I was pulling into the parking lot of the flower shop to pick up some pictures (the owner was the producer of my last play), and someone was pulling out of a space. I guess he didn't see me, and he backed into the front right of my car. It's a decent sized dent, but no damage otherwise. Like I said, it just scared the crap out of me more than anything.
People around here are effing crazy in parking lots around this time. They need to slow down and take their time. Snow is no reason to stomp on the gas pedal. Definitely glad you're alright. Grab some tea to calm your nerves and unshaken yourself up.
I really think it was an honest accident. The driver was a pretty old dude, and he seemed really sorry.
This brings us to the discussion, "should really old people really be driving?" because really old people who drive annoy the shit out of me and I'm sure I'm not alone.
I think that people should get re-tested for licences at the age of like, 65, taking the exact same test 16 year olds take. If you pass, no problem. If you fail, come back in three months. There are just as many good elderly drivers as there are bad.
I agree about the re-testing, actually. A lot of people under 65, even, are pretty wonky. But more often than not, I've experienced old drivers who have terrible eyesight or have just plain lost it causing accidents. But for reeeeally old people I'd prefer "don't come back, license revoked, banned5ever"
Damn, glad to hear you're okay Fearless. Glad to hear your car didn't get horribly ****ed up too. Relax. You deserve it today c:
Well when I entered this thread, I was going to make a bad joke about how women are bad drivers (I say even though I don't know how to drive), but then you said that it wasn't your fault way to ruin it for me (I'm glad nothing happened)
<33 thanks guys I don't necessarily agree with that last bit. My grandfather (the really awesome one) is 92, and he's like one of the best drivers I know. Hasn't been in an accident in 30 years.
I nearly got t-boned the other night coming home from work. There's an intersection on the main road I take coming into our subdivision, which I personally hate, because no one drives well AT ALL in Texas. So I was at the stop sign, some other guy stops there as I'm going on the gas, and just as I'm about to go right in front of him, he ends up driving right toward me. I swear to God I almost had a heart attack. I couldn't see the person at all, because it was dark out, but I would have loved to know the reason that they pulled out right as I was in front of them. Now, I was in the truck, so they would have lost, but it's ridiculous either way