Green Lantern Official Trailer

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Ryan Reynolds<3
    Hal Jordan<3
    Skin tight costume<3
    Sinestro looks weird though.
    Guy Gardner is going to make an obvious cameo, hopefully he'll have a big enough role though.
    I'm hoping for a John Stewart and Kyle Rayner reference, though.

    Oh and lol@ "Make yourself at home, there's water in the tap."

    EDIT: Also, Blake Lively (Serena from Gossip Girl, blond from Sisterhood of Traveling Pants) is Carol Ferris, Hal's love interest who eventually becomes the villain Star Sapphire.

    Hal Jordan - Ryan Reynolds
    Carol Ferris - Blake Lively
    Sinestro - Mark Strong (Blackwood from Sherlock Holmes is where I know him from)
    Amanda Waller - Angela Basset (How STELLA Got Her Groove Back lol and I was actually not expecting to see Amanda Waller in live-action, besides Smallville, so soon)
    Hector Hammond - Peter Sarsgaard
    Abin Sur - Temuera Morrison (Boba Fett's voice)
    Jack Jordan (Hal's Brother) - Mike Doyle
    Martin Jordan (Hal's father) - Jon Tenney
    Thomas Kalmaku - Taika Waititi
    Hal's younger brother and nephew are also in the movie.

    Release Date: June 17, 2011

    They want to do a trilogy and "In June 2010, Warner Brothers studios hired Greg Berlanti, Michael Green and Marc Guggenheim, all of whom worked on the Green Lantern screenplay, to write a treatment for the second installment"
    To coincide with the release of the movie, Six Flags bought the Green Lantern name and will debut two roller coasters named after him.
    There's an animated movie coming out (Emerald Knight, I think it's called?) to go along with the movie. It's about the origin of the Corps and the first ring wearers.
    Geoff Johns also said there's a very "strong possiblity" about a Green Lantern animated series.
  2. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Some people are complaining that Hal is out of character in the trailer. Well, here's the thing, this is his origin story, before any character development. He's supposed to be a cocky playboy dick, which I think the trailer hits relatively well. Of course, it is somewhat jarring to go from his more serious post character development personality in the comics to what the movie has.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm

    its fanmade though

    But they seriously need to take off that CGI mask, that looks really bad.
  4. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Yeah I saw it yesterday. It was cool I guess, but they could've improved in some areas, like the CGI.
    Naturally I can't judge the movie by the trailer alone. But it'll hopefully be awesome >_>
  5. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    Ryan Reynolds and his perfect body >.>

    I have to say that it looks a bit cheap... Or is it only me? I hope it goes well but i can't say i am excited just by watching this trailer.
  6. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Now, I'm more of a Marvel Man, but I have to admit, this looks interesting. One thing that's getting to me is the amount of CGI... it just doesn't look convincing. It looks... well for a lack of a better word, Cartoon-y. Yes, I can see reasoning for it to draw back to the old comic style, but the key with these superhero movies is to make it look genuine. That green fist there just didn't match into it's surrounding environment, and while that can be symbolic of it's nature as a foreign and unknown power, it didn't seem to fit with me.

    That, and is it me, or is the costume itself CGI'd on? if so, then that is INCREDIBLY stupid. What happened to having our actors in costumes? Hell, Iron Man did it. Honestly, I can't tell from just a trailer, so I'll wait on it a little. I'll still go and see it, but I can't help but feel I'll be disappointed.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Same here. I've always preferred Marvel, but GL has always been one of my favorite heroes. And yeah, the CGI does look weird. I'm hoping it looks more...genuine on the big screen.
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is. He wears a skin tight suit, but the costume is CGI'd on.
  8. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    The whole CGI where a costume should be is pretty lame. Ryan Reynolds will probably be what saves this movie unless it turns out to not be an assortment of random over used plot lines like many people are predicting. Then again, Ryan Reynolds will end up being every super hero ever at this rate, he's a more bad-mouthed version of Hannibal King, a lame version of Deadpool (and apparently wants to be the proper version of Deadpool in the future) and now he's a Green Lantern? Next he'll turn out to be really playing Thor and Captain America and all we've heard about them has been a red herring *shot*

    Either way, I probably won't see this since I know so very little about the Green Lantern and from what I know of him I don't really like.
  9. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    aka you're a ***.
    Quit making distinctions. You either like superheroes or you don't.

    ... the movie is not due out until June. The CGI is not done yet.

    But that stuff about the comic style? Quit talking bullshit.

    If you're *****ing about the CGI costume then you honestly know nothing about Green Lantern. His suit comes from the ring as you can clearly see in the trailer. It's not and never has been a physical suit in the comics. The ring itself is advanced alien technology and using CGI for the suit is a way of demonstrating that. I'm a huge Green Lantern fan and I, as well as many other fans, completely support the idea of the suit being CGI. It makes sense and it's nice to see them doing something different.

    Well what do you know? Nothing?
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    You don't have to like every superhero though. I like superheroes, but I prefer Marvel over DC (barely, though). They're two separate companies with different styles and stories altogether.
    I was actually about to say this, too. They still have plenty of time to finish developing it.

    Yeah, while I agree with this, there's a point where it looks "fake." It may not be a physical suit in the comics, but it still resembles clothes.
    I lol'd at this because I said the exact same thing to my cousin.
    I posted this video on my facebook and he commented how excited he was and then told me something like "whoa, they messed up. Green Lantern's black."
    I laughed pretty hard and then tried to explain to him about the Corps, the different Lanterns, etc.

    Also, I updated the first post with some more info.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I'm normally not a fan of the Green Lantern but the trailer made me want to go see the movie...well, maybe when it's on DVD. I just suppose DC's superheroes don't appeal to me as much as Marvel's although I wouldn't consider myself much of a fan of other characters outside of Spider Man and Iron Man. >> Anyways, I don't really have much to say since I know only the most basic chunks of knowledge about the Green Latern. Well, that's what making a movie about a popular superhero comes down to, making it accessible and not-so-confusing for the vast number of people who didn't read the comics.
  12. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Other than that there was a black Green Lantern in the Justice League cartoon, not much else.
  13. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    In other words, nothing.

    I was personally hoping that they'd go with John instead of Guy considering that, 1, Guy's easily my least favorite of the human Lanterns and 2, John's more popular anyway thanks to his exposure in the Justice League cartoon.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. The helicopter going through looked pretty terrible. I think they focused alot of the CGI on things like Sinestro and other people in the Green Lantern corp and lacked on other stuff. But I guess they have alot of time to improve and polish that up.
  15. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    But it's not something to draw a line in the sand over. I generally like the DC Universe more but I don't feel any sort of extreme tie to the company that I'll refuse to acknowledge anything by Marvel. That's just ridiculous. Just because Superman is my favourite superhero doesn't mean I can't enjoy Thor.

    You know most the action shots in Superman Returns, they just used Brandon Routh's face with the rest of the body as a CG model. And there's one or two shots in there were it's a complete CG model. By the time the movie is whole and finished, I'm sure the CGI suit will look awesome.

    I can't tell you how much the "I thought Green Lantern was black" annoys me.

    Then why feel the need to distinguish yourself if you're not that much of a fan in the first place? That's just stupid. I honestly can't believe how many times I've seen "I'm not much of a DC fan, I prefer Marvel" in this thread. It's just downright dumb considering most of you probably don't even read comics. If you like superheroes, just enjoy superheroes. Who gives a **** where it comes from? Quit acting like kids.

    And that's enough for you to just throw your hands up and say you don't like Green Lantern? What are you, like 5 years old?

    I'm actually pretty confident that John gets a cameo as a marine just like in Secret Origin. Guy was in earlier versions of the script but it's been re-written since then.

    also, screw you, Guy's awesome.
  16. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    1). No need to insult me
    2). By saying that, I meant that most of the superheroes I like are from Marvel. Does that mean I'll instantly dismiss any other content from DC or Image or whatever? Of course not. The Dark Knight is probably one of my favourite Superhero films, but a lot of the other stuff I've seen that DC put out there just don't interest me. I have no loyalties to comic publishers. That's hardly making a distincion rather than an observation.

    My point was that they are using CGI in the first place instead of having the actor in costume. I have no doubt the quality will change, but I have every right to make comments based off of what I see in the trailer that the studio has decided it's good enough for me to see.

    Someone's never heard of stylistic editing. It worked in Scott Pilgrim, why couldn't it work here? It had just look a whole lot better than that fist did.

    Then that's your opinion. Mine is that "physical suit" or not, it's a superhero costume. The protaganist should ideally be wearing it. Make it look like there's a body in the suit. If it comes out looking good, then fine, but it just smacks of obvious symbolism to me. Primarily, it has to actually look good on screen before any supposed symbolism from it can be taken as anything other than an excuse.

    Who's drawing any lines? No one has said that because they prefer Marvel Heroes they won't go and see this. Marvel have a lot of Heroes. DC has a lot of Heroes. You can like whatever you want, but if most of the superheroes you like tend to be based more with one company, then logic dictates that you will probably end up going to them more for their characters and stories. It does NOT mean you will necessarily disregard the other unless you've just had bad luck and found only the bad stuff.

    Considering Superman Returns was mostly tripe, this doesn't inspire confidence in me.

    'Cept that's how human minds work. Companies make a lot of money purely out of brand loyalty. No one really cares about who created it, but if it's provided by a company who have given you good stuff before, it's a no-brainer to go with the safer option. What does reading the comics have to do with this in particular? None of us ritualistically follow only one company.

    That said, your sig doesn't particularly make seem to be someone who appreciates other people's opinions, so I'll leave you with this. Ta.
  17. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    I both agree and disagree with this. On one hand, I personally don't read a lot of Marvel because I don't like how Marvel often tries to be "relevant" or "political" before they try to tell a story (yes I am aware that DC will also soapbox from time to time, but they're a lot more subtle about it usually.) I don't like it when comics preach instead of telling a story as I'm reading a superhero comic to enjoy seeing a conflict between good and evil.

    On the other hand, brand loyalty is quite useless when it comes to companies as big as Marvel and DC as they only care about you as long as you pay for their product. Not to mention that the opposite company from one's preference is just as capable of making a good story as one's preferred company. For example, I am currently reading Avengers and the Infinity Gauntlet and I can see why it rates high among the pro-space trucker demographic (Clevinger's words, not mine)..... Granted, I would have probably passed it up if it weren't for the fact that Brian Clevinger (Atomic Robo, 8-Bit Theater) is writing it. He's also the reason why I'll be picking up his Captain America book when that comes out.

    Meh, John's the Lantern that got me interested in Green Lantern in the first Place, so its not a matter of me not liking Guy at all, I just like John, Kyle and Hal more.
  18. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    If you're offended; harden the **** up, Princess.

    Then why feel the need to address it? No one asked how you felt about the topic. This isn't a Marvel vs DC thread, or a thread about Marvel or DC characters. It's simply about Green Lantern. Just leave it at that.

    They have to release a trailer to generate interest and they had to release it at this time to coincide with the second last movie of the Harry Potter franchise. It really doesn't take a genius to go "oh, they've still got several months in post-production before release. i guess it'll look better toward may/june." Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen wasn't complete until the actual DAY OF the international premiere.

    Green Lantern is nothing like Scott Pilgrim and it's easy to see in the trailer that's quite obviously not what they're going for.

    What symbolism?

    Reynolds spent all the costume scenes during production in a grey/silver mo-cap suit. They are working off of his body. All that movement is him. The CGI was just layered on top of that.

    Again, then why bother mentioning it? This isn't a topic for that discussion. I'm looking forward to the Captain America movie but I don't feel the need to preface my thoughts with "I'm generally a DC fan but". It's just ****ing dumb.

    Could you point out the part in that sentence where I was discussing anything else but the special effects in that movie?

    The comics have everything to do with this because they are the true representation of these characters and Marvel, as a company, is only responsible for three movies with their characters. You're not exactly demonstrating brand loyalty to Marvel when most of the money is going to Fox. So I reiterate: this mentioning of "I prefer Marvel over DC" is wholly ******ed in this thread.

    I'm just sick of dumbass opinions and stupid statements. Just like things for what they are. Don't preface a comment with useless statement. Don't get all prejudicial based on nothing. Just be open minded and think things through. Simple.

    ****ing right. You follow creaters which is exactly the right thing to do. I couldn't give a **** about the Hulk but I'm somewhat interested in Jeff Parker and Gabriel Hardman on the book. Marvel and DC don't give a **** about us a people (well maybe DC does care since $2.99), they don't care what we think as long as we buy.

    Did you ever read Tomasi's Green Lantern Corps?
  19. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Very little. The pre-Blackest Night stuff I've been buying trades of, but so far all I have is the Sinestro Corps War (which is possibly more Geoff Johns than Tomasi, despite it being a crossover of Corps and the main book,) so the only individual issue of Corps I have is #47, AKA, his last issue on it. That said, he's now writing Emerald Warriors, which continues to make me wonder if Tomasi has any idea how to tell the readers what's going on. I mean, really, we're five issues in and we still have no clue what Guy and Ganthet's plan is, even though they've been leading up to it since Green Lantern #53, which came out TWO MONTHS before Emerald Warriors #1. And, hell, according to the summaries on Comixology, the reveal won't even be in Emerald Warriors, even though Emerald Warriors is supposed to be about the ****ing plan!