Film Great Movie Trailers

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Daydreamer, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Restricting myself to trailers for movies that were released in 2012 in this post, as trying to list the best trailers of all-time would be endless, This thread is essentially my excuse to talk about movies, and try to get more people interested in movies and find new movies. The following are some trailers that I thought were the best, along with my thoughts on each one. Will add more if I find any trailers that I missed.

    T H E B E S T T R A I L E R S O F
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    I love the Resident Evil series' bait-and-switch trailers. Listening to the annoying slogan repeated over and over again, I went from "Oh my god, not another commercial about 'the best new thing,' " to "Oh my god, not another Resident Evil movie."​

    Sometimes trailers don't show you enough of the movie to tell whether or not it appeals to you. Piranha 3DD's trailer tells you exactly what you'll get out of it. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the theater... from the horror tradition of teenagers-looking-to-get-lucky-in-peril, comes the real sequel to Jaws 3-D.​

    Seemingly about something of much importance yet refuses to have meaning. Intimate and compelling yet wrapped in mystery. The Master's trailers capture the feel of the movie. Isn't that what we want most from a preview?​

    Without telling you much of anything (giving anything away without the context of the entire movie might make it seem gimmicky), Rust and Bone's trailer gives you the feeling that the movie is something special, about something more than it can encompass; ambiguously powerful. It invites you to come and watch, only asking if you're ready to let the movie take you on an emotional journey.​

    One of the most anticipated films of the year. The letter forming and continuous siren sound gives us an audio and visual clue to the movie's relevance to Alien. Like the original Alien trailer, it only gives away little glimpses and sound bites into what horrors you should expect, leaving us wanting to see more. Then the guys in charge of marketing gave us our wish and released the Prometheus 3-minute extended trailer that gave away much too much.

    Bonus: Alien trailer

    Whereas Rust and Bone's trailer essentially gives you nothing to what the movie's about, Cloud Atlas' trailer can give away anything and still be a mystery. Watching the trailer is a cinematic experience within itself, trying to encompass the broad range of human emotions and experiences in a single 5-minute clip. Breathtaking. It's the best trailer of 2012.​

    It's just a coincidence that two of the trailers I list feature songs by M83. That or I'm biased. Or the songs single-handedly are what make the trailers.

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    The quick cuts hold much significance to those who have read the novels or seen original movies. The locations, characters, and events are so apparent, that one might realize what the movie is before the title letters show up. And it has quite the attitude with how it teases us. A trailer clearly made for fans.​

    Shame's trailer doesn't offer much of anything in terms of plot, it's clearly not a plot-driven movie. It boldly contains a lot of sex, yet it's never erotic. We feel the grief and pain of the characters instead.​

    It's all happy sails until you give birth to a devil child.​

    This movie was originally just a concept for a fake trailer at Grindhouse then adapted to a feature film. Oh, and what a great trailer the movie makes. An adamant hobo delivers an astounding monologue while we bare witness to the most horrific events imaginable that made him so. We can only watch with glee as the hobo, always dead-on serious, brings a certain intensity to this cereal, depressing, and depraved place.

    Bonus: Hobo with a Shotgun fake trailer

    It's certain that there's so much more to behold than just what we see in The Tree of Life's trailer. A trailer attempting to encompass a film attempting to encompass all of existence. It makes no use of titles to tell us what it's about or show off laurels of praise or awards, no use of dialogue or voice-overs, only relying on imagery and music alone to evoke from us our emotions.​

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    Most likely the only trailer out there that actually dares to show us its entire movie.​

    A lighthearted start with a couple that we see seems to be meeting for the fist time. Their meeting continues on as it's intercut with snippets of scenes of their future. We certainly don't envy them by the end.​

    A trailer earnestly unafraid to linger on what it thinks is beautiful. With its use of artful colors and slow-motion shots, it's something you'd wish would go on forever.​

    A half-shark, half-octopus creature terrorizes beach-goers.​

    "Creep" not only applies to the movie, but turns our online social experience over on us in a new light. Is our need to be heard or noticed really so primitive? Degrading ourselves for that small high when you share how rotten your day has been, or how much weight you lost. When we post about ourselves is really to let others know, or to stroke our ego? The Social Network trailer lets us realize that sharing is selfish.​

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    A beautifully edited and gorgeous-looking trailer. Considering the fantastic source footage and music, it's really hard to see how someone can go wrong with making a trailer for A Single Man.​

    Includes everything a great music video trailer ought to. Visibly recognizable and iconic characters, striking poses and doing epic things in slow-motion, great looking visuals, and epic one-liner narrations, all wrapped up and perfectly timed with an epic song.​

    What a sight it was to see this trailer for the first time. I saw it in a theater. To remember something from so long ago, something I haven't thought about in years, and maybe would have forgotten about all together, was an experience. To be able to recognize these ethereal, gigantic, terrifying-looking monsters, and crowned wolf-boy king after so long almost moved me to tears. I thought it was funny to see that I still found the monsters scary, and magical. And the boy was like seeing a childhood friend again that hadn't changed a bit. What a gift of nostalgia this trailer had brought me.

    If you're like me, you expect to have a film's trailers included with the special features on Blu-ray. Unfortunately for Where the Wild Things Are, they are absent. I could only assume this had something to do with getting the licencing for the music. But I did my searching and found links for the trailers to download in high-definition. Direct links: Where the Wild Things Are trailer 1 | Where the Wild Things Are trailer 2
  2. Pein Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 16, 2013
    The dark knight rises. has to be up their. The trailer is amazing in my opinion. And no offence to the creators of Clash Of The Titans. But I find the trailer much more entertaining then the film. Add that trailer up their as well.