
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Dec 6, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Long ago, long before the birth of Christ, even before the great flood, which was survived with the help of Noah’s ark, creatures of great magic exsisted. Dragons, elves, you name it, they exsisted, and helled much greater intelligence then the humans of the time. On the day, they were wiped out completely though, leaving no trace of their ever being there except for the magic which they possessed, or more so, what some may now refer to as spiritual energy. Some harvesting within humans, others harvesting within the dead, leaving behind ones spirit as a consequence. You see though, there are two kinds of spiritual energy which one can possess. One is the harmless kind, that which can be harmless to those that it is used for, and only used vaguely. Then there is the other kind, the strong kind, the kind which can get people hurt. Those that hold these abilities though, are just about always never able to tell if they have them. But these people all share one thing in common, those with weak, and powerful energy. These are refered to as the eyes of Grim. These can differentiate from person to person. These eyes see through the ‘mist’, allowing them to see certain things. There are 2 sets of eyes which belong to these people. The eyes of Death, allowing people to see the dead, and the eyes of the Reaper, which allow people to see peoples life spans. And so, our story begins, in a little town called Stony Point, the town where nothing special ever happens, where the lighthouse at the end of the peak never works, and where people go when they grow old to live a peaceful life. Yes, the town of Stony point, where one day, those who are gifted might just one day begin something, something so big that it cannot be stopped…..
    Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale again, exhale again. The pattern continuing as a man ran, as some sort of spirit followed him. He ran, passing house after house, screaming “HELP ME!”, but when people looked outside, all they were able to see was a man running around like a crazy idiot. He ran through the streets, and looked to his side, eyes filled with terror as a car approached him, and he raised his hands infront of him, as the on-coming car suddenly smashed right infront of him. It seemed as if nothing were there, but the car was severely damaged, almost as if an invisible wall or something were put up. He then continued running, seeing the phantom chase after him. He came towards a dead end, and looked from side to side, as he made a right, running towards a fence, and quickly began to try and climb over it. He continued running, but only for the phantom to fly right through the fence, as if it were not really there. “LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” he yelled, as he continued running, believing there to be a turn. He looked from left to right, and then quickly turned around, only to see that it had been too late, as the phantom placed its hand on the mans head. Without even a screaming for help, he fell to his knees, and collapsed on the ground. AN expression of peace on his face.

    Ok, so you can already tell where everyone is starting off. This rp basicly revolves around psychics, or atleast a fictional point of veiw in the whole thing. The current setting is the morning, right before school.
    rules: No god modding, no killing eachother, ect ect.
    EVERYONE, and that means EVERYONE starts off with not knowing all that much. I don't want anyone with uber powers, no one who thinks that they know every little thing about what is going on either.

    Bio formats:

    social group: (this is not to important, but it does point out how your charecter will start, since the thread begins in a school)
    skills: (these are just normal every day skills. just put down 3 things that your charecter is good at)
    abilities: (you'll see from the list of abilities)
    played by:

    ((I'll add my bio's later today))

    List of abilities:
    Here is how things work. you can either have 3 minor abilities, 1 major ability and 2 minors, or 2 major abilities. That is all though

    Minor abilities:

    Spirit communication: The ability to communicate with spirits. Though some people are able to see spirits, it is different with those that can communicate since they can talk and listen to them.

    Shape prediction: a common term given to this ability. It comes from the practice of being given a card, and guessing the shape on it without seeing it. This is some what of a way for a person to be able to predict just what might be behind something. Though it will not be accurate, shapes are shown within the mind, giving an idea. Such as if someone is waiting behind a wall with a gun, then you would notice the object in hand in the shape of a gun

    Instinct: Being able to feel danger before it happens. That ‘nagging feeling’ you get

    Astro projection: A lesser form of Possesion. It is the same properties, where you will have no memory of it, but it allows your soul to fly freely and observe others. You may also enter the dreams of others while they sleep, but that is all.

    Bibliomancy: Being able to pick a passage from a book at random, which may foretell the near or far ahead future

    Card reading: Extremely simple. The ability to use tarot cards

    Channeling: being able to allow yourself to be possessed by a spirit

    Clairaudience 1: simply more advanced hearing. Being able to hear things that others usually wouldn’t.

    Clairscentient: having abnormal smelling abilities. One might even be able to smell a gas which most would never be able to smell

    Claireempathy: Being able to feel the feelings of those that are around you. If you do not know what you are doing though, then you are usually influenced by them

    Psychometry: Being able to touch something, and in doing so, you might gain a reaction to it. Such as a murder weapon, you might see the face of the victim briefly, or the murderer, or perhaps an area where it occurred, and ect.

    Telepathy: allows 2 or more people who have this gift to communicate between eachother with just their minds

    Xenoglossy: Being able to speak any language, but only as long as you are in contact or have been in contact with a person from that language for at least 2 minutes

    Matured (powerful) abilities:

    Health: Very plain and simple. The person does not catch diseases, digests food easily, is always in shape, very fit. Even wounds can heal within a day (such as cuts), infections die out easily, and broken bones and be fixed within a week. If ones limb were to be torn off, then though it would take a good 5 years, none the less, it would grow back

    Possesion: Very rare, but amongst those who are able to achieve it, once they are asleep, then they may be able to take possession of a near by animal. When they wake up though, they will have absolutely no memory of ever doing so

    Aura reading: Being able to see someones aura. Their aura determines what kind of person they are, basicly letting you know if they are good or bad. IT also shows just whether or not they, or even a spirit poses a threat to you

    Excorcism: A natural gift. The ability to excorcise spirits. In other words, these people have the ability to do harm to the unnatural through simple methods instead of more unnatural, much more challenging methods

    Healing: Being able to heal others wounds. Though it is not flashy, nor is it a fast method of healing, none less though, it is effective. Say if someone had a tumor, then they might be able to shrink it. Perhaps pure a little bit of blindness, or return some feeling to a paralyzed persons legs. These people are able to do short healing, and can help to make wounds recover quicker.

    Clairaudience 2: a much stronger level then the weaker one. This one SOMETIMES may even allowing someone to hear anouthers thoughts

    Gaurdian: A very rare one indeed, but instead of it being a power, it is more of a gift given to you. It is the ability to see your Spirit guide, or also refered to as your Gaurdian. This Gaurdian will always try to advise, and protect you however it can, though it cannot protect you from everything (if you have this then you will need to make a special bio for your guardian. Pm me if you do have this ability so I can give you a bio)

    Telekenisis: Being able to lift things with your mind. This is extremely hard to master though, and is extremely hard to control, and usage can resultage of things easily being destroyed

    Levitation: Extremely hard to use, it is like telekenisis, but much harder to master. But it basicly lifts up your own body, allowing you some what the ability of flight.

    Pyromancy: the ability to create fire with your mind. This is like telekenisis and levitation, extremely hard to use. When it is used though, then it must be carefully controlled or else you can burn yourself or anyone around you. It also goes out of control if you ever lose your temper

    Bio list:

    name: Matt
    age: 15
    social group: rebel
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: Though he is not all that rebelious, he usually just does things however he wants. Though he tries to hide his feelings from everyone, all he ever really wants to do is help people out. He prefers to help people with their problems, and just keep his to himself. He does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. he doesn't care about other peoples oppinions either, and whether it is 'right or wrong'. its just his way or the high way, but not in a mean, stupid way
    skills: Usually never gets emotional, extremely flexible (not only is he double jointed in many area's, but he is also basicly 'in shape'), and is an expert with a gun
    abilities: astro projection, spirit communication, and instinct
    history: The new kid in stony point. Just moving there, he lives only with his older brother. He's always been interested in things like spirits and stuff though. ALways trying to get into haunted mansions, getting caught sneaking on abandond psyche ward grounds, ect. Especially ever since he began seeing them, he's been fascinated with them.
    played by: Deathsight44

    social group: about middle class he gets picked on by lower and upper class but has friends in both places so. =P
    appearance: he is tall has hair to his neck and bangs that hang half past his eyes and hair over his ears
    personality: he is quiet and loves reading and listening to muisc and if you challeng him to a fight dont ecpect to come back un touched, he is always quiet and calm and if you see him bitting his lip he is trying not to lose control of his emotions
    skills: reading,fighting,cooking
    abilities: instict,aurora reading,pyromancy

    history: he is not rich at all more like poor just makes money to get into school cause his parents died in a car crash when he was 13 and he lived by himself ever since and never yells
    played bysora117

    name: Evan
    age: 14
    social group: Ome
    appearance: [​IMG]

    personality: Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Can be unemotional at times. Friendly and loyal. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique.
    skills: Fighting, Singing, Skating
    abilities: Pyromancy, Health, Clairaudience 1
    history: Evan's history isn't that exciting. He grew up in a normal yet pretty poor house with a normal, loving family. He is very close to his family, and they are close to him. One day, Evan vistied a graveyard because the path to school was closed. He heard voices and looked down, only to see what looked like the "Twin Kites'' from ancient Egypt, wailing in their graves. Apprantly, he had the eyes of the Dead.
    played by: Steal the Hail

    Name: Nana
    Age: 16
    Social group: Gothic Angels
    Appearance: Normal outfit: [​IMG]
    Party clothes: Amine/gothicgirl.jpg
    Personality: Is out going and can be very hyper but tends to get pissed off easily when offended and loce to trick people and vampires. Also is a wee bit twisted at times.
    Skills: Picking locks, sneaking into/out of places, and tricking people
    Abilities: Spirit communication, Instinct, card reading, and Gaurdian
    History: Grew up as a gothic outcast and then moved to Stony Point just recently, still without many friends. Is Kevin's little sister.
    Played by: Random Angel

    Name: Kevin
    Age: 17
    Social group: Gothic Angels
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Is the troubled teen of the family. Doesn't talk much but is very protictive of his sister
    Skills: Remaining calm/keeping a stright face in tight situations, fighting, and getting into trouble (it follows him xD)
    Abilities: Health, Aura reading, Possesion and Telekenisis
    History: He's always been watching out for his sister Nana, beating up her bullies. Nothing else to add...
    Played by: Random Angel

    name: Greg
    age: 15
    social group: Rebel
    personality: Unlike his brother, even though he does whatever he wants, he does it in a more rash way, doing whatever he wants, and being very agressive. Usually causing trouble, the basic 'bad boy', doing everything that he shouldn't
    skills: picking locks, fights, pushing peoples buttens
    abilities: none
    history: He moved with his brother alone. He lost his parents in a fire before, and so he has been in stony point with Matt this entire time. He is known as the school 'bad boy', always playing pranks, doing things, getting slapped for perverted antics, ect. He is practicly the exsact opposite of matt. He doesn't have the same interests in ghosts and stuff though. He sometimes is able to feel them their, but he really doesn't have the same interest as matt does
    played by: Deathsight44

    name: Anya Tomoya
    age: 18
    social group: Shadowmen (full of people that don't give a crap about school....just their abilities....they r clld shadowmen because they never get caught when they ditch classes, or pull pranks. Translation: Delinquents...^^.)
    personality: As a Shadow member, she doesnt care about school....all she wants to learn is any type of fighting skillz.
    skills: Close Combat, Superb jumping skills (useful for leaping tall fences and walls for escaping cops), and can handle any weapon.
    abilities: Instinct, Telepathy, and Pyromancy (most Shadowmen posses this skill too..).
    history: used to cheerful and carefree when she was younger. But now she is cold and distant...well not really cold..but her life was changed when her parents were murdered during a robbery..)
    played by: Kekeira

    name: Kurenai
    age: 17
    social group: Shadowmen
    personality: same as Anya's.
    skills:Close Combat, Weaponry skills, Dodging skills
    abilities: Telepathy, Pyromancy, Card Reading
    history: A very gothic/emo person. She never had any tragic events, but what made her turn from a cheerful girl to a non-emotional one is a mystery.
    played by: Kekeira ^^

    name: Kentaru
    age: 18
    social group: Shadowmen
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: An average boy, who is new to the 'clan'. He doesn't see school usefull either. He practices his abilities until he know he's mastered his skill..which he's not even near.
    skills: Ability to use any weapon that becomes available, jumping down from high places without harming himself, and quick-witted/clever.
    abilities: Levitation, Psychometry, channeling.
    history: From a good family, but his family doesnt approve from the friends he's made.
    played by: Kekeira

    social group: The quiet ones
    personality:Isabella is very quiet, and very shy she doesn't talk to very many people and she has friends, but no one she's really close to. She gives into peer pressure very easily and will do just about anything anyone wants her to do
    skills: She's good at school work (she's very smart), helping people (giving advice, helping with homework, exc.) and keeping calm.
    abilities: Bibliomancy, Xenoglossy, and Healing
    history: She lives a very normal life, with a normal family. She first found her healing ability when she brought in a bird that had hit her window when she was 7 and the broken wing was almost completley healed when she touched it. Once she entered high school she discovered her xenoglossy by becoming friends with an exchange student from Germany, she soon realized that when the girl spoke German she could easily understand her, even though she had never learned German. She keeps her powers a secret and has never told anyone before.
    played by: kairigirl22
  2. sora117 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 1, 2008
    in hell wanna come play
    social group: about middle class he gets picked on by lower and upper class but has friends in both places so. =P
    appearance: he is tall has hair to his neck and bangs that hang half past his eyes and hair over his ears
    personality: he is quiet and loves reading and listening to muisc and if you challeng him to a fight dont ecpect to come back un touched, he is always quiet and calm and if you see him bitting his lip he is trying not to lose control of his emotions
    skills: reading,fighting,cooking
    abilities: instict,aurora reading,pyromancy

    history: he is not rich at all more like poor just makes money to get into school cause his parents died in a car crash when he was 13 and he lived by himself ever since and never yells
    played bysora117
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
  4. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    name: Evan
    age: 14
    social group: Ome
    appearance: [​IMG]

    personality: Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Can be unemotional at times. Friendly and loyal. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique.
    skills: Fighting, Singing, Skating
    abilities: Pyromancy, Health, Clairaudience 1
    history: Evan's history isn't that exciting. He grew up in a normal yet pretty poor house with a normal, loving family. He is very close to his family, and they are close to him. One day, Evan vistied a graveyard because the path to school was closed. He heard voices and looked down, only to see what looked like the "Twin Kites'' from ancient Egypt, wailing in their graves. Apprantly, he had the eyes of the Dead.
    played by: Steal the Hail
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Name: Nana
    Age: 16
    Social group: Gothic Angels
    Appearance: Normal outfit: [​IMG]
    Party clothes: Amine/gothicgirl.jpg
    Personality: Is out going and can be very hyper but tends to get pissed off easily when offended and loce to trick people and vampires. Also is a wee bit twisted at times.
    Skills: Picking locks, sneaking into/out of places, and tricking people
    Abilities: Spirit communication, Instinct, card reading, and Gaurdian
    History: Grew up as a gothic outcast and then moved to Stony Point just recently, still without many friends. Is Kevin's little sister.
    Played by: Random Angel

    Name: Kevin
    Age: 17
    Social group: Gothic Angels
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Is the troubled teen of the family. Doesn't talk much but is very protictive of his sister
    Skills: Remaining calm/keeping a stright face in tight situations, fighting, and getting into trouble (it follows him xD)
    Abilities: Health, Aura reading, Possesion and Telekenisis
    History: He's always been watching out for his sister Nana, beating up her bullies. Nothing else to add...
    Played by: Random Angel

    Is this okay?
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: bio's are accepted. I want to give it a little more time b4 we start though. You'll know when we are starting when I put the bio's in
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    dude....U have Telekinesis 2 times..

    For the one with communication..don't you mean 'Telepathy'?
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Thnx. WE'll start tommorow, but I seperated al lthe powers to make things easier for everyone to read))
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    name: Anya Tomoya
    age: 18
    social group: Shadowmen (full of people that don't give a crap about school....just their abilities....they r clld shadowmen because they never get caught when they ditch classes, or pull pranks. Translation: Delinquents...^^.)
    personality: As a Shadow member, she doesnt care about school....all she wants to learn is any type of fighting skillz.
    skills: Close Combat, Superb jumping skills (useful for leaping tall fences and walls for escaping cops), and can handle any weapon.
    abilities: Instinct, Telepathy, and Pyromancy (most Shadowmen posses this skill too..).
    history: used to cheerful and carefree when she was younger. But now she is cold and distant...well not really cold..but her life was changed when her parents were murdered during a robbery..)
    played by: Kekeira

    name: Kurenai
    age: 17
    social group: Shadowmen
    personality: same as Anya's.
    skills:Close Combat, Weaponry skills, Dodging skills
    abilities: Telepathy, Pyromancy, Card Reading
    history: A very gothic/emo person. She never had any tragic events, but what made her turn from a cheerful girl to a non-emotional one is a mystery.
    played by: Kekeira ^^

    name: Kentaru
    age: 18
    social group: Shadowmen
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: An average boy, who is new to the 'clan'. He doesn't see school usefull either. He practices his abilities until he know he's mastered his skill..which he's not even near.
    skills: Ability to use any weapon that becomes available, jumping down from high places without harming himself, and quick-witted/clever.
    abilities: Levitation, Psychometry, channeling.
    history: From a good family, but his family doesnt approve from the friends he's made.
    played by: Kekeira

    OOC:iz mines okay??
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: its mostly alrite. but I would prefer it if you didn't actually have knowledge of your powers. Like at least only know a little about your powers, but it cant be like you abuse it, ya know what i mean? I mean, idk, maybe if the 3 of them are the only one in the clique, then it would be alrite
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: I changed it!
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: alrite. ish accepted :P
    I'll start later then, k. Maybe tommorow if school closes :P
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: ur school closes 4 u 2morrow?! LUCKY! :P
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: IF it is a snow day. but lets stop spamming. either way, tommorow starts :P
  15. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    social group: The quiet ones
    personality:Isabella is very quiet, and very shy she doesn't talk to very many people and she has friends, but no one she's really close to. She gives into peer pressure very easily and will do just about anything anyone wants her to do
    skills: She's good at school work (she's very smart), helping people (giving advice, helping with homework, exc.) and keeping calm.
    abilities: Bibliomancy, Xenoglossy, and Healing
    history: She lives a very normal life, with a normal family. She first found her healing ability when she brought in a bird that had hit her window when she was 7 and the broken wing was almost completley healed when she touched it. Once she entered high school she discovered her xenoglossy by becoming friends with an exchange student from Germany, she soon realized that when the girl spoke German she could easily understand her, even though she had never learned German. She keeps her powers a secret and has never told anyone before.
    played by: kairigirl22
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: accepted :P
    I'm adding bio's now

    bic: Matt had to place his hand over his eyes, as he began to get off of the bus. Greg followed him, not to far behind, keeping an eye on him. "Boy the sun can get annoying. I wish it would rain" he mumbled to himself, as he started walking in. Greg, already feeling like he had his own things that he could do, wandered off though.
    Matt looked around. He had only been in this new school for only a few days, and it had been pretty strange for him bieng in a new place, though he really did not care that much for it, as he walked around, wearing his usual smile
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Nana was at the place where the buses dropped off the students with her brother Kevin. "This is beyond boring..."

    "And yet here we are..."
  18. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "You two make things too grim. If you find things to be too boring, then make them more interesting" Greg said from behind the two, getting involved into the conversation, even though he did not even know them.
  19. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Isabella sat on a bench outside talking with some friends.
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Kevin grinned. "I was thinking the same thing..." He turned around. "And who are you?"
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