Video Goodbye Apathy

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by HazHearts, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. HazHearts Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2007
    In the land of sheep.. baaa.. -__-
    Well.. it's me again, I'm surprised your not all sick of my sappy AMVs yet. xD
    This AMV was a replacement. I nearly had a different video finished with a song from this band but a few computer problems like, project file problems, random files being deleted, etc.. stopped me from finishing. That was to the One republic song 'All fall down' and i got a comment on my channel on youtube of someone saying they'd like to see me do a song to that band so i DID.
    I personally don't like this video all that much because i usually spend no less then 2 weeks - 1 month on a video at minimum but this was me in about 3 days so i think i rushed it. ​

    Song: Goodbye Apathy
    Artist: One Republic
    Footage: Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, Re:com, 2:FM
    Software: Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro


    (In Proud Association with Leading Man Studios)

    - Please Give Opinions and such, C&C Is nice but don't totally kill the AMV.-
    -Also, Even though i didn't like this amv, i thought I'd try and make this post look decent-
  2. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    wow that was epic win 8D
    and yes i can see you rushed a bit there >_> something was wrong with the flow at times o:
    i loved the effect you used at 0:38 - 0:45 and the one with the eye at 2:41 8D
    overall a great vid you got there =D
    great job :3
  3. sakayoyo Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 6, 2008
    dangg. this was an excellent video.
    i loved the zoom in to soras eye at the end.