I have mixed feelings about this. All I know about this game is it's going to follow in the same steps as the Aerosmith game did, but will focus on tracks from albums like St. Anger and Kill 'em All. I also know (after rading this month's GI) that it is slated to be released at the end of March next year (the 31st to be exact). Now what I DON'T know is which system(s) it will appear on. I'm sure it's safe to say PS3 and 360 will have it, not so sure about Wii and highly unlikely for PS2 (since I have no clue when Sony plans to let PS2 die like the GC did), though I wouldn't count either out just yet. I also don't know if the game will feature tracks from bands that toured with Metallica, much like in Aerosmith. This is where I get mixed feelings. While I like the idea - Metallica is one of my all-time fave bands and being able to play more than just "Enter Sandman" or "One" sounds awesome (Master of Puppets would be sick, or Battery even)- and this is great news considering World Tour is due out soon (with RBII due out for the holidays), but I wonder if this is where Guitar Hero will end. It's like playing through a VH1 documentary rather than watching it. I liked having a mix of bands in the games, rather than focusing on one band. Opinions? Thoughts?
All I can say is, wow...Although I kinda don't like it when a band gets its own game because all you get to play is their songs(or songs similar to theirs). But it still would be good anyways...I think...
I hope they dont remake the scene were Clifford Burton dies T_T if they do i will never play Guitar hero EVER AGIAN!!!
You've put words into my mouth!! :yelling: It would be good though, I'd have to agree, very enjoyable!!