
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Apr 25, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    (Btw, just so you all know, this thread will be played in the real world, but most of it will occur within the game. Every charecter in this thread must live in the Yokohama, Japan, or in a near by region, ok. That way, it'll make sense if they were to end up meeting in the real world)
    (Also, just to warn you, there is quite a bit of readin to be done, as usual, but this is the kind of stuff that you can just skim through if you will be using a noob charecter. If not a noob charecter, then you can still skim, but try not to blow off the information. After all, it is only listed so people can understand more about how The World works)

    Welcome to your user's guide to "The World R:X2", the latest version in the game called "The World", which is the most up to date MMORPG within the world, run by CCcorp. The World is a wonderous place, containing all forms of oppurtunities. Start a guild with other players perhaps, start up a market, or just go on daily adventures and quests with other players. Some even go to the greatest of extreme's as to go hunting for the secrets of The World, finding rare items and such. Anything is possible within the world, but sometimes one must be warey. After all, sometimes if you are not careful, then a game can become more real then you think. The World is filled with wonders and adventures spread throughout the ages, but along with all of these bright, wonderful things, a shadow is cast, and in that shadow, unknown darkness lies within. The only real question is, what does it all have to do with you? Well, all shall be revealed soon enouph.


    Now, time for an explanation, since I know that most people don't know about .Hack . And this is simply an explanation. Though it gives a whole list of stuff that players do and stuff, we are still sticking to the main story.

    The World, as explained before, is an online MMORPG. It is the year 2025, and the newest version of this game is The World R:X2. It is run by a company called CCcorp, and is the most popular and advanced game around. It is not some kind of a computer game that you just log onto or something. You log onto it by using a portable computer system, which people refer to as V-Goggles (I 4get their real name, but this name works to). These goggles serve as a type of computer screen, except it makes it seem as if you are almost in the computer. You are able to select different websites and stuff by using a portable hand held remote. This is also the most popular method of logging into The World, coming with a microphone which allows people to speak with others online. Not only that, but since the V-Goggles are put on your head, they are some what able to read brain waves, allowing your charecter to move more freely, almost completely like a normal human being, allowing them to move just as freely as if they were in the real world. Within the world, there is a system of rules though, begining with the set up of, The World. Within The World are root towns, run by the most famous guilds within The World. A guild is some what of a club, set up by a single leader, who fights with their guild in order to accomplish whatever kind of goal they might have for making that guild. But the famous ones gain control of root towns, though most of them are closed off from everyone else. The guild leader makes up the rules for the root towns that are formed. All the other guilds though get their own area in which they can meet in and such, though it is much smaller, and the guild leader doesn't have to many perks. In root towns, people are safe, and can trade with eachother.
    Next, we will discuss travle. Travle is handled by using the chaos gate, a big blue spinning flat circle that is in the middle of the root town. Now here is how it works. There are three options that are given whenever you are accessing the chaos gate.
    The first one is to access a root town, which will be listed on the locations list. By choosing a root town, it will transport you directly to it.
    The second option is to access the chaos gate to get to a certain area, by putting in three random words, or three specific words that you have already been informed of. Now, each area is special, because it holds a dungeon within it. Each dungeon, at the very bottem, has a got statue, as well as a boss monster. Now, depending on how rare the area is, and how challanging it is, will determine how rare the treasure chest at the very bottem is. A really rare one could even give you a one of a kind weapon.
    Now the Third option is being able to teleport to whatever your guilds area is. For normal guilds, it is anouther secret combination, that others can only guess in order to get to it, but for the actual guild members, they can go there instantly.

    Next, I will discuss the message bored. In the world, there is a message bored, which is used as a forum, discussing things that might have happend in the world, guild events, or other things like that. What it is most common for though is info on rare items, and also one of a kind events that happend once a week, which offers the oppurtunity to gain rare items, and upgrades.

    Now, as for playing with friends, it is quite simple really. If you ever want to invite a friend, then you contact them through a friend adress that they will give you, then they will reply whether they can come or not. Kind of like a pming system really.

    And so that is your basic description of The World. But The World has a history that comes along with it. 19 years ago, the original version of the world was made, but, The World is known by some for having a history to it. You see, it is connected to all of the world, and is almost as advanced as the internet itself. Ever since 19 years ago, two incidents have occured, known as Pluto's kiss, and Pluto again. Both times occured, being told to all that it was caused by hackers, when the entire world's electronics systems went haywire. Each time before those incidents, players began to go into coma's, for unknown reasons. No media was truelly revealed on the topic, and it was all blamed on hackers. But now, it is the year 2025, and so it is believed that the world is finally perfectly safe. Though there is one thing within the world that still has been a said mystery ever since the original creation of The World, which is known as the key of twilight. It is believed that it is an item so great, that one could re-create the pluto's kiss incident, or maybe even have their wildest wishes granted, though these are simply foolish rumors to most. But dark secrets revolve around this item, and if one is not careful, then these dark secrets can be released, and become a true threat to humanity. And apparently, it is under these circumstances, in which our story takes place, though it is unbeknowist to the players of, The World. And it all starts 3 days after the official comotose of 21 year old Jenna Mawasaki

    Events board: (where all of The World's events will be listed. This can be very useful to some)

    Charecter bio format:

    Real name:
    Character name: (try to be creative)
    charecter class: (list of classes and what their weapons look like will be below) (also list if they have a charecter extention, though if they have one, then they must have been playing for atleast a few good months)
    weapon: (if you have a one of a kind event weapon, then post it here, but otherwise, you don’t need to put in this part)
    appearance 1: (what they look like in real life)
    appearance 2: (what they looked like in The World)
    Wave: (wave is your element, which is signified by a symbol on your armor or body. The 6 elements are fire, water, wind, wood, lightning, and darkness)(At the bottem there will be a description of what each element does)
    reason for playing The World:
    how long they have been playing: (you can be playing from this very start, to 6 months. After 3 months, you are qualified on the thread to have a character extension)(Also, if you want, your character can have been playing since The World R:1, but that is only suggested for people who actually have experience with .Hack)
    history : (as in, are you famous for anything? Maybe you are a hacker (thought it is advised, hackers won’t be able to go out into the open since hacking is a crime punishable by death), maybe ur a guild master, or maybe you are famous for defeating some kind of impossible quest. Or if anything, you might just be some nooby. You decide)
    played by:

    Waves: Fire: increases attack
    Water: Increases evasion
    Wind: Increases speed
    Wood: Increases defense
    Lightning: Increases accuracy
    Darkness: Increases MP (magic points, which means you do magic and skills better)


    (btw, for those who can’t pick a character, here is the link to a quiz thing that I made to help you choose. It is kind of lame, but heck, if you are having trouble picking, then what do you have to lose, eh?)
    Charecter class quiz

    Character classes: (take note that many of the details given are probably useless, but think of how you would act if you were going to join this game, and then pick a character that you would actually use. Character upgrades cannot be given for newbies, and in this rp, will most likely just show how experienced you are in “The Worldâ€)

    Blademaster: A character that specializes mostly in accuracy and speed. All other stats are quite balanced though, making this character not to strong in any skills, but on the other hand, it is not weak in any other traits either. In a sense, it is ideal to have, plus, it has a wide array of special skills that it can use.

    Edge punisher: the edge punisher, like the blademaster, uses a sword, but it uses a very large sword. It’s attack is much higher then all of its other stats, but its other stats are lower. There are some character upgrades that one can purchase if they complete a certain objective, such as completing a special quest, or reaching a high level, or gaining a reputation amongst other players. The character upgrade allows them to use more advanced swords, which can have an added on features, such as a large sword with the charecteristics of a chain saw’s spikes upon in, which are fast moving. This can cause additional damage and status effects. They are low in skills, but the skills that they can learn, can be very effective in piercing through heavily armored monsters.

    Heavy Axe: A class that is useful for anyone who goes along the term of “The best defense is a good offenseâ€, which goes to a whole new level in this class. It’s members are usually large charecters, with heavy armor, that carry huge axes. They have a powerful offense, which is only matched by their defense, but they are low in accuracy and speed. They do not use to many skills either

    Long Arm: A very useful class. It’s skills are average, just like the blademaster, except it uses a long spear, which allows it to use offensive close range attacks from a farther distance. It also has a good range of skills, though not as much as the blademaster.

    Twin Blade: The twin blade comes with two different models. The first is the strength model, which uses fatter, shorter blades, and has a normal attack, though everything is weaker. The second one specializes in speed, and uses longer blades. Either way, the twin blade class has the most skills, which makes it very difficult to deal with when it is performing combo’s. Not only that, but it has speed in both evasion, and in attack, allowing it to be able to throw an attack at an enemy atleast 2 times before they can land atleast one, or so it is phrased.

    Knuckle master: The knuckle master uses gauntlets in order to fight. They have a pretty decent defense, but it is not the strongest class of them all. But it has become quite popular, after bringing back an old expansion that was used in earlier versions of “The Worldâ€, which is the werewolf expansion, in which the character’s stats then increase, all of them being above average. The player also grows a tail, and at will, can turn into a wolf like creature. Though it does not look fierce, it does indeed have a cute look to it, and is very useful in escaping, spying, and sneeking up on players.

    Macabre Dancer: this class specializes in the use of fans, and has below average stats. It can use elemental magic though, but only up to level 2, not making it that rescourful in that area. The same goes for healing. It is very rescourful in using skills that increase charecters stats temporarily. In a sense, you might say that though it is weak, it is the best class member you can possibly have since it is so good at support magic.

    Flick Reaper: A very special class, with average speed and accuracy, but low in attack and defense. It uses a large scythe, which, whenever it hits someone, sends them back. The person can also charge their character, and do a spinning attack, knocking every one that is within a few feet of it away. It is very good with long range attacks.

    Harvest Cleric: The harvest cleric is a healer, used for the pure purpose of healing. It can heal charecters, status effects, the whole bit. Its stats are below average in everything, but if you do not have to many items, then it is the wisest choice to have a harvest cleric with you.

    Elementalist: The elementalist is a magic user that specializes in attack, using all levels of magic. Its attacks are all low, except for its magic attack, defense, and such. It is useful in only long range attacks, never to be used in close combat, unless they are extremely skilled.

    Steam Gunner: This character uses a rifl, which, when activated, has a long red aiming beam, some what of a lock on, allowing them to fire easily. At the front of the gun, there is a blade, so they can also use it for close up combat. Its stats are below average, but it is very useful to have it still, since they can shoot long range, and hit weak points on a body with ease.

    Dual gunner: A dual gunner carries two pistol sized guns, with long blades coming down from the bottem, making it some what like a twin blade, except not as widely skilled. It has a rapid fire, so even though they can fire at two people at once, if they fire at one person, then they will not even be able to get near them, due to risk of easily being pked.

    Go look them up on other threads. I am quite certain that you should know the basics. As for rules that must be used specificly for this thread….

    1. If you are going to have a powerful character, then do not abuse it. I am going to stress this, because I hate people who act like tough ****, but are really not even deserving of a powerful character.
    2. For your own safety, I suggest no hacker charecters, since after doing research, I know now that in the .Hack universe. hacking is a crime that is punishable by death. I’m just saying, only people who should really have a hacker character are those who know what .Hack is in the first place
    3. No one is aloud to be carrying a virus or anything like that, which gives them increased power, unless I give the ok. There are certain things, which are of out of the ordinary within the world that exsist, and unless you have my permission, you will not be aloud to have those things (and really, don’t expect to get it either way. I will only make few acceptions)

    That is it for now, and I will add more rules if I find them to be fit.
    Character list:

    Real name: Matt
    Character name: Cero (sairoh)
    age: 15
    charecter class: Dual gunner
    gender: male
    appearance 1: [​IMG]
    appearance 2: [​IMG]
    Wave: wind
    personality: He is the kind of guy who is usually laid back, doesn’t work to hard, but doesn’t sit around like some couch potato. He only really helps if someone needs it. He is a very defensive brother, and he does not take bull from people. He kind of is a solo player, but he has no problem with working with others. He tends to get a little out of place around the women in The World, so he so far has gotten himself into some trouble with others after continueing this bad habit, leeding to pks, slaps in the face, or just plain getting robbed.
    reason for playing The World: He is searching for a way to save his sister, who is currently a comotose patient.
    how long they have been playing: only for a week by now.
    history : he is a complete nooby. For a week now though, he has been playing, searching for…….something. It would say, but he himself doesn’t know what he is looking for. All that is known is that he shared an experience in the area “Hidden Forbidden Holy Groundâ€, which is an oddicity of the world (or atleast one of them), where no monsters should be, no treasure chests, not even an actual field is there. Just a cathedral in the sky.
    played by: Deathsight44

    Real name: Unknown
    Character name: Bith
    age: unknown
    charecter class: Long Arm
    gender: male
    weapon: [​IMG]
    appearance 1: [​IMG]
    appearance 2: [​IMG]
    Wave: Lightning
    personality: Mysterious, hides in the shadows, and works from behind the scene’s. He is a puppet master, who truelly is the puppet of yet anouther puppet master, but he knows exsactly what he is doing.
    reason for playing The World: Unknown.
    how long they have been playing: he has been playing the main version for 6 months, but it is believed that he may have been playing ever since the first version of The World was tested, A.K.A Fragment, a game that only 1,024 people were chosen to test.
    history : He is a famous hacker, though he is really only famous amongst those who deal with such matters. It is truelly a rare thing to even be able to see him, and no one knows why he still plays the world. It is believed that he works for Helba, believed to be the ultimate hacker, a.k.a, the queen of darkness, which is how Bith gained the title of Bith The Black, the name of Helba’s assistant in an old poem known as The Epitaph Of Twilight
    played by: deathsight44

    Real name: Damien
    Character name: Grim
    age: 14
    charecter class: Flick Reaper
    gender: male
    appearance 1: [​IMG]
    appearance 2: [​IMG]
    Wave: darkness
    personality: He is your classic pker, a.k.a, player killer. His thirst to defeat other players in the field is only matched by his hunger for power. If he is out in the field without any of his friends, then he will attack on sight, no matter who it is. It is even believed that he once pked his own mother in The World. Of course, his love for pking is only matched by his love for the search of the Key of Twilight
    reason for playing The World: To pk and to find the Key of Twilight
    how long they have been playing: 2 months and 25 days
    history : He has nothing to really brag about except for his reputation as a pker. An entire guild has once even come after him. He joined the Guild known as The Twilight Brigade, a guild which was also around during the time of The World R:2.
    played by: deathsight44

    Real name: Nick
    Character name: Sage (like the japanese wine, not like the actual word sage)
    age: 21
    charecter class: blademaster
    gender: male
    weapon: (in his charecters picture). It is refered to as the sword of Orca of the Azure Sea, A.K.A, The Azure Sea God
    appearance 1: [​IMG]
    appearance 2: [​IMG]
    Wave: fire
    personality: Some what greedy, doesn’t let people boss him around, and does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He doesn’t try to be polite like most players, and he just speaks his mind. He can be a bit hard to work with though, since he prefers to be a solo player, and makes few acceptions.
    reason for playing The World: Him and his girlfriend were playing the world once, but then they encountered a monster that was glowing green. It used some sort of a strange ability on his girlfriend, and then on him. It was game over for him, but when he checked on his girlfriend, she was having a seizure. She was sent to the hospital, and is now currently registered as a comotose patient, along with 5 other people. Now he plays to find a way to save her
    how long they have been playing: he’s been playing for a good 6 months, plus he started playing The World R:X before it was revised into The World R:X2.
    history : He worked as a bounty hunter. In other words, he was payed to go after guild leaders, pkers, and all of the sorts, then bring back whatever remains was found. The goods would then be split 50/50. He gained quite a reputation, until everyone became shocked by his choosing to join the guild called The Twilight Brigade
    played by: deathsight44

    Real Name: Tai Matsumoto
    In-Game Name: Taku
    Character Class: Twin Blade
    Weapon: Two dark Twin Blades similair to the ones you get when you just started out in the World R:2,but these blades have the ability to sap away HP and SP,Making Taku a dangerous opponent.

    Appearance 1: [​IMG]
    Appearance 2: [​IMG]


    Personality: Tai's mood varies on what's happening in the World,little else is known outside that.He enjoy's helping out new players get started and is proud to call himself a PKK,having already PK'ed 99 already.He should most likely be friendly when you talk to him.If asked,he will gladly exchange Member Adresses with you.

    Reason for Playing the World: To help those who are new,to take down those who would PK,and to enjoy the game himself.He plans to do everything he possibly can in the game.

    How long he's played: 7 months,2 days. He's already an expert in most areas.

    History: A very well-known PKK,in nearly every root town you'll hear his name in it.He had even taken down an entire guild who had formed for PKKing,and after defeating their leader and bringing down everyone who came at him,that guild disbanded.But there have been rumors circulating of that guild,and possibly others that plan to track down PKK's and get revenge for their player deaths.He's been asked to join many guilds,but doesnt want to get anyone in them in trouble with a bad crowd(a.k.a PKK'ers)

    Played by: Tularim
  2. exile0025 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 8, 2007
    not sure,tracking a smooth criminal
    can you show the region around Yokohama please?
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    (Ummmm, just make something up I guess. It was hard enough finding out where Yokohama is. Srry if I couldn't be more of a help, but I only chose Yokohama since it was the sight of where some .Hack events took place is all)

    (and besides, it isn't like you have to list it in your bio, ya know)
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Real Name: Tai Matsumoto
    In-Game Name: Taku
    Character Class: Twin Blade
    Weapon: Two dark Twin Blades similair to the ones you get when you just started out in the World R:2,but these blades have the ability to sap away HP and SP,Making Taku a dangerous opponent.

    Appearance 1: [​IMG]

    Appearance 2: [​IMG]


    Personality: Tai's mood varies on what's happening in the World,little else is known outside that.He enjoy's helping out new players get started and is proud to call himself a PKK,having already PK'ed 99 already.He should most likely be friendly when you talk to him.If asked,he will gladly exchange Member Adresses with you.

    Reason for Playing the World: To help those who are new,to take down those who would PK,and to enjoy the game himself.He plans to do everything he possibly can in the game.

    How long he's played: 7 months,2 days. He's already an expert in most areas.

    History: A very well-known PKK,in nearly every root town you'll hear his name in it.He had even taken down an entire guild who had formed for PKKing,and after defeating their leader and bringing down everyone who came at him,that guild disbanded.But there have been rumors circulating of that guild,and possibly others that plan to track down PKK's and get revenge for their player deaths.He's been asked to join many guilds,but doesnt want to get anyone in them in trouble with a bad crowd(a.k.a PKK'ers)

    Played by: Tularim
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    You, gladly, are accepted. Now I just need one more before I can start.
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: do we have to? XD..who knows how long that will take.
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    (Trust me, I know the wait is a pain in the ass, but, here is how I see it. If we start with two players, then it will be extremely boring. If we start with a second player, then things will be a bit more interesting, and then other people might gain more interest in it. I know it is a pain in the ass, but just bear with me on this, ok. Also I'll add ur charecter tommorow (I tend to make additions to the first post once every morning when I wake up)
  8. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*
    I really don't know that much about .Hack much (Hell I've only wacthed keys to the twilight), anyways I'll join still just because .Hack is awesome

    Real name: Yokaisha Savitu
    Character name: Orgatiu
    age: 15
    charecter class: Long Arm
    gender: Male
    weapon: [​IMG]
    appearance 1: [​IMG]
    appearance 2: [​IMG]
    Wave: Lightning
    personality: Shy, Queit, Nervous, Low confidence
    reason for playing The World: Eh, just needed something do and came across the game
    how long they have been playing: Been playing for only a few weeks
    history : no history
    played by: Sadden Blood Warrior

    Hope I did this right
  9. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    Real name: rex
    Character name: rozardo
    age: 18
    charecter class: blade master
    gender: male
    weapon: [​IMG] (and the one from appearance 2)
    appearance 1: [​IMG]
    appearance 2: [​IMG]
    Wave: fire
    personality: nice, smart but has a ego to
    reason for playing The World: for the fun and to become the greatest blade master in the world
    how long they have been playing: 5 months
    history: when he started the game he joined a guild but they were PKed one by one after that he left the guild for unknown reason after that he was trying to become stronger and stronger
    played by: overload
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    (Both bio's are accepted. I will be adding them all soon, as well as yours RA (ra sent hers through pm), but I godda take care of somethen first. Hopefully with this many rpers, we can encourage others to join ^_^ . So when I get back, then I will make the first post)
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Real name: Terri Lynn
    Character name: Xlaya
    age: 16
    charecter class:
    gender: Female
    weapon: in pic and Wotan's spear
    appearance 1: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x155/hitna3510/Other Amine/cobriana8bx.jpg
    appearance 2: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x155/hitna3510/dark_cleric_culvona_by_guri_chan.jpg
    Wave: water
    personality: like to be msterious but at the same time funny and pretends to know nothing at first (hussles)
    reason for playing The World: To have something to do and be imporant
    how long they have been playing: since the start just about
    history : Her family dislikes spending time together so she's been going to the world almost all of her life. Is an admin 'acception'
    played by: Random Angel
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: accepted as said before in the pm. I will add everything soon enough (there is a lot to add, so I'll do it one at a time)
    We will be starting in Delta, Mac Anu

    bic: The World, as usual, was bussaling with life. People were haggling over prices as usual, guilds walking around, acting all big and tough, from the corner of the eye, it could even be noticible to find some pk trying to lure some kid into an unknown zone. But there was one thing that could be seen at the bridge, which crossed over the canal, where most players gathered to chat. It appeared there had been excitement over some new player, believed to be a dual gunner.

    "Like, OMG, did you hear about that kid. He's a dual gunner, right?" one female player said.
    "Wait wait wait, hold on, I thought it was a twin blade" a male player said.
    "Nah mon. The kids godda be an adept rouge. I heard that they gonna be bringen it back to the game" anouther player said
    "No. They said that they were going to get rid of it for good since it gave an unfair advantage to some, or some bull like that. The kids godda be a hacker, it's the only way" a player said.
    "Ya. I heard the kids dual guns could turn into twin blades, and they were supposed to be really powerful or something like that. But can't it be some kind of an event" a younger player asked.
    "No. It has to be a hack. No way can someone have dual guns, and twin blades. it is against the rules" anouther female player said.
    "Ya, definatly a hacker. No way can someone be so strong with those kinds of weapons, and be at such a low level"

    The gossip had been going on ever since 12 midnight, 3 days ago, when a short poweroutage had hit all of Japan. It didn't take long for the press to get in, and try to dig up some info on it, though the admins had beaten them to it. They couldn't confirm it due to current technicle problems, but some kid had been logged in at the time during the power outage, in delta, Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground. Admins were trying there best to find out who the kid was, since they believed that if he was on, then he obviously was the scource of the power outage, and they didn't want anouther pluto's kiss incident on their hands.

    A strange looking flick reaper grinned, as he walked through the crowds of chatting people. "Wow. This might just be my lucky day" he muttered
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    She walked around the place while listening to the people talk as she passed them by
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Yo, Xlaya!" the man yelled out as he began to jog towards her.

    ooc: you gonna need someone to help you in the admin buiss, so I'll make his bio later. His name is Bob2110 (and the name is definatly aloud. Since it is an online game, some people tend to make such names)
  15. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Real name: Kaigaishi Koruzawa
    Character name: Hexin
    Age: 16 yrs
    Character class: Adept Rogue
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Twin Daggers
    Pole Arm
    Appearance 1(Real life): http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20guys/AnimeFreak421/Anime%20Guys/Oracleson2.jpg?o=44
    Appearance 2(The World): http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20guys/Zero55_2008/Anime%20Guys/ninja.png?o=69
    Wave: Light
    Personality: Relaxed, Collected, easy-going, great-hearted, and sticks to task at hand when needed. As fast as a snakes strike, Majestic like an Eagle, and strong as strong as a lion, this player can cause seriously be a pain in the rear end in a fight.
    Reason for playing The World: In order to escape his harsh reality; parents divorced, living with his dad, and the rough days at school.
    How long they have been playing: Since “The WorldR:2”.
    History: Known by many as one of the many remaining Adept Rogues, he is constantly being harassed by Pker’s who wish to prove themselves as being the one to Pk the rare class; which many have grown to believe it to be a strong class. Some consider him to be the heir to the title well known to others “The Terror of Death.” This is a rumor in which so many have grown to believe. This is quite ironic because he doesn’t resemble “death” at all. xD
    Played by: Hexin :D
  16. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    rozardo was taking a look in a weapon shop but coudn't find something better then his own weapon

    ''man i need something better then this sword, the strenght of this weapon is to low and it's power to, i need something better'' said rozardo when he walked out the shop
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    A man, looking around 6'5 feet tall stepped up next to Rozardo, and opened up the weapons screen on his own screen. "Pretty nice day for an event, don't you think?" he asked Rozardo, just out of the blue. It certainly was random

    ooc: and as said before in my pm, ur bio is accepted hexin.
    And to all, he is the only acception I have made for an adept rogue, but only because his makes sense, and I actually will require his charecter for something. If there are any complaints about him being able to have an adept rogue, then plz pm them, alrite (just thought I would say that now because I don't want any flaming or spaming on the thread itself)
  18. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''yeah it is, wait a second there is a event, man i was so busy i didn't check the events'' said rozardo and started to think of a way to get a better weapon
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "It isn't up there. THey are going to be having a very special one that they havn't had since the original version of the game as a matter a fact. You would be surprised" the stranger said. If his charecter were to be targetted, then for some odd reason, his name would not show up nor the charecter stats.
  20. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''what is the price anyway'' asked rozardo and now he was thinking why he didn't saw the name of the man
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