So today while shopping, I went to open the back of the car to put in what we bought. My dad pressed the button to let the window down, but since I had the handle in my hand and was pulling to open, I let it go so as not to obstruct the window, and the latch snapped. Now he's yelling and telling my mom what a screw-up I am. I'm done with my dad... I just... I can't stand to live with him. He always tries to cram the thought that he's right and I'm wrong down my throat. I wish I could have a few moments of piece. Jesus christ... Is it just me? Am I REALLY the screw-up he sees me as? >.>
Hero, you are not a screw-up -- no matter what he says. If he's always yelling at you for no reason -- from reading your other posts about your dad, you've done nothing wrong, such as smack talk him or something -- then he's the screw-up for yelling at you without a legitimate reason.
Umm, where to start... I usually try avoiding giving advice on problems with parents since I don't think it's my business what happens between parents and their children, nor is it my expertise. But usually, if I get into heated arguments with my parents, we usually forget about it in a few hours, and then we'd be laughing about it days later. I don't really blame anyone for what happened to the latch. These things happen. You are definitely NOT a screw-up. Now that I think of it, the way your dad was acting reminds me of the way I would act if I think my sister screwed up with something. Admittedly, it is a bad habit I would like to get rid of. Now I can't really judge your father since I don't even know him as a person. But I wouldn't recommend giving up on him. He is your father after all. Now if he was physically assaulting you, that would be the moment I would recommend getting away as far away from him as possible.
I wouldn't say you're a screw up. It's understandable that he's yelling, since the latch snapped off, and a lot of people freak out extremely when something on their car breaks, but if he constantly says it, I'm not sure what to say. I mean, you can basically just let him say it while you ignore him, but you shouldn't just give up on your parents. Believe me when I say I've had problems with my parents, although not nearly enough as my sister, and while the yelling and lecturing may go on for a while, we still end up making way or another. Just don't go thinking you're a screw up, because you're only human, and people make mistakes. It might be expensive, but at least he can fix his far. If he were to lose a son, there's nothing that can fix that.
I cant quite tell how the atmosphere is but it just sounds like hes being a baby because he's upset if was clearly an accident. Also When you guys argue about who's right or wrong, who's right most the time? If it's you then it could just be the fact that he doesn't like it when you are right and gets a little jealous or hes just really stubborn.
I feel you. My dad sometimes goes off on rants about how we never do anything to help and just paints me and my brothers in a bad light like we're worthless and sadly it's affected my self-esteem. But he's had 6 back surgeries and a massive heart attack and add on to the fact he has to vent he can't bottle it. Is your father like that as well?