Kazuya Saotome is a nerdy second year engineering student at Ochanomizu Kougyou Daigaku (Ochanomizu Industrial University), in the Denshi Kougakubu, Denshi Ouyougaku (Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics) program. His birthday is October 18, 1981, and his dream is to build a Doraemon (robot). He is currently trying to develop an artificially intelligent robot that happens to look like a toy squid. The story begins when Kazuya’s wealthy rival, Kotaro Nanbara, gives him a computer program that supposedly will provide valuable information to help with Kazuya’s research and development. In actuality, the program is a virus that Nanbara created in order to infect Kazuya’s computer and destroy all of his work. While attempting to fix his infected computer, Kazuya somehow accidentally orders a cyberdoll from the Cyberdyne Corporation website. Almost immediately, a woman appears at Kazuya’s door with a small package containing a cyberdoll named Hand Maid May. May is a palm-sized robotic doll who’s very sensitive and sympathetic to Kazuya’s feelings, likes, and needs. She has to be plugged into Kazuya’s computer via a homemade cable in order to recharge her batteries because May’s official recharging equipment was accidentally broken when Kazuya first received her. The anime is pretty good and perverted at times( most of the time) but its a good anime just 13 episodes like most short animes.