I love storms. I used to watch them for fun. Thunder was the second best part. What is a concert without sound?
I really don't like thunder that much and tend to curl up in a ball in the corner of my bed and hid under the blankets.
I'm with Makaze. I love storms, and I still watch them to do this day. Something about it is just relaxes me.
I never understood the fear of thunder, noise can't hurt you, excluding supersonic frequencies that can shatter glass but thunders like way deep man. Just chill and listen to the sound of drums in the sky and watch the rain pour.
Guys chill I'm not scared of thunder, I like storms too. This was an Amaury style thread though, had to let you all know bout that there thunder.
It's okay, Ghetto. There's nothing to be ashamed of. We still love you, even if a little thunder makes you scream like a girl.
Rich White Kids is really really good. Earl tweeted that apparently he was high when he recorded his verse, which I find completely believable.
I love watching storms from the inside... but I was out hiking in the high hilltops once in a storm. My sister's hair went static... I laughed when I shouldn't have.
I scream like a hot girl though so it's okay. That might be my favorite on the album, and I definitely find Earl being high when he did that believable. His delivery sounded extremely...chilled. He's usually puts a bit more emphasis on words.