so who here plays .hack//GU? Because I love this game. I just beat the first volume in about 22 hours, with a good chunk of that being all day of Monday, and now I'm waiting for vol 2 to get here in the mail, and because my friend got me a $10 gamestop gift card, I have enough to buy to 3rd game. (as much as I want to try TWEWY I really want this volume even more). I love the fights, and the story is really nice and long(although when I finished the first game I kinda figured there would be a little more to it). Anyone who plays .hack//GU here here, what do you think of the game? Do you have any problems with the game? What are your pros and cons. Because I know I've got very few cons. Oh yeah, who here uses only one weapon? I know the game is made that you use different kinds, but I just can't get myself away from Dual Swords. I should get used to Broadswords, but I just can't. What do you guys think I should do? Should I just stick with the weapon I like best?
Dual swords are pretty handy, but its best to broaden your weapon usability. Dual Guns came in pretty handy for me. These games were fun, but I have to say, I enjoyed the Legend of Twilight collection more. (This consisted of .Hack//Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine)
Yeah, I thought of getting the first 4 games, but I just wanted to play GU again so badly. I might get those 4 some time, but not anytime soon. Right now I'm pretty dry on money, and I need to save that last bit I have for the last game What do you consider the best weapons to use? I mean, they all have their uses, but I tried using Broadswords, but they're just not that great. Yeah they have strength, but they're so slow, and I never get anywhere without getting slammed. I'm hoping the scythes aren't too bad.
Well, usually it depends if your mauling them down or just hitting one main target. I remember I had a thing for using Scythes. But thats just me. I know people who used Dual Swords constantly, so its fine if you want to stick with those. In the end, its your choice.