No sound, at ALL is coming out of ANYTHING when opened in Google Chrome. The sound works for everything else, but not Google chrome. help please?
First thing I'd do is go down to the volume button in your system tray (bottom right of the screen), click it, select Mixer, and make sure the volume is turned on for Chrome. I always change this and then forget I did. :x Otherwise, might be easiest to just reinstall Chrome.
I don't have that, it's for windows 7 only i think. And if I reinstall Chrome, does anything get deleted?
The sound mixer is on every Windows OS pretty sure, it's on my Widonws XP. It's likely somewhere in your Chrome settings, but I assume you checked there. What sounds specifically aren't working?
The mixer is not on my computer, and I said that no sound comes out of Google Chrome and only for Google Chrome(Music, videos, etc etc)
Hey there I don't know if this is going to help you but here: Read the top comment for more updated instructions because in newer versions some things have changed.
Okay. And I know chrome wasn't working, I was wondering whether it was just music, or just videos, you know. Try this: about:plugins in the search bar and disable Flash. It might be something with flash. If disabling it works I might have some other fixes.
All right then, man. Guessing it's a problem with google chrome and the plug-ins you have. Send an error report to google and use another browser until then, unless it fixes itself.