Got any RPGs you can recommend?

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Labrys, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
    What the title says. Im kinda bored with the ones I have. Got any RPGs/jRPG I should check out?
    It can be from either the xbox or Playstation.
  2. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Persona 4 for the Playstation 2 is a good one, as is its remake for the Playstation Vita.
  3. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Demon's Souls.
  4. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
  5. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Borderlands is an RPG?
  6. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
  7. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    Not really

    Demon's/Dark Souls
  8. Jⱥy King's Apprentice

    Jul 7, 2009
    Dragon Quest 8 or Dark Cloud/Dark Cloud 2
  9. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Get the Atelier games for the PSTriple. You know you want more moe in your life.
  10. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Tales of the Abyss for PS2/3DS.
  11. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    I would recommend Wild Arms 1 and 2, since the series is underrated.
  12. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    I'm assuming you're looking for jRPG's.
    Persona 3 Portable
    Persona 4
    Persona 4 Golden
    Rune Factory 3
    Lost Odyssey
    Eternal Sonata
    Hyperdimension Neptunia(the second one preferably)
    Ni no kuni(coming out soon)
    Valkyria Chronicles
    Disgaea series
    Dark Souls
    Atelier Totori: The Adventurer or Arland
    The Last Remnant(preferably the PC version but you can try the Xbox one to) Now if you wanna go CLASSIC then hold on and let me get you a list...
  13. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
    Have it. Stuck on the Nile River. It's hard as ****! Wait Dark Cloud has a sequel!? Holy ****!
    Yeah I want it real bad lol. I heard Golden had really great ratings to.
  14. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007

    .hack//G.U. .hack ARPG PS2

    3 part series, and second game series for .hack; pretty good, and builds upon the first series with improvements in gameplay.

    .hack//infection .hack ARPG PS2

    4 part series, and first game series for the .hack franchise; it was good in it's time, but it can get repetitive for folks seeing the same dungeons.

    Growlanser 2 Atlus SRPG PS2

    You play as Wein Cruz, a graduate of The Knights Academy fighting to defend his country at war still from Growlanser. Game begins with a Personality test which determines your stat growth as Wein receives his Ring Weapon and combat is a hybrid of SRPG and RTS. Ring Weapons are different per person and can be slotted with gems to increase their power. Branching story paths, party member relationships and such give the game good replay value. Every party member you recruit takes a role in combat which leads to some very large scale battles.

    Growlanser 3 Atlus SRPG PS2

    This time you play as Slayn Wilder, a man with amnesia (ohboy). It isn't directly related to II like I was but once again you take part in a large scale war but act more as mercenaries. There is some branching to the story but it largely remains the same, offering less replay value but is generally longer than II. Unfortunately you are limited to 4 units in combat at a time now instead of having up to 8 so battles are smaller scale but sometimes even more tactical. If you have clear data from II you can import any character you've cleared on that data to join you in III. They have no story roles but make for interesting party setups.

    Dokapon Kingdom Atlus Board Game/RPG NDS

    Think about monopoly, rock-paper-scissors and console-style RPGs, and you get Dokapon Kingdom. Not that good single-player because the computer cheats, but multiplayer with 1-3 bros is simply amazing and fun as hell.

    Radiant Historia Atlus RPG NDS

    [Chrono Trigger with more belts but no Vegeta samefaces]; It's a TB-RPG with a grid battle system where you CAN stack your enemies in one grid depending on your special attack. There is a combo system which increases the damage of the subsequent attacks. The story is a bit cliche but the good part is that the story branches so that you are either "a spy" or "a soldier"; however, you cannot progress in one branch without progressing in the other branch, hence you must always keep an eye for parallel events that may happen.

    Breath of Fire Breath of Fire RPG SNES

    Holy **** balls, you can turn into a dragon. Capcom's first attempt at an RPG and it shows, feels like an NES RPG with SNES graphics.

    Breath of Fire 2 Breath of Fire RPG SNES

    You can still turn into a dragon, Improves on the systems that were present in the first and adds things like town building. Same kind of plot as the first. Bad translation apparently.

    Breath of Fire 3 Breath of Fire RPG PS1

    You can turn into a bunch of new dragons. Large game with a time skip in the middle. Has an interesting master/apprentice system for learning skills and bonus stat gains.

    Breath of Fire 4 Breath of Fire RPG PS1

    Great ps1 rpg, you play as both protagonist Ryu and an emperor who is trying to find out who he is. Long game, finding the dragon gems can be quite a *****, but it's worth finding them all. Fishing sidequest can be addicting

    Breath of Fire 5 (Dragon Quarter) Breath of Fire RPG PS2

    You can still turn into a dragon but now you're penalized for doing so. Very different feel from the rest of the series. It's set up like a reverse dungeon crawl.

    Sweet Home Capcom Horror Survival/RPG NES

    Destiny of an Emperor Capcom SRPG NES

    Drakengard cavia ARPG PS2

    An action RPG where you get to run around killing hundreds of people in huge battles and then jump onto your dragon and incinerate entire armies. Has one of the most dark and depressing stories you will ever find in any video game ever. All of the main characters have serious psychological issues and could probably be considered outright evil. The story has branching routes based on your ability to complete certain goals in the levels. There are multiple endings, but no good endings. Only bad endings, worse endings, and HOLY **** WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON OH GOD MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    Nier cavia ARPG PS3/Xbox 360

    Very emotional aRPG. Make sure you play through multiple times to get all the endings.

    Dragon Quest 01 Dragon Quest RPG NES

    One of the first JRPGs ever made, and the one that made JRPGs a huge part of Japanese culture. Very short and simplistic by modern standards, it can be beaten in about 15 hours, quicker if you use a guide. Worth playing if you want to see the game that inspired every other JRPG in existence.

    Dragon Quest 02 Dragon Quest RPG NES

    A direct sequel to DQ1, set 100 years later and following the descendants of 1's hero. It pretty much offers more of the same, but in larger quantities. Should only be played if you're ready for around 20 hours of grinding in a game that's about 30 hours long. It was good for it's time, but out of all the DQ games, this is probably the one time has been least kind to.

    Dragon Quest 03 Dragon Quest RPG NES

    The legendary hero Erdrick (or Ruto in Japan) was talked up a lot in DQ1 and 2, and this is the game where you finally get to experience his (or her) adventure. While not as story driven as the later games in the series, this is the game where the DQ series perfected it's classic game-play. Form a party with a variety of job classes and travel the world to defeat the Archfiend.

    Dragon Quest 04 Dragon Quest RPG NES

    The first game of the Zenithian/Heaven Trilogy which continues in DQ5 and DQ6, and a good starting point for people interested in the series. DQ4 is also the first game in the series to really put effort into creating a story and characters with personality. You still have a silent protagonist hero, but you won't meet him/her until chapter 5 of the game. During the first 4 chapters you play as the characters who will become the hero's party. You get to see them develop and learn their motivations for joining the hero. Then in chapter 5 you play as the hero and gather your allies to save the world. At the time it was released, the game was hailed for being a huge innovation in both JRPG and video game storytelling.

    Dragon Quest 05 Dragon Quest RPG NDS

    Possibly the most popular game in the series, it has a unique story in which you follow the main character through his entire life. You see him born in the opening movie, experience his childhood traveling with his father, help him grow to adulthood, find a wife, and start a family on his own, all while adventuring to save the world from an ancient evil. Also introduced a monster recruitment system to the series that gives you a huge amount of variety in forming your party.

    Dragon Quest 06 Dragon Quest RPG NDS

    A very good entry in the series, with a flexible (as compared to DQIII) class system. The SNES version has monster recruitment, DS does not. A grand total of four maps to explore, with a fairly decent story and some likeable characters. Some bosses have a feeling of plot irrelevance at points. Not as memorable as V, but a great play nonetheless.

    Dragon Quest 07 Dragon Quest RPG PS1

    The longest RPG in existence. Takes between 100 and 120 hours for the main story alone. The world has been sealed and you unseal it while solving everyone's problems. Job system for character customization but takes a while to actually get to it.

    Dragon Quest 08 Dragon Quest RPG PS2

    Another popular installment in the series, it combines the classic game-play and storytelling of the series with the PS2's 3D graphics capabilities. Explore a vast, beautifully rendered over-world while you and your companions chase an evil wizard leaving death and destruction in his wake. The story isn't deep but it takes a few surprising twists and the characters are interesting and likable. Features an alchemy system that lets you combine items to make more powerful items, as well as the usual DQ features, casinos, a monster arena, and a secret, over-powered boss. Also Puff-Puff!

    Dragon Quest 09 Dragon Quest RPG NDS

    Not as good as 8; story is pretty short for a DQ and forgettable. Post game is pathetic; unless you're into grinding, starting from level 1, then repeat ad nauseum just to beat the grottoes (bonus dungeons).

    IX is very much a mirror of 3 and has many throwbacks to previous titles. It is far less story focused and more adventure focused. It's highly suggested you play it after playing the majority of other titles so you can catch the many references and enjoy the post game legacy bosses properly. This is a separate opinion from the one above. Grottos are random but so long as you keep going through your highest level ones you can easily reach top tier within 5-10 grottos and easily within a half an hour if you simply duck out of fights. If you feel the need to grind levels use Metal slime and variants. They exist in every DQ for that single purpose.

    Dragon Quest Monsters Dragon Quest RPG GBC

    A take on the monster recruiting mechanic found in DQ5. Essentially comes off as Gen 2 Pokemon-meets-DQ. About 200 or so monsters to form your party from, and a tournament arc for the main story. Tons of shout-outs to events from the main series in the randomly generated dungeons. One of the best GBC games you can find. Why aren't you playing this now?

    Dragon Quest Monsters 2 Dragon Quest RPG GBC

    Similar to the first DQM, but more Pokemon-esque with the "one game for the price of two" business. More monsters across the board, and generally well-recieved. Slightly better color optimization.

    Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime Dragon Quest ARPG NDS

    Not an RPG in the slightest, but still worth a play. The normal gameplay is a simple Zelda-overworld type action game, but occasionally the game has action-strategy tank-battles. It's a short colorful little spin-off worth using for a break in a Dragon Quest marathon.

    Final Fantasy 01 Final Fantasy RPG NES

    The Final Fantasy that started it all. Somewhat dated by now. Has a GBA port that fixes some of its more glaring flaws.

    Final Fantasy 02 Final Fantasy RPG PS1

    The Final Fantasy that introduced stat grinding. While a decent idea on paper, it is poorly implemented such that Magic attacks are nearly painful to grind while all it takes to power up the rest of your stats is to hit yourself. The plot is just your typical "Emperor wants to rule the world" and while the main 3 characters have name, they're as blank as your first Final Fantasy as soon as they meet Minwu, the only MALE White Mage.

    Final Fantasy 03 Final Fantasy RPG NDS

    The Final Fantasy that introduce the Changeable Job System. Basically, your characters are the 4 heroes of Light and you must grind around dungeons TWICE.

    Final Fantasy 04 Final Fantasy RPG SNES

    Dark Knight Cecil's redemption story turns into an epic. No character customization, each person has a set role. Focus is the narrative and that narrative is very well done for when the game was released. For whatever reason the US SNES version is super easy mode, you'll probably want to either patch it or get a different version. Has a sequel in the form of Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.

    Final Fantasy 05 Final Fantasy RPG SNES

    Focus is on character customization. The job system is back from FFIII. Dialogue and characters feel very lighthearted and the game doesn't always take itself seriously.

    Final Fantasy 06 Final Fantasy RPG SNES

    The game has two distinct sections. In the first half the central story takes the main stage. In the 2nd half the character's personal stories become the focus and the world becomes open with tons of side content for the player to explore. The first in the FF series to feature a villain that is a deranged evil maniac instead of ancient evil/space flea.

    Final Fantasy 07 Final Fantasy RPG PS1

    The catalyst that popularized JRPGs in the 32-bit era. Or at the very least, popularized FMV cutscenes. Decent customization with the materia system, memorable characters on both sides, fun minigames, and bitchin' Chocobo breeding and racing. It has not aged well graphically, but is still enjoyable.

    Final Fantasy 08 Final Fantasy RPG PS1

    Features the junction system, where spells have charges that can be stockpiled to boost stats, that is interesting but easily abused. Known to be highly divisive, as the main aspect of the plot is based around romance. Also features one of the best mini games in games in general, as long as you keep the rules in check, which can be difficult to do as the game offers between little and no information on how rules spread.

    Final Fantasy 09 Final Fantasy RPG PS1

    A throwback to the old school games. It really caters to fans that had been following the series from the beginning. Embodies a "classic" FF game. Upped the number of active party members back to four, gave them traditional roles, and returned to a familiar setting. You might be able to get a feel for the series from just it, or maybe you can't appreciate it unless you played the old games first

    Final Fantasy 10 Final Fantasy RPG PS2

    Story is a basic journey to save the world with a few twists and a much better done love plot then FFVIII had. A streamlined FF game. Got rid of the overworld and is quite cinematic. Combat is turn based instead of ATB. First FF with voice acting, contains quite an infamous scene because of this.

    Final Fantasy 10-2 Final Fantasy RPG PS2

    Charlie's Angels the videogame. Has what's probably the best implementation of the ATB battle system. Job system is back and it's still a good way to do character customization. The story has moments that may make you facepalm, YMMV.

    Final Fantasy 11 Final Fantasy MMORPG PS2

    Let's just say the game works EXACTLY as how FF12 works, or rather the other way around. The game WILL make you care for the plot because you can't access everything Vanadiel will offer for you unless you finish the Missions. Each mission has sub-missions and quests. Missions progress the plot. Quest are... "subplot and sidequests"

    Final Fantasy 12 Final Fantasy RPG PS2

    Story is about politics, particularly about Ashe getting her country back, until near the end of the game when it's suddenly about gods. Play the international version unless you really want every character to be able to do everything by around 2/3s through the game. Combat and exploration happen on the same screen. Do yourself a favor and don't enable gambits for the character you decide to play as.

    Final Fantasy 13 Final Fantasy RPG PS3

    Good but not a great FF; very linear, but once you get to the post game as in most FF's, the sidequests are good with a multitude of missions/bosses to tackle.

    Final Fantasy 13-2 Final Fantasy RPG PS3

    Sequel to the mixed reviewed autobattle corridor simulator ©. You play as Serah and Noel who aren't too annoying, fighting to find Lightning and save the future from Caius, who's actually a decent antagonist. Improved every aspect of gameplay, except difficulty, while simultaneously making the plot more convoluted and silly.

    Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles Final Fantasy ARPG GC

    Simple but effective plot with the pacing left entirely up to the player. The combat is real-time and simple but with enough depth and speed that it doesn't get boring. The major downside is that the game is better multiplayer but actually locating all the real world paraphernalia you need to do that is a tall order.

    Final Fantasy Crisis Core Final Fantasy ARPG PSP

    The prequel to FFVII. A very fun PSP ARPG. Features squats, flower cart building, materia fusion, and the origins of the Buster Sword. You play as Zack, who is actually a pretty decent character. Retcons everywhere.

    Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Final Fantasy RPG SNES

    Baby's first jRPG, and I don't mean that as an insult to the game because that's actually what the developers intended it to be; an introduction to jRPGs for people who hadn't played one before (says so right on the back of the box). It's short and sweet with some interesting dungeon exploration mechanics. Heals are the best nukes.

    Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light Final Fantasy RPG NDS

    Fire Emblem 04 (Genealogy of the Holy War) Fire Emblem [1] SRPG SNES

    Full translation patch. Has quite a cult following.

    Fire Emblem 05 (Thracia 776) Fire Emblem [1] SRPG SNES

    Full translation patch, but it is notoriously unprofessional in tone and writing. Notoriously hard, play it for the challenge.

    Fire Emblem 06 (The Sword of Seals) Fire Emblem [1] SRPG GBA

    There's a full English translation patch available for the game. Set after FE7 with the main characters being the son of Eliwood and the daughter of Hector.

    Fire Emblem 07 (Blazing Sword) Fire Emblem [1] SRPG GBA

    First FE game to be released in English. One of the most popular ones, too. The game is a prequel to Fire Emblem 6. Has you following the war effort of three heroes and their band of badasses.

    Fire Emblem 09 (Path of Radiance) Fire Emblem [1] SRPG GC

    Arguably the second most popular FE in the west and the series' return to the big screen after a streak of handheld games. Game is now in 3D, but it's the same Fire Emblem you know and love.

    Fire Emblem 10 (Radiant Dawn) Fire Emblem [1] SRPG Wii

    Direct sequel to FE9 with most of its characters at least making cameos. You can carry your stats over from your FE9 save file. Does a bunch of changes to the core FE formula like more promotions, different magic and weapon types and factoring in height.

    Summon Night: Swordcraft Story Flight-Plan ARPG GBA

    Side view action battles like early Tales games. Large weapon variety and cool crafting system. Multiple partner characters add replayability. Pick female main character and Sugar as Partner for best results.

    Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 Flight-Plan ARPG GBA

    [See: Summon Knight: Swordcraft Story] This time pick male lead and brobot partner. But again, play through multiple times for different scenes.

    King's Field 3 From Software ARPG PS1

    King's Field 4 From Software ARPG PS2

    Lost Kingdoms From Software ARPG GC

    Lost Kingdoms 2 From Software ARPG GC

    Shadow Tower Abyss From Software ARPG PS2

    Dark Souls From Software ARPG PS3

    Sequel to Demon's Souls added stuff and more dying. If you liked the first game then you'll like this one.

    Demon's Souls From Software ARPG PS3

    GOTY 2009. You make a character and you ****ing die. You soul is now bound to the afterlife and the only way to take back your mortal body is by collecting demon souls. So now you're off on a journey of killing **** and dying. The game is fun as **** if you don't mind dying. However the game recieved a few bad reviews because pussies who kept dying like bitches and couldn't get past the 1st level. You're not a pussy who's afraid of dying are you?

    Shadow Tower From Software ARPG PS1

    Enchanted Arms From Software RPG PS3/Xbox 360

    One of the first rpgs on the 360, it's very linear, and can be quite easy. Literally, just grind; the story is boring and the character VO's suck.

    Grandia Game Arts RPG PS1

    Grandia 2 Game Arts RPG DC/PS2

    Grandia 3 Game Arts RPG PS2

    Lunar Game Arts RPG PS1/PSP

    Lunar 2 Game Arts RPG PS1

    One of the most lovable localizations of the era. A fun, relatively lighthearted romp with surprisingly tactical battles at times. Most of the cast are likeable, and the world feels vivid. Unfortunately, the voice acting is ridiculously hammy at times. Also, extremely linear. But, if you want an adventure with limited grimdark, and some cheesy laughs, give it a shot. PS - Just who IS that Mystere fellow?

    Golden Sun Golden Sun RPG GBA

    Imagine taking the job class system from any of the other RPGs that feature it, but expand it so that you can trade stats gains from advance jobs for burst effects in battle (like a non-******ed version of FFVIII’s junction system) Then combine that with some interesting dungeon puzzles that you actually use your character’s special abilities to solve (think Lufia II but a little toned down) then add a cast of characters that give the longest winded exposition you’ve ever read.

    Golden Sun: The Lost Age Golden Sun RPG GBA

    [See: Golden Sun] NOW WITH MORE LONG WINDED EXPOSITIONS! More sidequests, a bigger world and lots more. One of the best GBA RPGs.

    Atelier Annie GUST RPG NDS

    Atelier Rorona GUST RPG PS3

    Unless you are a Masochist or a person with severe OCD it is recommended you jump into Totori instead of playing this.

    Atelier Totori GUST RPG PS3

    A game about cute girls doing cute things... that said its actually rather f...fu...fu...FUN. The alchemy and battle system has been greatly improved over Rorona, and it actually looks nice this time around. This is a game that is best described as guilty pleasure, you don't want to be seen playing this.

    Mana Khemia GUST RPG PS2

    Mana Khemia 2 GUST RPG PS2

    Ar Tonelico GUST Visual Novel/RPG PS2

    An RPG set in a very interesting scifi/fantasy world with incredible music. Idiot hero goes on a travel to save the world, meets Reyvateils (more or less female wizards with song magic), and bonds with them. Story is kind of cliche, but a nice change from the usual "save the world from evil god" plot. Gameplay is simple but fun, and features a pretty good crafting system, but is pathetically easy. Probably best thought as a VN with (a lot of) gameplay.

    Ar Tonelico 2 GUST Visual Novel/RPG PS2

    Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel GUST Visual Novel/ARPG PS3

    Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Harvest Moon Life Simulation PS1

    Addictive farming and life simulation game. Grow crops, raise animals, make money, befriend NPCs, and find a waifu. Arguably the best game of the series alongside Harvest Moon 64.

    Rune Factory 3 Harvest Moon Life Simulation ARPG NDS

    Being a HM spin-off, Rune Factory still has that good old farming element, but it expands on the game formula with greater focus on waifus, fighting monsters and raising pets. RF3 is the best one and it's arguable whether you should bother with the first two entries at all because of all the advancements made in it.

    Hyperdimension Neptunia Idea Factory RPG PS3

    Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Idea Factory RPG PS3

    Record of Agarest War Idea Factory Dating Sim/SRPG PS3

    Hope you like waifus because this game revolves around picking a waifu and raising your descendants to save the world. Who you pick affects the looks of your kid, his weapon, his stats and abilities thus giving a **** ton of variety in your choices. The battle system plays a bit like Cross Edge only on a broader scale and picking your teams won't give you a ****ing headache. Besides grinding and upgrading your **** there isn't anything else to do in this game.

    Fortune Summoners Independent - Lizsoft ARPG PC

    Hard as balls 2D dungeon crawler action game. With lolis.

    Jade Cocoon Independent - genki Virtual Pet PS1

    Really slow at times, but a good Pokemon-inspired game with interesting lore and more control over the monster evolution system. Also has a great soundtrack. That boss theme means business.

    My World, My Way Independent - Global A RPG NDS

    Glory of Heracles Independent - Glory of Heracles series RPG NDS

    Arc Rise Fantasia Independent - Imageepoch RPG Wii

    Tough bosses and turn based battles that actually make you think. Terrible voice acting. A few characters that will make you angry because of their stupid decisions like Adele and Alf.

    Steambot Chronicles Independent - irem ARPG PS2

    WRPG - The JRPG.

    Crusader of Centy Independent - nextech ARPG Genesis

    Infinite Space Independent - Nude Maker RPG NDS

    If you like space operas you'll love this. If you don't you'll love it anyway.
    Game is heavy on text and story -which is amazing by the way- yet you'll always be doing something to progress, gameplay is pretty deep but it ends up being broken at some point if you figure it out.
    Shitloads of characters and character relationships/development, so if you're into that, you'll love this even more.

    Mystic Ark Independent - Produce RPG SNES

    Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean Independent - Sunsoft RPG SS

    Radia Senki Independent - Tecmo Koei ARPG NES

    Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll Independent - Zill O'll Series ARPG PS3

    Somewhat overlooked game that will still take you a while to finish because of sheer amount of sidequests you can get. Features trinity of playable characters, each with his/her's play style. Worth checking out if you've exhausted more popular titles.

    Azure Dreams Konami RPG GBC

    A monster training, roguelike tower climb. Also has town building and dating sim elements. Has a GBC port with stripped out dating and town elements, but a 100-floor "basement" to the tower. Monsters can level up, and should be managed for your future advancement. A fairly underrated game.

    Vandal Hearts Konami SRPG PS1

    Blood fountains.

    Rogue Galaxy Level-5 RPG PS2

    The game has you visiting different planets to oppose a big bad corporation in a basic Star Wars plot with the chosen one with ancient magic powers as your main character. Combat AI is horrid, frequent random encounters, abysmal level design with copy paste rooms everywhere, tired anime cliches wherever you go. Game looks fantastic though; it's packed full of optional content like weapon fusion, rare monster hunting, building and running your factory or even some pokemon-esque bug catching and battling minigame; there are rare times when the action combat system is actually fun and OST is worth listening to without even playing the game.

    White Knight Chronicles Level-5 RPG PS3

    Actually not a game about Nintendrones, Biodrones and Valve****. Extra points for a customizable mute MC.

    White Knight Chronicles 2 Level-5 RPG PS3

    Remember that long journey you took across the entire globe to save the princess? We'll you'll save her alright and afterwards get to explore a little farther in a new area. Then the game will ask you to take that same long journey in REVERSE. Genius right? Totally not lazy ass game design.

    Dark Cloud Level-5 City Building/ARPG PS2

    Reminds some of playing zelda, mixed with dungeon crawling and townbuilding. Awesome weapon upgrade system, and really fun bosses. Though the dungeon-crawling can get a bit repetitive at times due to grinding/replaying floors. Pretty long game.

    Dark Cloud 2 Level-5 City Building/ARPG PS2

    The main game is separated into two basic sections: dungeon crawling in random generated thematic levels and building towns in a simplistic sim-esque minigame. The combat system is really simple, very much like 3D Zelda games. You get two playable characters, each with two weapon types and a 'special weapon' (Max gets a mech-like robot, and Monica gets to transform into monsters through the collection of badges.) You don't level up in a traditional sense but your weapons do gain XP individually and can evolve into new ones. Makes leveling everything individually somewhat of a PITA. Game is packed with content; from challenges or fishing, to golf, inventing items by getting ideas from photos of just about anything or customizing your goddamn robot, you can find a shitload of things to do.

    Lufia Lufia RPG SNES

    Lufia 2 Lufia RPG SNES

    Prequel to the first Lufia game, A group of heroes go on a journey across the world to protect people from a group of malevolent demi-gods called the Sinistrals. Main character gets married and has a child near the middle of the game. Turn based battles. Biggest feature is the dungeon design, most notably the clever puzzles and the fact that you use upgrade type items you collect to solve them.

    Lufia: The Legend Returns Lufia RPG GBC

    Dungeons are procedurally generated. Party formation plays a huge role in combat.

    Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Mario RPG RPG NDS

    The currently final game in the trilogy, this is a fantastic game that reintroduces a lot of the more lighthearted elements of the first game. You get to play as a team with Bowser and the Bros in this entry, which introduces some interesting game mechanics and you get to explore inside Bowser. Very funny and well worth playing.

    Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Mario RPG RPG GBA

    You play as both Mario and Luigi in arguably one of the funniest JRPGs around. You also get to see Luigi in a dress, if you're into that sorta thing.

    Paper Mario Mario RPG RPG N64

    You're Mario, save the ****ing world with pretty fun combat (QTE are properly implemented; similar to Mario RPG) and cool characters (Fem-Bob-omb "Bobette" is pretty cool). PROTIP: USE. A. ****ING. TIMER. I'm NOT kidding. I'm NOT trolling. I'm NOT pretending to be a ******. SERIOUSLY: Get your kitchen timer or your cellphone timer or WHATEVER. Just ****ing save yourself the extra minutes you'll waste for finishing a cake WAAAY too early or WAAAAY too late.

    Paper Mario TTYD Mario RPG RPG GC

    You're mario, save the ****ing world AGAIN with the same but more fun combat and different set of cool characters (gangsta baby yoshi is pretty cool).

    Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Mario RPG RPG SNES

    Probably the best "Babby's first RPG". This SNES RPG was created by the partnership of Nintendo and Squaresoft. Follow Mario as a simple adventure to save the princess turns into something more. The battle system is turn based with button timing mechanics. Outside of battle, there is entertaining platforming and mini-games.

    Nostalgia Matrix Software RPG NDS

    Alundra Matrix Software ARPG PS1

    Legend of Zelda but for the Playstation (One might even say that it rivals the best Zelda) and with a very dark story. Has mind bending puzzles and numerous fun bosses. Good mini stories and character interaction, and you will probably feel for the townspeople. The OST is amazing as well.

    The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road Media.Vision RPG NDS

    Wild Arms Media.Vision RPG PS1

    Old school PS1 RPG. Alter code F is a remix of wild arms 1 with updated graphics. Standard save the world fantasy story with modest western and sci-fi elements.

    Wild Arms 2 Media.Vision RPG PS1

    2nd game of the series; has a long story with a good amount of sidequests. Little less western, little more sci-fi. Setting allegedly inspired by Trigun anime/manga. Plot vaguely comparable to Watchmen. Be warned that the translation is very badly done, and you'll sometimes find yourself having no idea what dialogue is supposed to mean.

    Wild Arms 3 Media.Vision RPG PS2

    3rd game of the seires; same as above, except there's a new game plus. Wild West aesthetic makes huge comeback.

    Wild Arms 4 Media.Vision RPG PS2

    Ditches the traditional battle system of the previous 3 and introduces the hex; you either love it or hate it. Practically all sci-fi. Drastic change in art style.

    Wild Arms 5 Media.Vision RPG PS2

    Polishes up 4's HEX battle system. Brings the Cowboy Western style back, but with less genre savvy than 3. Takes very noticeably more comedic tone than previous games.

    Mega Man Battle Network 2 Megaman BN ARPG GBA

    This Megaman game mixes Action-RPG with children's card games. It improves from its prequel with it's "Style Change" where the Styles improve on how you play the game and what kind of cards you have on your deck

    Mega Man Battle Network 3 Megaman BN ARPG GBA

    Improves MMBN2 with Tetris-like stat enhancer. Make sure to do it "wrong on purpose" to get the best style- Wood Bug.

    Mega Man Star Force 3 Megaman BN ARPG NDS

    Basically Take MMBN 3 and 6, Force them to have sex at gunpoint and this is what you get. Minus the 6-squares. Still a fantastic play-through and on par with 3 in terms of gameplay.

    Shin Megami Tensei Megami Tensei RPG SNES

    A boy, his dog, and two best friends he just met set out to save Tokyo and make the demons their *****. Prepare to channel your inner Tomino as you kill everything that opposes you. Translation patch breaks the game at certain points, use a walkthrough. Do not expect to play the Law path properly. Endings are kinda thin, and encounter rate is abysmal, but the gameplay is definitely there. Not for players who don't buff/debuff.

    Shin Megami Tensei 2 Megami Tensei RPG SNES

    Improves on most aspects of the first game. Mini-mapping now has it's own button. The translation makes demon negotiation dialogue seem autismal and analpained. Generally seen as one of the best stories in the series.

    SMT Devil Summoner Megami Tensei RPG SS

    SMT Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Megami Tensei RPG PS1/SS

    SMT Devil Summoner: Raidou 01 Megami Tensei ARPG PS2

    Black sheep entry in the SMT series. It's worth playing if you want a change of pace with real-time combat system, KATANAH SLASHAN and REVOLVER SHOOTAN as your main attacks, and having a stoic badass for MC.

    SMT Devil Summoner: Raidou 02 Megami Tensei ARPG PS2

    Improves upon the original, but it's argued that story suffered somewhat. Combat improvements are the most noticeable and it's definitely worth playing. There will never be Raidou 3...

    SMT Devil Survivor Megami Tensei SRPG NDS

    You and your friends are trapped in a government lockdown meant to contain demons, and you must now fight your way to power while doing all you can to postpone your inevitable deaths. The first MegaTen SRPG to be released internationally, a spiritual succesor to Majin Tensei. Has an enhanced 3DS port with a compendium (a major complaint about the original). Story is essentially a re-interpretation of SMT1's plot elements. Seen as the best demon fusion system in the franchise.

    SMT Digital Devil Saga Megami Tensei RPG PS2

    When a mysterious light turns you and your fellow soldiers into cannibalistic demons, it's up to you to slaughter and consume all who stand in your way so you can go to heaven as promised, all the while dealing with the truths you discover of the world around you. Imagine FFX's approach to SMT's setting. Voice acting is actually extremely good. No demon negotiation, but the emphasis on characterization and plot is a good introduction to the franchise. A "one game for the price of two" scenario, though. ****ing fantastic music too.

    SMT Digital Devil Saga 2 Megami Tensei RPG PS2

    Picks up from where the first game left off.

    SMT Nocturne Megami Tensei RPG PS2

    The Apocalypse happens and now Tokyo is a barren wasteland where only demons and fiends roam, where you as the baddest dude of all have to decide what sort of world you want to remake from the ashes, or if you even want to do that at all. Bitchin' music, great gameplay, fantastic dungeon designs, bosses and random encounters that will rape your ass.

    SMT Persona Megami Tensei RPG PSP

    Are you a masochist? Do you love games with a terrible translation and voice acting? Then this game is for you! Here, you play as a high school student who, along with his friends, gets thrown into a middle of a mind-blowing mess involving demons, demons, dancing crazy, and more demons. This game has the old first-person style movement in dungeons like the older SMT games have along with demon negotiation. The PS1 version has cut content (Snow Queen Quest), weird character changes, and the aforementioned translation/voice acting. The PSP rerelease has a new soundtrack, translation, and voice acting along with all with the cut content. You don't need to play this before any of the other games, but it does have some tie-ins with P2.

    SMT Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Megami Tensei RPG PS1

    The second of the Persona 2 duology. Picks up where the first game left off with a new player character, who must now deal with the consequences of their actions in the first game.

    SMT Persona 2: Innocent Sin Megami Tensei RPG PS1

    The first part of the Persona 2 duology. A curse affects the city that turns rumours into reality, so if you start hearing stories of Hitler resurrecting an ancient alien civilization to take over the world you'd better get ready to fight some Nazis. Extremely memorable characters that later Personas have arguably tried to recapture and failed, and a fantastically surreal, yet emotional story.

    SMT Persona 3 Megami Tensei Dating Sim/RPG PS2/PSP

    Atlus' attempt to revive an old IP and cater it to the general audience. An amazingly well executed game in terms of storyline and characters. You live each day as the Protagonist, and you can do a wide array of things, from grinding in a dungeon, to drinking Pheromone Coffee to boost your appeal and confidence, leveling your social links, or just study at home or at the library. Dungeon crawler, dating sim and an RPG in one. FES is an updated P3 only gameplay-wise, but also has a chapter called The Answer which is another 10h of story and new characters. If you can, get FES, much much better. P3P is a playstation portable port of P3, where the changes are that you can play as a female protagonist too, opening up some new stuff, the cutscenes were taken out because they couldn't fit, there's no running around except for dungeons, but overall, the superior Persona on the go.

    SMT Persona 4 Megami Tensei Dating Sim/RPG PS2

    You take the role of the Protagonist (more like BROtagonist as everyone calls him) who gets a transfer to YasoInaba High in the middle of nowhere, and he needs to get used to the village life with a whacky scooby-doo story line and loveable characters. OST is magnificent, story is so-so, but entertaining at times and sometimes has a deep tone, mini-games and events that happen during the game are pretty cool if you like the whole setting. Less deep and dark than Persona 3, but equally as fun.

    SMT Strange Journey Megami Tensei RPG NDS

    When a massive anomaly filled with demons threatens to swallow up the Earth, it's up to you, your fellow space marines armed with the best of human technology and ultimately your own legion of demons to get in there and kick ass. A modern take on first-person dungeon crawlers, with the standard SMT 'master and exploit to the fullest or die' approach to game mechanics, along with a story filled with well-researched ancient mythological themes, as with most SMTs.

    The Last Story Mistwalker ARPG Wii

    Lost Odyssey Mistwalker RPG Xbox 360

    Sakaguchi left Square but still wanted to make FF games. This is what he made. It feels like an SNES RRG magically got a high definition graphics upgrade. If you really like SNES RPGs then this could very well be your favorite jRPG of the generation. The most stand out thing about it is the story, more specifically the Thousand Years of Dreams that an outside writer helped with.

    Blue Dragon Mistwalker RPG Xbox 360

    Baten Kaitos Monolith RPG GC

    Traditional RPG that uses cards for attacks, spells and everything else. Great graphics for a Gamecube game; musical score is top notch.

    Baten Kaitos Origins Monolith RPG GC

    Prequel to the original Baten Kaitos, with an overhauled battle system. Music is still awesome.

    Xenoblade Monolith ARPG Wii

    Content overload, there are over 470 optional quests to complete. with miss-able quests being marked and the player is warned of the two points of no return for quests. The areas you can explore are massive. There are over 150 optional unique monsters to challenge yourself against. Plays a bit like a more refined version of FF XII. Combat is real time, happens on the same screen as exploration, positioning matters, as does managing aggro. The story starts off with all the twists being highly telegraphed, but by the time you get to the end of the game things get increasingly crazy and you will not see any of the plot points before they hit. The game would probably benefit from an in game bestiary and better quest/NPC tracking.

    Xenosaga Episode 1 Monolith RPG PS2

    Hope you like Christianity because this game is full of it. Combine that with a Sci-fi setting with androids, artificial humans, mechas and SPACE and you've got Xenosaga. The game is known for it's **** ton of cutscenes that makes Metal Gear Solid 4 look like a movie preview. The battle system is pretty damn complex which gets scrapped in later games.

    Xenosaga Episode 3 Monolith RPG PS2

    Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans Monolith RPG NDS

    Soma Bringer Monolith ARPG NDS

    It's a weeaboo Diablo with lots of customization and stuff. Pretty fun gameplay. 6 traditional DnD classes: Fighter, Dark Knight, Paladin, Rogue, Archer, Mage/Priest. Play local multiplayer for best experience. Supports up to 3 players.

    Mother Mother RPG NES

    Grindy, and an obvious prototype, but if you need a previously unplayed NES/FC game, give it a shot.

    Mother 3 Mother RPG GBA

    Revered very similarly to it's predecessor, Earthbound. Introduces a rhythmic press-based battle system to the returning rolling HP gauge. Still a modern-world DQ clone, but with the one of the most whacked out and ball-busting stories this side of Live A Live. It never moved out of Japan, but there's an English patch to fix that.

    Earthbound Mother RPG SNES

    Plays like a Dragon Quest in a modern setting, feels like nothing else. It’s a very surreal experience whether you’re battling a cult of painters, fighting the 3rd strongest mole, wandering around a warehouse in a hallucinatory haze trying to smash an evil statue, or going back in time in robot bodies to fight a pure evil alien. It’s quirky, it’s funny, it’s creepy, it’s charming.

    Digimon World Namco RPG PS1

    Best in the series, then followed by 2, and 3. This is what the preceding digimon games should have been. Can be a long game depending on you if you want to collect all the digimon. It's especially cool to be able find new areas in the game (just when you thought you found them all).

    Fragile Dreams - Farewell Ruins of the Moon Namco RPG Wii

    The most emotionally touching game I've ever played. It's not much of an RPG however. Leveling and combat feel very tacked on with the exception of the boss fights and the game doesn't have much player choice concerning the story. Luckily, the story is fantastic and the memories you can read by finding hidden items in each area are even better at being tearjerkers. If you play it at all, make sure you play it all the way to the end. Amazing portrayal of the concepts of loss, loneliness, and belonging.

    Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Nihon Falcom RPG PSP

    3-part series, known primarily for it's lively, personality filled characters and world ,including one of the most likeable female protagonists in video game history. Combat is turn-based, but with an emphasis on controlling the flow of battle with interrupts, positioning, and delay attacks. Story tries to remain unique and suffers from some odd pacing as a result from that, but is also filled to the absolute brim with interesting sidequests that will flare up your OCD. Go play the FC localization for PSP then comeback to JRPG general and join in our pity party about how the second chapter is way too long and that the translation won't be completed in our lifetime.

    Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki Nihon Falcom RPG PSP

    Sequel to the Sora trilogy. Better and bigger game and one of the best and most popular JRPGs in Japan during recent times. Has a sequel called Ao no Kiseki.

    Brandish Nihon Falcom ARPG SNES

    Roguelike made for the pc98, later ported to the SNES and also remade for the psp in 3D (easier but still fun). The gameplay revolves around the mechanic of hopping and swiveling (using L and R to turn your body, you attack what's in front of you, hop over enemies and holes). Story is somewhat barebones but can hold your attention; great boss battles and music (duh), tons of different areas to explore, gameplay involves some strategizing since traps are everywhere; expect to die if you're not playing defensively.

    Phantom Brave Nippon Ichi [2] SRPG PS2

    You play as a precocious little orphan girl who can speak to ghosts, on her journey to help the people who hate and fear her. Plays exactly like Disgaea, but without a grid based map. You have troop limitations: first, they must be bound to an item on the map, second, they have a limited amount of turns before they leave battle. Trees, rocks, fish, swords, another character... Anything can be a weapon!

    Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure Nippon Ichi [2] SRPG PS1/NDS

    An underrated game worth checking it out if you have somewhat passing interest in music as a gameplay element. Definitely memorable.

    Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman Nippon Ichi [2] Roguelike PSP

    A Nippon Ichi roguelike. More plot than most of its' kind. Feels like a mix of Disgaea and Nethack. Features a gazillion of refferences to toku and mecha so, if you're into that, you'll enjoy it way more.

    Cladun X2 Nippon Ichi [2] ARPG PSP

    Cladun: This is an RPG Nippon Ichi [2] ARPG PSP

    Disgaea Nippon Ichi [2] SRPG PS2

    SRPG that enjoys breaking the 4th wall - filled with innuendo and cheesy fanservice while maintaining a somewhat variable gameplay system where brute force solves every problem that isn't a geopanel. Despite the grindfest moniker, the main story does not involve any grinding to win. Interesting story with not-to-terrible voice acting; Play it for the characters, maybe stay for the stat maxing.

    Disgaea 2 Nippon Ichi [2] SRPG PS2

    Disgaea 3 Nippon Ichi [2] SRPG PS3

    Disgaea 4 Nippon Ichi [2] SRPG PS3

    Soul Nomad and the World Eaters Nippon Ichi [2] SRPG PS2

    NICHI's underrated game appreciated by fine gentlemen who like to occasionally indulge into their dark side and accidentally the world. Room system is flawed, but the game itself makes up for it overall. Expect zaniness.

    Phantasy Star 2 Phantasy Star RPG Genesis

    Phantasy Star 4 Phantasy Star RPG Genesis

    Phantasy Star Portable Phantasy Star ARPG PSP

    Phantasy Star Portable 2 Phantasy Star ARPG PSP

    Pokémon Black/White Pokemon [3] RPG NDS

    Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Pokemon [3] RPG NDS

    Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal/HG/SS Pokemon [3] RPG NDS

    The generation that set Pokémon apart. Added day and night cycles, genders/breeding, a fuller color palette, and held items. Same story that fans know and love... Catchan 'em all. Play the DS version if you can, don't worry about not recognising the fancy new pokemon because they don't appear until the main story is completed.

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Pokemon [3] Roguelike GBA/NDS

    Roguelike Pokemon. Unlike other Roguelike where the difficulty increases as you play, you may keep in mind that Pokemon still has Pokemon TYPES which makes the game easier or harder depending on which two "Starters" you picked and which extra Pokemon you brought. The Pokemon on your party is limited to 3

    Pokémon R/B/Y/Fire Red/Leaf Green Pokemon [3] RPG GBA

    Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Pokemon [3] RPG GBA

    The generation that includes "Pokemon Abilities" where Pokemon has passive Abilities that does different **** like Intimidate, This game is also responsible for turning Wobuffet from a silly joke to a rage-inducing punching bag.

    Illusion of Gaia Quintet ARPG SNES

    Setting is fantasy/alternate history. All the ancient wonders of the world have dark secrets that you'll uncover by beating things with a flute and transforming into a knight, and later into some crazy ethereal fire being. Most of the characters who follow the player around for the majority of them game end up in pretty ****** situations.

    Terranigma Quintet ARPG SNES

    A simplistic ARPG with very good graphics. You accidentally Pandora's Box and nearly destroyed humanity's last sanctuary, now you have to clean up your mess.

    Final Fantasy Legend 2 SaGa RPG GB

    One of the best RPGs for the Gameboy. Has a completely selectable party, and a varied series of worlds to explore. Has a DS remake, but should be enjoyed in its original context.

    The Last Remnant SaGa RPG PC

    A complex RPG where you give command general commands to up to 5 "unions", which then proceed to act on their own. The mechanics of the game are hard to understand, but rewarding when you do. (Might be in your best interest to read a guide on game mechanics before playing) Tons of subquests and recruitable characters. The plot is kind of stupid though, both hero and villain are bland as ****.

    Romancing SaGa SaGa RPG PS2

    Extremely open-ended RPG, 8 different characters with different stories but the same conclusion. Lots of sidequests, discoveries, travelling and unforgiving difficulty. Style is the same as any other SaGa: level ups at random depending on your choices in battle, can learn techs in the middle of battle, etc. Game was incomplete at release and it didn't age well, there isn't a translation available either. You're better off grabbing the PS2 remake with more characters, sidequests, items, techs. It's just better. The art style is pretty damn good and the score is just fantastic.

    Romancing SaGa 2 SaGa RPG SNES

    The seven heroes from the past are pissed as **** at humans and came back to wreck their ****. You pick a male or female character at the start, but you play with king Leon, so what the ****? Well, the thing is that the story goes through an entire dynasty through centuries of struggle against the heroes, other countries, monsters and the like until you reach your main character. Loads of sidequests and recruitable teammates, your typical and loved battle style, Kenji Ito being awesome in the score. It isn't translated yet but it's considered by many as one of the best SaGas. Also, it has the hardest final boss in the franchise, easily.

    Romancing SaGa 3 SaGa RPG SNES

    You can pick from eight different characters at the start of the game, each with a different intro and ending, and discover what's happening on the world by yourself. Extremely heavy on sidequests, bosses are hard as hell for the most part and even more if you go against them at the wrong time. This game features a typical SaGa battle system where you don't gather exp but instead increase your HP, TP, MP and skills at random depending on your actions in battle and the style of weapons you use. Features a team-combination system, too, but it's pretty hard to use. Gazillion of characters to recruit featuring a snowman and a lobster.

    SaGa Frontier SaGa RPG PS1

    Seven stories of varying difficulty with varying themes that happen in the same large and somewhat explorable world. Lots of optional things to do. No level ups, stat gains are based on what you do and new weapon skills are unlocked based on use. There's a separate hidden ranking that decides encounter difficulty based off the number of battles you've had. Enemy difficulty does not necessarily match up with character power level so watch out.

    SaGa Frontier 2 SaGa RPG PS1

    Features the two interwoven stories of Gustave XIII, exiled son of the king of Thermes because he didn't have a soul, and Wil Knights, a young "digger" (excavator/treasure hunter) who is trying to unravel the mystery behind the disappearance of his father. The entire history of the world is shaped through their actions and the story spans three generations of in game characters. Wil is a grey haired grandfather by the time the final battle roles around. Mechanically similar to SaGa Frontier but in addition has some special one on one battles and some sRPG type war engagements. OST amazing, graphics even more so. It's extremely linear and heavy on story, in contrast to every other SaGa from the SNES onwards.

    Unlimited SaGa SaGa RPG PS2

    Congrats on even tying to play this game. There's a youtube video on how to play; go look that up. Art style and score are simply beautiful. Game is very complex and most people will simply hate it. If you feel you're special and can withstand it, be my guest.

    Arc The Lad 2 SCEI SRPG PS1

    The Legend of Dragoon SCEI RPG PS1

    You know how there are games that are average in every possible way but have certain charm that makes people love them? LoD is exactly a game like that. Coming out when the world was still crazy with FFVII, LoD is another high budget, FMV-ridden console RPG epic. The combat uses special attacks called additions that play out like rhythm/QTE minigames. It's a love it or hate it affair. Story is bland, characters are cardboard cutouts. Art design is pretty neat though and your characters have color coded transformations a la Power Rangers but they turn into some dragon powered sparkly winged fairy things instead. The game calls them Dragoons.

    Legend of Legaia SCEI RPG PS1

    Known mostly for it's cool combo oriented turn based battle system and the fact that several of the bosses are pretty tough. It's sequel is okay if not good; tons of sidequests in that one.

    Arc The Lad SCEI SRPG PS1

    PoPoLoCrois Monogatari SCEI SRPG PSP

    Tsugunai: Atonement SCEI RPG PS2

    Okage: Shadow King SCEI RPG PS2

    One of the most overlooked JRPGs on the PS2 with a mediocre combat system, but with genuinely hilarious writing and entertaining characters. Also, choices in my JRPG? What sorcery is this?

    Panzer Dragoon Saga Sega RPG SS

    Dark Wizard Sega SRPG Mega-CD

    Defenders of Oasis Sega RPG Game Gear

    Dragon Force Sega RTS SS

    Skies of Arcadia Sega RPG GC

    Skies of Arcadia features, Vyse, a sky pirate out for adventure. Though the battle system is standard turn based, the characters you encounter and the world you explore create an amazing experience from start to finish.

    Final Fantasy Adventure Seiken Densetsu ARPG GB

    Legend of Mana Seiken Densetsu ARPG PS1

    Tons of content, there are in depth weapon and armor crafting systems, magical musical instrument production. Helper golem creation and skill management, fruit farming, monster capturing and raising. Story progression is sort of unorthodox, you start the game running whatever quests you happen to come across while unlocking new areas. Eventually you stumble upon one of the three "main" quests of which you may complete all of, or just one before continuing to the endgame. Plays more like a beat-em-up then previous of Mana titles.

    Secret of Mana Seiken Densetsu ARPG SNES

    Co-op aRPG with a unique menu system. Good weapon variety. Magic is a little over powered. Play with a friend or two if you can. Story is pretty simple: Evil empire wants to acquire an ancient weapon that blew everything the hell up in a legendary war. As wielder of the Mana sword it's your job to stop them.

    Seiken Densetsu 3 Seiken Densetsu ARPG SNES

    Improves on the mechanics of Secret of Mana. More characters and more ways to advance your characters means more replayability. Each character has their own story.

    Sword of Mana Seiken Densetsu ARPG GBA

    A modernized and retrofitted remake of FF Adventure. It fits more with the later Mana games in terms of art direction. Added a playable path for the female lead.

    Dawn of Mana Seiken Densetsu ARPG PS2

    Shadow Hearts Shadow Hearts RPG PS2

    Mythical take on 1913 Europe and Asia, the way the world would have been if folklore was more than just "legend". Uses pretty standard turn-based combat, but with a twist known as the "Judgement Ring" which keeps the player active with timed button presses when carrying out an action. Known for it's very dark atmosphere and Lovecraftian influence , almost bordering on the horror genre at times, as well as a very interesting and loveable main character.

    Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant Shadow Hearts RPG PS2

    Direct sequel to Shadow Hearts, taking place 1 year after the events of the "bad end" in the original, during the early days of World War I. Adds a positioning and combo system which allows you to attack enemies in different ways to counter attacks or string chains together with your party members. Although carrying similar themes as the first, is known for having a much "different" atmosphere than the original, often times focusing more on comedy than horror. Story is still very emotional at times dealing with the theme of how different people handle "loss".

    Shining Force Shining SRPG Genesis

    Shining Force 2 Shining SRPG Genesis

    Shining Force NEO Shining ARPG PS2

    Action rpg; you level up and collect weapon and armor (can be addicting to collect); tons of bonus dungeons with super powerful bosses to beat. There's a new game plus.

    Live A Live Square RPG SNES

    One of the most complex and deep stories in the RPG genre. You follow the stories of 7 heroes through different eras. Each story has its own pace, development and style of storytelling featuring a different popular mangaka each. Gameplay aged pretty well, it's turn-based square-moving srpg-ish. Also features an amazing score by Yoko Shimomura. Has a couple full translation patches. Features one of the biggest mind****s in gaming.

    Bahamut Lagoon Square SRPG SNES

    Square's first SRPG. Noted for a story that compares in many ways to FFX. Has pretty funny and interesting characters, yet you'll learn to hate others with passion. You'll know when you see them. Such is the way of the world... Gameplay is pretty fun but light armors and properly fed dragons break the game when you figure them out.

    Brave Fencer Musashi Square ARPG PS1

    A damn great action RPG by Square. Known for having plenty of humor, and a stellar soundtrack. Combat is similar in style to Zelda but you can copy enemy's abilities much like the Kirby games. Also includes a 24 hour clock system that changes the locations of NPCs and enemies based on the time of day, a sleep meter, ridiculous voice acting, action figure collecting, and so many food-based puns. The platforming gets frustrating at certain points but if you can get past that then this little gem is worth every minute you put into it.

    Vagrant Story Square RPG/Puzzle PS1

    Think of it as a Japanese take on roguelikes, this game is known for its deep combat and crafting system and being balls to the wall hard. The story, characters and setting are excellent. Do not expect this game to hold your hand, as it will not. Word of advice - keep specific weapons for specific situations so as to build affinity for certain enemy types. You'll thank us later.

    Chrono Cross Square RPG PS1

    You only level up when you beat bosses so there’s no grinding. You can run from pretty much any fight. The combo system for basic attacks is pretty engaging. The cast of possible recruit-able characters is honestly bloated. Only about half of them really have anything to do with the story. It explores the unforeseen consequences of messing with time travel in Trigger, but it takes a while for the tie ins to be revealed. Has a somewhat confusing story that gets explained mostly through large text dumps.

    Chrono Trigger Square RPG SNES/NDS[4]

    Rag tag team of teens travel through time to fight a giant space flea. Production values are top of the line for an SNES game, it’s visually and audibly a masterpiece. Battles are avoidable and there’s no separate screen for battles, the tech system which allows unique parties to access special combination moves really makes your team feel like they’re working together. There’s lots of optional content and lots of endings to get. The game is really easy though so don’t play it looking for a challenge.

    Xenogears Square RPG PS1/PSN

    Perhaps the best RPG ever made on the PS1 story-wise. Comparable to Chrono Cross in the terms of storytelling, and all party members serve a purpose unlike CC's party members. Combat is interesting, a bit different but still traditional, there are mechs, soundtrack is really good. Neon Genesis Evangelion fans will absolutely eat this up, and people who like traditional good 90s RPGs will as well. Cons: CD2 was rushed, more like a visual novel with ocassional boss fights. Financial issues, eh, what you gonna do about them?

    Front Mission Square SRPG SNES

    Mecha SRPG. Has a surprising degree of customization for an SNES game. As far as setting/plot, think VOTOMS: The Game instead of Super Robot Wars.

    Parasite Eve Square ARPG PS1

    An action RPG with survival horror elements and themes. Short, but engaging game starring one of the most awesome and balanced female leads in any Japanese game. Story is fairly well-told, but at times bizarre. Item customization is quite interesting. The battle system is a sort of prototype to the one in Vagrant Story.

    Secret of Evermore Seiken Densetsu ARPG SNES

    Sort of a Secret of Mana spinoff, it plays almost the exact same but has refined magic systems, visuals, and story telling. Speaking of that refined magic system, in order to cast spells you need regents, which are found basically everywhere. make sure you search everything, or get your dog companion to sniff things out for you. Great game, but probably would be even better if it was co-op like Secret of Mana.

    Threads of Fate Square ARPG PS1

    Treasure of the Rudras Square RPG SNES

    Every 4,000 years a being known as a Rudra wipes out the current race and a new one takes the previous race's place in the world, the story takes place at the last 16 days of the last year of the 4,000 year cycle. It's up to the player to find out the mystery as to why these events occur. A unique magic system in which you make your own magic spells by using various letters and words strung together. Amazing visuals, music, and story will keep you around until the end.

    Kingdom Hearts Square-Enix ARPG PS2

    Squaresoft and Disney meets inside a Japanese elevator deciding that they collaborate and make an Action RPG featuring a rip-off of Tidus, a Rip-off of Kain Highwind and two Disney Characters reimagined with Belts and Zippers as they travel around the universe meddling with more Disney Characters in their own world while looking for a damsel in distress. Still, it's a fun game if you aren't allergic to Disney, minigames and Final Fantasy.

    Kingdom Hearts 2 Square-Enix ARPG PS2

    DEEP plot, a ****ton of characters (half of which are clones of each other hurr), fangirl favorite. Make sure you're playing KH2:Final Mix (with English Patch lol). Good gameplay, good story progression. The game adds this "QTE-triangle" where the only way to win in boss fight is to make sure you pay attention to the Triangle sign where you spam the triangle button. It also adds more stuff like the Drive form which temporarily improves your stats at the cost of one or two party members. Finally, the magic system has been revamped.

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Square-Enix ARPG PSP

    KH2 2DEEP4U? Too bad. KH:BBS is the prequel, but now you get three protagonists to play the game through with: Anakin, Rucksacks and Boobs. Gameplay is a revamp from the "Chains of Memory" and "KH2 Drive" concept. While you are free to attack, your more powerful skills are now accessible in the "Command Deck" where you can stack up to 8 skills, all of which range from the simple Fire to the eye-catching Holy. The "Drive system" now depends on what kind of skills you used in your Command deck (i.e. You'll enter Thunder Surge if you keep using Thunder skills). While all 3 characters have an access to the Drive System, each of them have 2 exclusive Drives. Magic is replaced by the Shotlock System where you lock on the enemy/ies during the given time limit. Moar minigames, moar multiplayer, moar PLOT and even moar samefagging.

    The World Ends With You Square-Enix ARPG NDS

    Kid dies, gets pulled into a survive 7 days and get revived game. What follows is puzzles, item collection, pin collection, MOAR items collection, The Matrix-like plot (think architect, oracle, chosen one, agents), cool characters and some very neat bosses. Gameplay happens on two screens at once, but you get used to it. Ask someone to control the top screen for you, making it a 2 player coop if ur not a forever alone ***

    Front Mission 5 Square-Enix SRPG PS2

    After a fan translation FM5 probably stands up there with, or at least very close to it, FM3 as one of the peaks of the series. Definitely worth playing after the disappointing entry that was FM4.

    Song Summoner: The Unsung Heroes Square-Enix RPG iPod

    Knights in the Nightmare Sting Bullet Hell/RTS/SRPG NDS/PSP

    Dept. Heaven Episode 4. Gameplay defies any category or description, unlike anything you have ever seen. You are the Wisp, an amnesiac, stylus-driven soul who can only attack by 'materializing' knights, who are in a SRPG-like board, and has to dodge danmaku while doing so. It searchs the armored maiden who awakened it through the kingdom of Gleivnir, after a 'Tragedy' left the place crumbling. An amazing game with very complex gameplay and plot, which is quite dark. Also has a tremendous score, practically every scene has its own track. Lots of missables, use a guide.

    Riviera: The Promised Land Sting Visual Novel/RPG GBA/PSP

    Dept. Heaven Episode 1. A rather simple and cute RPG with a character-driven story and pretty good graphics for a handheld. There are problems in Heaven and the magi send the Grim Angels to destroy the evil Sprites in the land of Riviera. Young angel Ein will discover, however, that things are not exactly as he's been told. Resource management in battle is absolutely required, as all but one item have a limited number of uses. A guide is advised.

    Yggdra Union Sting SRPG GBA/PSP

    Dept. Heaven Episode 2. A complex, original and pretty hard SRPG with deep game mechanics ('union'-ing allies, abusing effects and having VERY limited items), nice graphics and a story which starts light but becomes increasingly darker. A revolution occurs and Blazing Emperor Gulcasa, commanding the evil Bronquia Empire stomps over the kingdom of Fantasinia, killing its king and leaving thousands dead. Righteous princess Yggdra is saved by thief Milanor, and together they set to uphold justice... evil? Right? Justice? Whose justice? PSP is a little easier, more balanced. Use a ****ing guide.

    Evolution Worlds Sting RPG GC

    Suikoden Suikoden RPG PS1

    Somewhat overshadowed by a greatly expanded upon sequel, Suikoden is still a damn good game and stand the test of time on its own. Be sure to keep your save file, provided you've recruited all characters which shouldn't be that hard, because it can be imported into Suikoden 2 for MAXIMUM CARNAGE AND DESTRUCTION that is Tir McDohl.

    Suikoden 2 Suikoden RPG/SRPG PS1

    Pretty much the best Suikoden in terms of storytelling, although if you're playing without the nostalgia, you will observe some glitches and bugs here and there. The story features 2 young soldiers which brigade was ambushed just to rouse a war between the Highland and the City-State of Jowston. 100+ playable characters, more sidequests, more fun minigames.

    Suikoden 3 Suikoden RPG/SRPG PS2

    The last Suikoden the "Suikoden team" worked with before they disbanded ;_;. Unlike the first two Suikoden which has "politics" plot with "magic" subplot, this focuses more on the "magic" plot of the Suiko world where it features THREE point of views: a kid from the Karaya tribe, an old Mercenary, and a young maiden knight. Although the battle system is A ****ING MOVIE, it features the most customization compared to the rest of Suikoden.

    Suikoden 5 Suikoden RPG/RTS PS2

    Considered by many a return to form after unfortunately disappointing entry that was S4, S5 is a throwback to the glory days of the series with S1 and S2. It could also be argued that it's too derivative and pandering to those two games to stand on its own, but it's still absolutely worth playing. Just be wary of combat loading times which make running the game off of HDD preferable.

    SRW OG 2 Super Robot Wars SRPG GBA

    Babby's first SRW. Features an original story with a mash-up of the different originals from most SRWs (instead of anime series). Has a pretty simple and straight-forward battle system. Lots of pilots, mechs, weapons, parts, secrets, words. It's pretty easy even in 'hard' mode.
    One of the few SRWs oficially in english. Has nice graphics for the GBA, also a memorable score. If you don't mind the worse graphics and would like to understand the story and characters, play OG first (it's easier and simpler, too).

    SRW OG Saga: Endless Frontier Super Robot Wars ARPG NDS

    TITS. It has a fun battle system akin to Namco x Capcom's, but who cares about that?

    SRW W Super Robot Wars SRPG NDS

    Final Fantasy Tactics Tactics [5] SRPG PS1

    A job-based SRPG made by the Tactics Ogre team. Features decent graphics, interesting gameplay which demands strategizing and is quite a challenge. The plot is great: Ivalice just lost a war and is bordering on civil war. Squires Ramza and Delita are sent to quell a rebellion, when they discover how bad things are in the country. PSP version suffers long loading times, has cutscenes.

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Tactics [5] SRPG NDS

    This game improves on the things in FFTA (the mages and the archers are no longer the most overpowered jobs, higher accuracy, etc) as well as introduce more job classes and more races that were featured in FF12. The plot is ****.

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Tactics [5] SRPG GBA

    Group of kids activate a magic book that takes them to an illusion world where a personal problem they each have is automatically solved. The main character (who is also the antagonist, depending on your view) wants to get back to the real world. Turn based isometric strategy game play, job system, and wagon loads of stuff to collect/missions to go on.

    Ogre Battle 64 Tactics [5] SRPG N64

    Tactics Ogre Tactics [5] SRPG PSP

    Tales of Eternia Tales Fighting/RPG PS1

    Plotwise, somewhat of a precursor to Symphonia; two split worlds, chosen one, racism, magitech, summons gathering. Fantastic in almost every regard (and I mean it) except for the English voice acting (not as bad as Valkyrie Profile). Incredibly detailed plot, lots of interesting party members complemented by a great battle system, great music, LOTS of secrets to find out; Also, you fly a pirate ship into space. If that doesn't sell it for you, you can go **** Off.

    Tales of Graces F Tales Fighting/RPG PS3

    An upgraded port of Tales of Graces, which was Japan exclusive. You play as Asbel, a kid who runs from home to become a knight. Features an epilogue six months after the ending of the main story.

    Tales of Hearts Tales Fighting/RPG NDS

    Tales of Innocence Tales Fighting/RPG NDS

    Has a full-translation english patch for the NDS. Not having a map feature for dungeons make it a pain to navigate through.

    Tales of Legendia Tales Fighting/RPG PS2

    Tales of Phantasia Tales Fighting/RPG GBA

    The first game made in the Tales series, Side scrolling real time combo based battles, Charming and likeable characters (maybe because of that at times campy and often entirely fabricated fan translation of the SNES version) Story that involves time travel and an intergalactic wizard looking to acquire an entire planet worth of mana. Don't get the GBA version.

    Tales of Rebirth Tales Fighting/RPG PS2

    Tales of Symphonia Tales Fighting/RPG GC

    Set in the same world as Tales of Phantasia, but many many of years separate time wise. If you'd played Phantasia first then you'll notice plenty of similarities. Fully 3D world and battles. The only Tales game to include a party relationship system that effects many of the late game scenes and some plot event outcomes.
  15. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    thread over
  16. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012

    Wow you completely read my mind lol.
    Yeah as far as the Persona games I'm gonna try to but them all. The only one I beat was persona 3 (Normal version)
    Stuck on a boss in Lost Odyssey, great game.
    Gotta check the others out. Thanks these are great recommendations, love your taste in RPGs.
  17. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch for PS3 comes out this month. That is looking pretty fantastic.
  18. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
  19. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
  20. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    The Golden is way better than the original. It has several new minigames and the fishing minigame from Persona 4 got a complete overhaul.