Hey, I was scouring the nets for a cheap DS Lite and came across these two release dates. Dont know if they have been put online yet and im sorry if they have.... any way Halo 3: September 25 Source: http://www.gamestop.com/ Oh gawd! Its Halo 3! Runnnnnn!!..... oh wait you have a 360? Yay for you? (Sorry i just hate the attitude that goes with Halo. Not the game it self but the insane players T_T) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: September 30 Source: http://www.gamefly.com/products/detail.asp?pid=122460&fcTrack=GameQ Page?-?- Yay, a FPS my parents will let me buy for the Wii!
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption has now been said that it will come out Aug. 20, but that's only in the US.