i just made this for halloween so what are you going as, what you did, did you ever go trick or treating you know things like that i'm not going trick or treating cause i live in a place that gives no candy (i know) and i got nothing to wear anyway
I dressed up as Vanitas, but a lady called cops and I lost the suit... Actually I just scared to people trick or treating as wall they hearing behind.
No. Just a leather jacket with leather mask. It looked like criminal, but I think you can't look innocent and unsuspicious when being like Vanitas
well it turns out that my parents told me to take my 2 year old bro to his first halloween (he dressed as pooh) and then he got pallow case full of candy then we went to my old naberhood with my friend who also lived there and party with our old friends true very true
I went as Bellatrix Lestrange and I trick or treated. I also attempted to keep her accent the whole time but I failed.
John Bender/werewolf I made a few kids cry and got a ton of candy. Also played Guitar Hero in full costume which was both interesting and unpleasant.
I went as me and me and my friends went trick or treating during my friend's party. We got to this one house and this 6th grader gave us candy. We asked him why he wasn't trick or treating and he said he was too old. I lol'd so hard