"In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night, No Evil Shall Escape My Sight, Let Those Who Worship Evil's Might, Beware My Power, Green Lantern's Light!" For those who haven't been keeping up to date, there's been a big intergalactic war between the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps. The Sinestro Corps are (obviously) led by the former Green Lantern rogue, Sinestro. To combat the Green Lantern's color of Willpower, the Sinestro Corps power comes from the yellow color of Fear. It's been revealed in the past months that the Yellow and Green Lanterns aren't the only ones wielding rings of emotion. In the future, there'll be seven Lantern Corps across the emotional color spectrum. They consist of: Red Lantern: Hate Orange Lantern: Avarice Yellow Lantern (Sinestro Corps): Fear Green Lantern: Willpower Blue Lantern: Hope Indigo Lantern: Compassion Violet Lantern: Love In 2009, the Black Lantern Corps will rise. The rings are specifically used by those who've died. They are known as the Blackest Night, representing Death. All seven corps are destined to destroy the Blackest Night, but ONLY if they can band together. If not, the seven Lantern Corps will end up destroying each other, plunging the entire universe into darkness. I had always wondered if there were other Lanterns besides the Sinestro Corps and the Green Lantern Corps. Well, now it's official. The Green Lanterns aren't the only ones who can wield light. Any thoughts on the upcoming event?
After hearing such a description, I have to wonder if there's a 'White Lantern' out there somewhere...keep in mind this is coming from a guy who hasn't read a single GL comic since...Is Kyle still a member?
A brief history of the past few years... Kyle was kinda in the center of the war. He was possessed by the corporeal form of fear itself, Parallax. Yes, Parallax is fear made real. He's the one who possessed Hal Jordan before the Specter did. Kyle's mother was killed by a sentient bio-virus who was a member of the Sinestro Corps. The power of Ion was separated from him when Parallax possessed him. For more details, check out "Green Lantern: Rebirth." Trust me. It's worth the read to see Hal Jordan's return. And it explains some plot holes that were formed over the years, such as why Green Lanterns have a weakness to yellow and how Hal Jordan became Parallax in the first place. Anyway, Kyle was freed from Parallax's control by some assistance by Hal Jordan. So, basically the Earth Green Lanterns consist of Guy Gardener, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner and Hal Jordan. Ganthet (the last of the original Guardians and the one who gave Kyle the final Green Lantern ring.) was exiled by his fellow Guardians for having relations with a female Guardian (Sayd). He was the one who told the Earth Green Lanterns about the Lanterns to come. After the war, it's revealed that he and Sayd are the ones who will form the Blue Lanterns of Hope. Sinestro has been imprisoned by the Guardians, but not before his master goal was achieved: For the Green Lanterns to initiate new laws, including removing the safeguard to kill another life. Meanwhile, Coast City is now no longer known as a ghost town, but has been redubbed "Coast City: the City without Fear" due to no one evacuating the city even when the war reached Hal Jordan's hometown. Superboy Prime (or Prime has he is known now), one of the antagonists from Infinite Crisis, was sent to the Multi-verse. Cyborg Superman (yes, the one from when Superman died) was finally killed (to his relief, he wanted to finally rest in peace)...until he was reactivated by his drones. And as for the sentient creature of Fear, Parallax was weakened, dissected and placed within the Earth Green Lantern's Power Batteries.
It'll come together as a conflict of interest no doubt, just as the Crisis story arc went. There's no way that Sinestro would reach the conclusion that the yellow ring of fear must unite to fight a greater evil. He'll do it to maintain his own self-interest. If there aren't enough parallels between the rings and their capabilities as is, I propose that the battle with the Dark Battery will result in some form of composite/rainbow Ion being summoned to do battle.
That's the worst thing about wielding the mightiest weapon in the DC universe... ...there's always something more powerful. Oh, and FYI...Kyle and Hal laid the smackdown on Sinestro. All without using their rings. :noworries:
Green Lantern Has been an amazing title so far and only getting better. With the recent issuse of GL Corps we find out that (or atleast Hinted) that Mongol will be taking Sinestro place. And from what i see The Alpha Lanterns will cause more harm then good. Looking forward to Final Crisis because the GL titles will have alot of Prelude stuff in it
Damn. I've been meaning to read Green Lantern Corps as well as Sinestro Corps, but Countdown threw me off of DC comics for a while. The farthest I've got in Sinestro Corps was when Sinestro and co. released Superboy-Prime (Or Superman-Prime now, I suppose...) I've tried going back into it, but I had no idea what the hell was going on....
On the subject of Green Lantern, I present one of the best...nay...The GREATEST Green Lantern Pic ever!
Actually, he's known as just "Prime" now. In the very end, he ended up fighting EVERYONE. And I mean, EVERYONE. Sinestro Corps, Green Lantern Corps, JLA, even the Guardians themselves (who finally decided it was time for them to get involved.) If he wasn't an antagonist, I'd think that was pretty cool. One against Earth's Mightiest Heroes (I know, wrong comic) and the bad guys. So kick-A55! :D Eventually, one of the Guardians sacrificed himself to send Prime to the Multi-verse. Oh, and judging by The Enigmatic Superior's pic, it looks like he's not the only Prime. :xp:
*sees other posts*...yup, Kyle's still a member... Man, I'm way out of date. I thought Guy still had Sinestro's ring...I knew he had a GL ring at one point in time, but still... As interesting as this is, chances are I'm probably not going to read this. At least, not until I figure out what's going to happen with Spidey and MJ: They are my Priority One right now!
The good thing about Prime was that his character was never evil to begin with. His slip-ups and faults simply came from his immaturity, lack of real guidance and loss of his home. He won't be back soon because his only goal was to find his way home again. Anyone else not enjoy the confusion many have had with this young badass and the actual Superman-Prime from DC 1 Million?
"The Blackest Night" is coming... Well, with Sinestro's plan of forcing the Guardians to rewrite the Book of Oa in full swing, the rings of color are finally beginning to show themselves. Red and Orange Lanterns have finally appeared. The Guardians have become narrow-sighted to their past endeavors and have created the Alpha Lanterns: Green Lanterns that have been physically modified to become soulless walking power batteries to "police the police." Oh, and did I mention that they created ten new laws? The first two have been revealed as "Green Lanterns are authorized to use lethal force" and "Alpha Lanterns are authorized to use lethal force against all enemies against of the Green Lantern Corps." Sounds cool, right? Unfortunately, this means that instead of preparing themselves for the prophecy of Blackest Night like they should be, they are in fact, causing the prophecy to pass by trying to prevent it. The Guardians may be powerful, but they really gotta get it through their midget-sized skulls that repeating past mistakes and abandoning emotion is the WORST possible form of action they could do. Hopefully, Hal Jordan and the others that haven't abandoned emotion and common sense will be prepared for the worst that is yet to come...
All this is tieing into Final Crisis, right? I'm just waitin' for the Black Lanterns to come into play.