARRY YOU MADE A VIDEO WHAT IS THIS OHMY > /////// < AHHH YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SO SWEET OMG (and so accurate busy or sleeping lol omg) BUT AHH SCREAMING LARRY THIS WAS SO NICE OF YOU OH MY GLOB I WOULD RUN TO YOU HOUSE RIGHT NOW AND GIVE YOU A BIG HUG but I'm too tired lol and that's actually a really long way running hahahah but omg not over this thank you so so much fellow Airbending, Hufflepuff, Keyblade Wielding, Vampire Time Lord. WAHOO <3 See you this Saturday omg c: Thank you so much my dear Ashwin! I enjoy it very much, thank you c: HAHAHAHAHA Enzy! Thank you so much!! You're so sweet! AHHH SISKA ILU SO SO MUCH THANKYOUUUU MWAH MWAH MWAH omg Arch stop being so mean to everyone >:c But thank you!! You've greeted me so much lol. Gave it a good listen today haha Now stop being mean, meanie. Ilu big bro! Oh definitely, my husband and I are having a grand time. Thank youuu!