I was legitimately unsure if this was a topic about a hail storm, or about worshiping someone named Storm
Lulz Storm Details: Length: 20-25 minutes Info: Started with strong winds and blizzard-like conditions with hail pounding hard against the kitchen window and back door window since that's the direction it came from. Changes to just heavy rainfall and DirecTV (satellite provider) signal is lost. Get a little more hail; this time a little smaller in size. Starts letting up and sunlight breaks though with thunder still booming. Some flooding, and it's probably a lot worse in the west Ellensburg area because of the Yakima River and whatnot. Our neighbor's driveway is completely flooded because the drain by the mailboxes, which is more or less directly in front of their house, is overflowing. Luckily ours only has some scattered puddles. The east Ellensburg area when it's flooding usually only has water not even going as high as a sidewalk curb, so this is a rare occurrence. Our house is a little elevated, so that's where our luck also comes in. Our street in the area of the drain's vicinity is also pretty flooded.
Amaury, you need to replace every weatherman ever. You are 110% more accurate than those clowns. GO GET PAID FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO DETAIL!
Just got done moving some gravel around to cover the puddles closest to the house, although I doubt anything would have happened if I didn't.
Not the area we live in, but here's a flooded intersection in our city. ^ Above was posted yesterday at 4:36 PM (PDT) ^ So this video of a hail storm in Oklahoma is pretty much what it was like, except the hail wasn't as big (we don't get hail that big) and winds and wind gusts were probably stronger. Here are videos from our storm in Ellensburg others living in the city uploaded on YouTube: