Wait it was his birthday? If I had known that I would have written a longer poem thing for him. Anyway happy belated birthday.
NO! Why did I miss it!! What? you're amazing we love you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!, late as this reply may be.
ASHWIN MY LOVE HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YOU ARE FOREVER THE GREASTEST AND I LOVE YOU VERY MUCHLY YOU'RE JUST FANTASTICO!!! You are one of the sweetest and most adorable and greatest people I know. You're incredibly gifted and you're just so amazing forever. You're really just one of the best and I wish you the best for the rest of your life because you deserve the best <3 <3 <3 ilu ash
Happy birthday!!!!! I hope you got everything you wished for and have an amazing year to follow~ (Also check your emails if you haven't done so already)
Oooh wait we have the same birthday? :o I'm too confused with time zones, I'm not sure HAHA. ANYWAYS BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Ashwin! Ashwin! Ashwin! Check the staff pr0n sexshun... we've all left you a treat >:3 Happy birthday What? May the days before you be even better than what has already been.