So the girl that I've liked for like 3 years came up to me, and, knowing what she would say, I asked her out. She was happy. After that we went to a biking race or something and watched inside a tent. She was flirting with me in a playful way. Not because I was her bf but because it just seemed like the thing for her to do. I was replying with an uncaring voice, which gave her a frown, and in turn, made me feel bad. After arriving to her mansion (she doesn't really have a mansion lol it was scary tho) and taking a few steps inside, I told her "Im really sorry about that. I know we're dating, but I'd like it to be more deep, serious, you know?" After saying that she immediately started laughing hysterically at my words and thought me dumb. I felt really sad and wanted to cry. After that I was climbing some stairs in her mansion and a midget black dude was running up them, so I told him to watch it with a stern voice. When I arrived at the top of the stairs, he was all big and buff and pushed me down the stairs and I started to run for my life as he chased me. tl;dr Black people are scary.
that's basically the same with me. The only reason I would remember is if it was something I had when I went to sleep after waking up too early, and getting only 20 minutes of sleep