I want to know everybody's GOTY choice so I'm going to put a list of games I thought were just the best of the year. It would also be awesome if you stated why you picked your game. My GOTY is Patapon by the way. With just a few littles tweaks like adding a pause button, making it a little easier with some bosses, and fixing the way you get items it would have been a perfect game. note: I didn't add any DS games since I can't remember any, so if you have one pick 'other'.
No More Heroes all the way (too bad I had to vote "Other"), but it really stood out from the crowd, with it's bizzare storyline, unique humor, and over the top action, it really is a punk game. It may not be the best in terms of replay or gameplay (although it is fairly simple, with a few wrestling moves thrown in, so it isn't hard to master, but not much else to do with it), but it's fun as it is.
anyway, trolling aside. Fallout 3 for me. It may be buggy, but god damn is it fun and addicting. Fallout 3 is the first game of 08 that I've actually sat down and started playing for hours without getting bored. The world is huge, the story is alright, VATS is awesome, it has great humor. I could go on.
I think every game that was released in 08 was utter garbage. If you put a gun to my head and told me to choose, I'd say gears 2, even if it is more of a downgrade than an upgrade.
Metal Gear Solid 4, definatley. I would have voted Fallout 3, but MGS4 just takes the cake with it's fantastic presentation. EDIT: Oh wow, 100th post. That took some time.
Well let's see: I can move around. I sneak around people. I have fun. I can go on massive killing sprees. HMMM that sounds like a game. But for realz, you R jut pissed cuz u dun have it D:
Fallout 3. I'm in love with that game. I man it's so addicting and it's just flat out amazing. Too bad I don't have it anymore D;
Fixed Every game this year sucked an ass load of balls in thier own special little way. I would say Fallout 3 buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut im gonna go with Saints Row 2 for the sake of it. Or LittleBigPlanet. Or Waifu (Valkyria) Chronicles