I find this episode great. Vampire episode: Dean: These aren't Vampires Sam closes door Dean sees Edward from Twilight Dean: These are ******bags I love that even more than the meme about anything being a better love story than twilight
I've been into it for months. Just started season 6 the other day. Had a long time without it because I couldn't get anywhere to watch it
I need to pick that shit back up, I think I left off somewhere in season 4? Idk, Netflix remembers where I was
You should hurry and get to season 5, it's great. What I'm going to hate is that netflix only has up to season 7, so I'm going to have to find someplace else again to continue with season 8
No kidding sherlock, the only reason I couldn't find it anywhere it was because I didn't have netflix to watch it. Now I do, so I'm back to watching it
The only season I care about rn is the one where Death shows up, everyone else can suck a knob NO WEALTH NO RUIN NO SILVER NO GOOOOLD~
It's so old it's new again. If the current rate Hollywood at which is recycling ideas is any indication of the attention span of this generation, people will have forgotten what Twilight was, and how it was allowed to be a thing, a thing that was allowed to have movies, by next week, if it's not brought up constantly, it's also pretty apparent at this point that I've created quite the run on sentence and I should probably end it at some point, and I guess I'll do that now.
Kinda like the constant Star wars and dragonball z parodies in Cartoon network shows as well as Nicktoons.