Goddamnit, somebody beat me to it. Ah well. Andrew, have as good a time as you can today, and celebrate your fourteeniness. Because fourteen isn't an unlucky number. I will have your gift ready at some point later.
I told him to have a happy birthday before it was cool /hipster Anyways, happy birthday bro, I hope you can eat nommy caek and stuff.
From your big sis (since you didn't tell me that today was your B-day! D:< ) YOU GET A BIRTHDAY HEAD NOOGIE! *Gives head noogie* Also, this is for you too: Spoiler Cause your big sis loves you more than you know. :3 :glomp: REACH FOR THOSE DREAMS, BOY! And don't you dare tell yourself you're not good enough. ;D You know what I'm talking about. You tell yourself you're a bright shining star, and over time the bright shining star you'll become. Luffles you~
Happy Bithday Andrew!!! Hope you have the most amazing of days and get everything you wished for ^,^ :birthday: