you know that clip @ the end of halo 3 when u beat it on legendary, [if u haven't seen it here's a link to the vid:] and that ship with the chief on it looks like it's gonna crash to that planet? I think that's gonna be an excuse to making halo 4 or wars 2. like there's gonna be a new alien race & own war & heretics or something like that. wat do u guys think?
This belongs in the Gaming Section. Plus, your signature displays ignorance towards other people's likings in music. Teenagers listen to rock as well as rap, therefore it is unfair to say that.... You probably got that from another site, so I'll cut you some slack for(assumingly) not making that up.
So you want this thread to be taken out of spam, and you make a spam post in it? :v Anyway, to be on topic (OMG IN THE SPAM ZONE?!), doesn't Halo Wars take place before the events of Halo? So I'd say it'd be more likely to be a teaser for Halo 4, or maybe Halo Reach, though I have no idea when that takes place relative to Halo 3.
As far as I know Bungie doesn't want to make any more Halo games after Halo Reach. Which indeed takes place before the main series of Halo. I don't know if Reach is before wars but i guess that doesn't really matter right now.
That planet is where the game Marathon takes place. This is when you find out Master Chief is the MC of Marathon. trust me, i know people in bungie im legit
with the halo wars thing.. it's like MC falls onto that planet [or watever it is] and there's like a war & he gets involved with some military or something. and like during the end he likes gets in contact wit the UNSC & they like go to get him or something... i think reach is rite after wars that's crazy alot of peeps know that the halo crowd would be demanding a halo 4 or wars 2 [if not 4 the 360 then 4 the 720 or watever is after the 360 :D ] y not by bungie?