So, I heard this is gonna be the last ever halo. I'm not sad. And I won't get it. I'll just make my friend to get it, and live in his house. XP I'm really excited about the new character you can use in Halo 3. (some, big guys, gee I really don't know)
I KNOWS! I can't wait for Halo 3 either! 8D Yus,I am a chick who likes a guy video game.Deal with it.Complaints,and you'll deal with Mr. Straw here. -pokes bendy straw- >>
Halo 3 is gonna rock our worlds!!! And not destroy our worlds!!! xD I like Master Chief! He will be kewl Oh and that blue girl that comes up! She betrays Master Chief:(
...not the last halo. Halo Wars, a RTS game will be coming out aswell. Also Halo 3 has great new things.. New weapons, new grenade. Some new weapons. Spartan Laser Spiker Spike Grenade. New Features are also coming...
You're Surprised? She was left at high charity with the bleeding gravemind! In one of the trailers, it showed some of the gravemind's tentacles slithering towards cortana, and I don't think it was intending to going to take her to a friendly tea party. I think it infected her somehow. Anyway, i can't wait for halo three to come out either. It'll be interesting to see what the giant pillar of light is coming up from earth in the first trailer. I hope the covenant finally detonates halo and kills everything. Go Covenant! :D
For all of you who have a 360, when the game Crackdown comes out in February, and you buy it like, first week, you automatically get an invite to be in the Halo 3 beta which starts this spring. I don't care if Crackdown sucks. I'd pay 60$ to be in the beta.
OOOOH,a beta version? 8D Haha.Confession: I suck at Halo 2.Not so much at XBox Live.I didn't beat the games....mai younger bro did. :p But still...I luff it. x3
cant wait for Halo3, got Gears of War to eaz the pain of waiting, GoW=halo3 GoW>every other 360game other then halo3
Halo 3 is far from the dnd of the series. There are 2 other games coming out, and Halo 3 is just the end of the current story arc.
Yeah, Halo 3 will most certainly not be the end for the Halo series. It's a cash cow, so Microsoft will continue whoring out the series as long as it's still profitable.