My grandparents have been dead for quite a few years now, so I don't feel that bad anymore, but sometimes I just think about them and I was wondering if it normal to still think about a death a few years afterwards?
Of course it s. If you don't think about a lost loved one at all after they have died it would mean they meant nothing to you or just just don't remember them.
Its totally normal. A human you had bonds to passes away, and of coarse your going to feel the pain and remember them. Its a sort of testimonial to the time you spent with them and shows you thought highly of them.
It's definitely normal! As the others said, even if you do come to terms with a loved ones death, it's natural to think of them every now and again. Even if they weren't too close to you later in life, you still have that familial bond and memories of them from when you were younger, so it's totally fine to think about them.
I think it'd be wierd if you didn't think about them from time to time. It's completely normal to remember those who've we've lost in our lifetimes. Especially remembering your grandparents. There should always be a special place in our hearts for those we lose, so we can remember them.
Well--I think it's pretty normal to worry about when you're going to pass off--just like your grandparents did. I think that a lot of people worry about when they'd pass off. [Pass off is a nicer way than saying die.]
Of course it's normal. My grandmother was the only grandparent I ever knew. It's been about a year since she passed away, and I still think of her a lot.
Absolutely. I lost my uncle quite unexpectedly four years ago, he was a major part of my family and one of the greatest people I have ever known. I still think of him quite often. The pain lessens with time, but the loss will always be with us. We learn to manage and return to regular life, but there is still an empty space. Once you've accepted death and moved on, you shouldn't forget the person and what made them great. Keep your grandparents' memories alive, even if there is some pain. Remember all the great times you had together--they deserve your appreciation, even in death.
its alright to worry but if you worry too much you will have a emotional crash down (true story it happen to me) plus your grandparents are inside you so you have nothing to worry about
It's fine to worry, that just means you loved them. I still feel guilty for not thinking about my great grandpa who died, even though I barely remember him >.<