Just to put an end to "HOW DO I PUT ____ IN MY POST!!!!" Okay, to clarify, any tag that has an asterisk(*) in it, is just there so the tag shows, so, unless otherwise told, remove it to make the tag. Okay, first things first, there are a lot of different tags in BBCode, and there's probably a lot that I dont know, but most of them, I think I do. --------------------------------------- List And Descriptions: [C*OLOR="Color"][/COLOR] Makes text a specified color. [S*IZE="SIZENUMBER"][/Size] Makes text a specified size [F*ONT="FONTTYPE"][/FONT] Makes the text a specified font [B*][/B] Bolds your text [I*][/I] Makes the text in italics [U*][/U] Underlines the text [LEFT*][/LEFT] Makes the Text align left[CENTER*][/CENTER] Aligns the text in the center[RIGHT*][/RIGHT] Aligns the text to the right [LIST*][/LIST] Makes a list [INDENT*][/INDENT]Indents the text[U*RL="Link"][/url]Inserts a link to the website entered in "Link" [EMA*IL="Address"][/EMAIL] Inserts an email link [I*MG]IMAGELINK[/IMG] Inserts an image into your post, by using a direct link which you put in "IMAGELINK" [Q*UOTE][/QUOTE] You can alost put [q*uote="USERNAME";POSTNUMBER][/quote] and have a username and post number entered in to quote a specific user and post. [C*ODE][/CODE] Code: Puts text in code, meaning that instead of having a mile long page, you can scroll in a box [H*TML][/HTML] HTML: Puts text in HTML, I dont really know what this does. [P*HP][/PHP] PHP: Does some PHP thing, Again I dont really know what this does either. [M*ARQUEE][/MARQUEE] [MARQUEE]Makes marquee text.[/MARQUEE] [S*TRIKE][/STRIKE] Puts a strike through the text (A line) [Y*OUTUBE="VIDEOLINK"]COMPLETELINK[/youtube] Embeds a youtube video into your post Thats all for now, probably get a little more later.