I was wondering what you all thought of Haseo's forms he takes in this game, my personal favorite was his original form(Twin Blades) His next form(Blade Punisher) allows him to use both twin blades, and heavy swords, his costume changes dramatically from the original and looks like this instead: His third(and legal, final form allows him to wield twin blades, heavy swords AND sickles! but its very cliche 'dark/evil/demonic' looking: NOW, however, in vol 3 he surpasses the system parameters and gains an 'XTH Form' allowing him, as i assume, to wield the previous three weapons, PLUS dual bladed pistols This is my favorite, after his original form, of course. From what I've heard, it allows him to attack close range with the blades, and then ong range with the pistol attachments, he can fire two times before needing to reload it, I dont know if he requires actual ammunition though, if anyone else knows tell me.: Whats your opinions about these changes to his appearance? Like them, hate them?
whoa, im totally digging the last form and i would choose the original form as my second fav. but the second is my least favorite >.> btw, cant see the third :\
I love both 2nd and the 3rd form for haseo, somehow the 2 disc-like thing for the Xth form behind Haseo seems very weird and i don't quite like it there