PSO2 huh? Loving it. XD Alright... I'll see if I can help you. The tutorial can be a pain like that, I got stuck on parts too, so I just tried random things until the way opened. Basically... you are definitely heading the right way, but those gates won't open until you do the right command that the tutorial is trying to teach you... If I'm correct from the area around you and what I can see, that might be the part where the way doesn't open until you use the dodge command. I don't know which key on a keyboard it is since I hook up a controller to play instead, but yeah. You have to basically move around and hit the dodge key, and I believe it should let you pass. If it doesn't, then let me know and I'll see if I can think of what else you may have to do. Usually when these gates appear, just before they do, a small screen comes up which is the tutorial screen. Even if you can't read the stuff, the pictures usually give some sort of hint, so try and use that to you advantage too. But yeah, I feel your pain. Once you're past the tutorial, let me know if you ever want to do some runs sometime.
Ship 10. To be honest, I completely forgot about the ship thing when I suggested we run together lol... Anyway, if you do ever need help with anything on PSO2, let me know. I'm not an expert at the game mind you, but I've got a fair bit of experience with the Phantasy Star games and playing them on the Japanese Servers. And I've been playing PSO2 since the BETA, so yeah. lol Even though I can't read much... (trying to learn Katakana and Hiiragana etc) I still have a general idea on the things that need to be done and how they work.
Ah damn. I joined ship 2. I guess I could just remake my character though since that's all I've really done so far.
It's up to you, buddy. lol I'm not always available for runs anyway, but if you do remake her, then yeah, we can run together in future when we are both free. If you saved a preset of your character too when you first made them, that makes it easy to just import her onto the new ship. (One of the lowest options when you create a character) Also, once you've done the tutorial once, you don't have to do it again, even if you remake/start a new character. (having more characters costs though, so yeah, I'm just sticking with my single character for now)