Video [Guide] Basic Guide on WMM

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by Yukai, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. Yukai Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2007
    In the Internet
    [has no idea where this goes, someone want to move it for me please?]

    I wrote this sometime back (like months ago), I never wrote part 2 of it because it was strenuous making the GIFs... =/

    NOTE: No tips on how to use Titles, Transitions or Effects. Sorry.


    Kelly's AMV Tips-and-Tricks

    This is one my friend made. Originally it was made for AMVs (Anime Music Videos) but it should apply to all types of music videos. The guide is basic and pretty easy to follow so you shouldn't get confused.

    Main Editing Program Used: Windows Movie Maker

    My Guide:

    How I make videos with Windows Movie Maker is a bit different to my friend, Kelly's, way of making videos. It's not much different though, but first off, my screen layout is different. Mainly because the Collections button (highlighted in red) is pressed. Just importing and Saving is different. WHOO!! LOW BUDGET MOVIES FTW~!


    I also separated all my clips into different folders which you can see here.

    NOTE: To Create new folders in the any of the folders that is in the Collections, just right click and select "New Collection", name it, then put in what clips you want in there. It's great for when you want to separate certain clips for different videos.

    So to import you would go up to the File tab at the top and press "Import into Collections". Importing music works the same way too.


    For example, I'll just Import a video of us summoning Boogies in Kerning City and for organizational purposes I'll rename the video file in Windows Movie Maker and place it in a new folder in my Misc. section called "Etc." and delete the original folder. (Which is shown below)


    As you noticed, the clip I imported is just one big clip while I had the option to import it as smaller clips (by checking "Create Clips for video files" in the Import window). I just do this because I find that clipping the videos myself is actually better and it's easier to preview (since I normally don't watch the footage till I actually edit it).

    If you're new at this though, I recommend to check "Create Clips for video files". It would make it easier to place clips in the storyboard/timeline.


    This is the storyboard/timeline which is at the bottom of the window. You can go from either Storyboard or Timeline respectively by pressing "Show Storyboard" or "Show Timeline" (which is highlighted) depending on which one you have open.

    I personally use the timeline for everything but feel free to use the storyboard to easily place clips into your video then the timeline for fine tuning.

    At this point, I preview the footage then clip it without placing it in the timeline. To preview your clips just click on them then press play in the player


    You clip the footage using the little film cut button next to the camera on the player. (It works when the clip is in the timeline or when you're previewing it.)


    You should get that section you clipped with the original name and a number in parentheses.

    "Boogie Summon in Kerning (1)"

    To place clips into your video just drag it in to the storyboard/timeline. The same applies to music.


    ABOUT MUSIC: All the functions for videos work with music. The only thing that won't work is effects and transitions.

    So now you have your music and video.

    From this point you can add transitions and effects which can be accessed through the "Video Effects" and "Video Transitions" folders in the Collections tab.

    [/end file 1]

    I'm totally considering if I'm going to finish this or not... But I have to write a segment on Rendering... o_o;;;

    EDIT: Segment on Rendering done.

    [begin file 3]


    To "render", or save as a "video" file (AVI/WMV formats), go up to "File" and select "Save as Video".


    You will get a window which asks you where you want to save your video. Select "My Computer" then click "Next".

    A screen will come up asking you what to name your video. Name it what you like and choose a folder to save it in.


    Of course, "Next".

    In the next window, "Movie Setting", select "Other Settings" then choose a setting.

    The settings will vary depending from computer to computer. Make sure you keep your eye on the setting details in the lower left corner and choose which setting is best for your video.

    For videos being posted on Youtube, try for a high quality 360x240 display size. However, other choices will work as well.

    My Commonly Used Settings:

    High quality video (large) [640x480 Size]
    High quality video (small) [360x240 Size]
    Video for broadband (512 Kpbs) [320x240 Size]
    Video for broadband (340 Kbps) [320x240 Size]

    I use "High quality video (small)" the most as it is all I really need.

    I would also recommend trying out the "Video for LAN" and "Video for local playback" settings, as they both have high Kbps settings.

    Try to find out which one turns out nicely.

    After you're ready, press "Next" and you'll be taken to the "Saving Movie" window. After that, just kick back and chill till it's done.


    NOTE: Remaining Minutes varies... and no, it didn't take 99999 Minutes to Render. He he... That was just what happens when my WMM tries to process it for the first 3.2 seconds. Last time it was 133334 Minutes, ha ha.

    Poof. You're done!

    [/end file 3]