Turns out that Squidward's a Beastman. Spoiler: proofz With my luck this is probably incredibly old news, but I still found it...Interesting to say the least.
I've recently been getting addicted to TVTropes. It's such a fun way to waste time. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EyesAlwaysShut My most hated trope of all time. If any character does this I instantly hate them. I can't help it.
I've spent hours on that site, especially on things like Gurren Lagann and Kingdom Hearts. Also; Spoiler
Spoiler /loljk In all seriousness (Seriousness in the Spam Zone? What is this blasphemy!?), I don't particularly like the "Eyes Always Shut" trope either...It's kinda annoying.
Oh come on, where did this come from? How could this be possible? I'm going to be in a permanent state of denial now