Alright, so. My mom is allowing me to get an iTouch and a PS3, but... I have to get one for now and one maybe like..a month later or until Christmas. I've wanted an iPod for a long ass time, especially since the iTouch is almost like a mini laptop. I really want a PS3 for LittleBigPlanet and because I'm a diehard Metal Gear Solid fan. Plus I've decided the PS3 is just pretty epic all over since it has wifi and a lot of awesome games. So yeah... halp me decide? ;A;
iTouch first, you seem to have wanted it longer, also it will keep you entertained until you get your ps3
PS3 :B|: Well, if you can get your hands on a few games when you get it then yeah, PS3. Otherwise it's just a 6kg Paperweight for a while >_>
You can surf the web on the iPod, watch movies, listen to music, play games, it has tons and tons of neat apps and you can get on MSN with it (something I really like about it). So... I wouldn't really say it's just a paperweight. xD (Also, I never realized you were Forsaken o.o)
I meant the PS3 would be a paperweight if you can't get games >_> It's awesome and all, but iTouch can be better as a first choice. And I have no idea who you are. *checks* Edit: Wtf Trigger? ._. I didn't expect that.
PS3 if you've got a lot of spare time on your hands, iPod Touch if you can't spend too much time gaming during the period between the two purchases.
PS3. Quite a few great exclusive titles to get, as well as multi-platformers. iPod Touches are overrated. You pay 10x the price you would for a regular iPod with the same amount of storage.
Wellll I'm sorry for emulator talk but you can get it on a I touch I think so you'd be able to play anyway. But the PS3 has faster internet I think. oh I don't know research this stuff if you want
PS3. Since Sony got smart and dropped the price. You have the computer right in front of you don't you? iPod can wait.