Most wonderful birthday wishes to you darling! May it be filled with ALL OF THE CHOCOLATE AND TEA. All of it. If you don't get a sufficient amount call me, we'll raid Willy Wonka's.<3 Now, we shall sing. Spoiler [video=youtube;YvUbbYX9BMs][/video] Other musical choices include Livin on a Prayer and anything by 30 Seconds to Mars. I think I've run out of- Oh wait, one more thing. Spoiler DANCE WITH ME. Alright, Love you, have a great birthday<3
I don't care if I've already said it, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST LOVE~! <3 Have a super, speshul, incredibly awesometastic day! I hope whatever you do will be grand for you more than anyone deserves such a wonderful celebration! I love you very much <33 Have a splendid time on you special day and may all your wishes come true~
IF YOU'RE LEGAL, I'M COMING TO FIND YOU WITH FEENIE THE FISH AND HIS FLYING PET MACHI <3~ So much love to you my dear on your special day. {Loveyaloveyaloveyaloveyaokaythat'senoughlove} ●◆■▲▼☆★●◆■▲▼☆★●◆■▲▼☆★●◆■▲▼☆★●◆■▲▼☆★
[video=youtube;rLhtPbkvTv4][/video] Have a wonderful birthday, Daxa. <3
Happy Birthday Danu! Tell us if you get anything nice! (no doubt you'll get Tim Curry gift wrapped to you) Have a great day!
Happy Birthday Daxa. Even though we only talked once, and for a few post, you're awesome. So here, have a clown. [video=youtube;A3ZbnfXEuyc][/video]
My darling dear, you're 15 today! Hurrah! I hope you have a brilliant day, you deserve it, may it be filled with tea, "Death~★" and other wonderful things. I love you, my darling wife. I'm still sending a birthday card. 8| <33
Yay! Happy birthday Danu!!! Oh so happy birthday~ May it be filled with love n' Curry. (Tim Timity, Tim Timity, Tim Timmm Curry that is~) Much love to ye my lovely Jakeen Buddy! Stay dodgy and have a great day!
I wish you a great day, my darling Danu. I hope you will have a day filled with 30STM and great food with friends :]
Happy Birthday, my stalking friend~ I couldn't find a present so I wrapped Tim Curry up and sent him over. Hope that's fine.
Oh my goodness my dears,thank you all ever so much! You are all such beautiful wonderful people,and my day has just been made perfect. Really. I am sitting here beaming my head off at the computer. Thank you all ever so very very much,I love you all <3~ Spoiler: Yesh,I did reply to everyone <3~ My dear,you just made my whole day. Thank you,thank you,thank you sweetheart,I love you so so very much. <3~ Thank you ever so much sweetheart,much love to you aswell! <3~ My body is ready. I mean,uhm,thank you darling! Love you aswell sweetie~ Oh my dear,thank you so very very much <3~ Thank you dear <3~ Thank you very much Adam dear! My brother got me three seasons of the Muppets,and people made me a feast of cake and cookies and tea,so it was just wonderful~ Thank you,for both the birthday wishes and the lovely Tim-ness~ Come and get it c: Thank youuuuu. D'aww,thank you ever so much darling <3~ I love you aswell,my wonderful wifey. Thank you sweetheart,it is much appreciated <3~ My maths teacher comes from your Dublin,and she wished me happy birthday,so I thought of you xD That just made my day sweetheart <3~ Thank you ever so very much! Thank you Petter dear <3~ That is more than fine,thank you my darling!
Happy Birfday Daxa! May you have a ton of Nigel, Jared Leto, Grell and Tim Curry~ And know that you can ride in my helicarrier anyday. <3
LPOIHJSGDLHNALJBNL/OJSDPOGJHN OA;J;OJ. Happy birthday Daxa! That was a special code that will one day make sense to you ::L: I hope you have a great day my dear <3
Not too late at all dear <3~ Thank you,and congrats on the lovely pink name! Thank you ever so much my darling~ I may take you up on that offer someday,Mr.Stark <3 Thank you very much Makaze dear~ MKDHF8ERYTHNFDKJGRIG??? Thank you ever so much sweetheart <3~